boot problem

Asked by Amir

I got a problem in my pc.I had vista and then i installed ubuntu.after that i used paragon partition manager to set boot.after that in one of booting time i uninstalled paragon boot manage.after that i couldnt boot niether of them!!and just appeared GRUB GRUB ......
So i reinstalled ubuntu in the same partition after that i can boot vista but if i remove ubuntu agian would appear GRUB GRUB ....
I used easyBCD to set boot but it seems doesnt work properly.when i was trying to boot vista with it cd i found out that vista boot files had changed.
Other problem is that recently i got other option in boot is Ubuntu 8.04, memtest86+ while before i installed it didnt appeared.Why?also in boot it appeares twice linux boot option.What i have to do to fix this problem.

# menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)
# grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),
# grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub
# and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.

## default num
# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and
# the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
# You can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default entry
# is the entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.
# WARNING: If you are using dmraid do not use 'savedefault' or your
# array will desync and will not let you boot your system.
default 0

## timeout sec
# Set a timeout, in SEC seconds, before automatically booting the default entry
# (normally the first entry defined).
timeout 10

## hiddenmenu
# Hides the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)

# Pretty colours
#color cyan/blue white/blue

## password ['--md5'] passwd
# If used in the first section of a menu file, disable all interactive editing
# control (menu entry editor and command-line) and entries protected by the
# command 'lock'
# e.g. password topsecret
# password --md5 $1$gLhU0/$aW78kHK1QfV3P2b2znUoe/
# password topsecret

# examples
# title Windows 95/98/NT/2000
# root (hd0,0)
# makeactive
# chainloader +1
# title Linux
# root (hd0,1)
# kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2 ro

# Put static boot stanzas before and/or after AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST

## lines between the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST markers will be modified
## by the debian update-grub script except for the default options below

## DO NOT UNCOMMENT THEM, Just edit them to your needs

## ## Start Default Options ##
## default kernel options
## default kernel options for automagic boot options
## If you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z
## where x.y.z is kernel version. Minor versions can be omitted.
## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
## kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro
## kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro
# kopt=root=UUID=7d7c54c9-137c-459c-a11c-a1f0cfc64a57 ro

## Setup crashdump menu entries
## e.g. crashdump=1
# crashdump=0

## default grub root device
## e.g. groot=(hd0,0)
# groot=(hd0,2)

## should update-grub create alternative automagic boot options
## e.g. alternative=true
## alternative=false
# alternative=true

## should update-grub lock alternative automagic boot options
## e.g. lockalternative=true
## lockalternative=false
# lockalternative=false

## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the
## alternatives
## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda5
# defoptions=quiet splash

## should update-grub lock old automagic boot options
## e.g. lockold=false
## lockold=true
# lockold=false

## Xen hypervisor options to use with the default Xen boot option
# xenhopt=

## Xen Linux kernel options to use with the default Xen boot option
# xenkopt=console=tty0

## altoption boot targets option
## multiple altoptions lines are allowed
## e.g. altoptions=(extra menu suffix) extra boot options
## altoptions=(recovery) single
# altoptions=(recovery mode) single

## controls how many kernels should be put into the menu.lst
## only counts the first occurence of a kernel, not the
## alternative kernel options
## e.g. howmany=all
## howmany=7
# howmany=all

## should update-grub create memtest86 boot option
## e.g. memtest86=true
## memtest86=false
# memtest86=true

## should update-grub adjust the value of the default booted system
## can be true or false
# updatedefaultentry=false

## should update-grub add savedefault to the default options
## can be true or false
# savedefault=false

## ## End Default Options ##

title Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-17-generic
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-17-generic root=UUID=7d7c54c9-137c-459c-a11c-a1f0cfc64a57 ro quiet splash
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-17-generic

title Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-17-generic (recovery mode)
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-17-generic root=UUID=7d7c54c9-137c-459c-a11c-a1f0cfc64a57 ro single
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-17-generic

title Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-16-generic
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=7d7c54c9-137c-459c-a11c-a1f0cfc64a57 ro quiet splash
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic

title Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-16-generic (recovery mode)
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=7d7c54c9-137c-459c-a11c-a1f0cfc64a57 ro single
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic

title Ubuntu 8.04, memtest86+
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/memtest86+.bin


# This is a divider, added to separate the menu items below from the Debian
# ones.
title Other operating systems:

# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
# on /dev/sda1
title Windows Vista/Longhorn (loader)
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
# on /dev/sda2
title Windows Vista/Longhorn (loader)
root (hd0,1)
chainloader +1

Question information

English Edit question
Ubuntu Edit question
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Revision history for this message
Connor Imes (ckimes) said :

It shows two linux boot options because they are different kernel versions - 2.6.24-16-generic and 2.6.24-17-generic. The newer options, -17, is displayed at the top because this is the newest version of the linux kernel which you downloaded when you updated Ubuntu. The system seems to think you have two versions of Vista installed - one on sda1 and another on sda2.

If you are trying to get rid of Ubuntu and stick with Vista, see here for Bootrec.exe - - this will erase GRUB from the MBR and have Vista take over, so you won't be able to access Ubuntu. You can use the Ubuntu LiveCD or the GParted LiveCD to erase Ubuntu beforehand and recover the space by deleting the linux partitions and expanding your Vista partition into the newly freed space.

The memtest option still appears to be there, and that is normal - this is used to test your RAM, but can take a really long time to run, so only use it if you are having problems with your RAM, or if somebody suggests that you do it to troubleshoot a problem.

Otherwise, if you system is working how you want it, there is no problem to fix.

Revision history for this message
ex-xp64 (ex-xp64) said :

To get Vista booting again try the 'manual' or 'automated' repair options here:

Then read back over the EasyBCD docs to make sure you configure it correctly to boot ubuntu. In order for it to work it is critical you write Grub to the bootsector of the ubuntu root partition--(hd0,2)/sda3.

I'll bet sda1 is actually a recovery partition of some sort, and vista is actually on sda2 (hd0,1), so make sure easybcd points to that

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