Problem since update..

Asked by Soarhead

I've had a problem with the update manager since Hardy installed the other day! Now once you click on install updates it just hangs and the updates never install. You can't even close the window without re-booting the machine. This seems like a catch 22 situation!

At the moment its saying "There are three updates to install, openssh-client, openssl-blacklist and ssh-askpass-gnome, having clicked on install updates, the little round "working" symbol is still there even after several minutes, hours, days....

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Revision history for this message
Matt Darcy (matt-darcy) said :

Does your system respond to keyboard input

eg: can you press the numlock key and your keyboard numlock light come on / go off ?

Revision history for this message
Zombie (initramfs) said :


Open a Terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal) and execute the following commands :

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

With Regards,

Revision history for this message
Soarhead (john-pegasus) said :

To Matt Darcy: Numlock and caps lock keys / lights both respond as normal. Scroll lock does not!

To Zombie: This does not seem to work anymore! (It used to) I get "Cannot resolve host john-desktop" no matter what directory I run this from. Same response with both commands.

Revision history for this message
Zombie (initramfs) said :


Output of :
cat /etc/hosts

With Regards,

Revision history for this message
Soarhead (john-pegasus) said :
#5 localhost john-desktop.The Wright Network

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

Revision history for this message
Zombie (initramfs) said :


Are you sure your second line in the file should have ".The Wright Network"
Try deleting that part and see if it works. Have to reboot after you modify it.

With Regards,

Revision history for this message
Matt Darcy (matt-darcy) said :

the wright network appears to be a samba domain.

There is a bug logged against a network config tool (can't remember which) about appending samba domain names to /etc/host hostnames.

as mentioned above, remove it and reboot, things will fall into place.

Revision history for this message
Soarhead (john-pegasus) said :

I recognise "The Wright Network" as this is the SSID for our local wireless network. Having said that, I've never got Ubuntu to work with that but it works with the other two PCs in the house that both run XP Pro. I could delete it since this PC running Ubuntu is hard wired to the router. There is no wireless card in this PC - its in one of the two XP Pro machines!

How does this relate to a samba domain?

Revision history for this message
Zombie (initramfs) said :


I don't think its related to samba, or maybe i'm wrong.
Take a look at:

With Regards,

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