Xubuntu 8.04 installation crash/ incomplete install

Asked by Paul

Hey everyone!

Well I finally managed to get the installation process starting (see https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/31527) but now Xubuntu has stopped altogether...

More specific: After downloading the necessary files (690 MB or something) the programs and updates were installed, according to plan. But at '9% remaining' the system returned to the login screen. Here I entered my login name and password, and the system seemed to continue.

But instead the screen was left completely black, with only my mouse pointer showing. I can actually still press ALT-F2 and get the Terminal running, but the whole desktop environment seems to be missing!

Restarting the system returns me to the black screen with my mouse pointer.

And unfortunately, I don't seem to have a working internet connection AND my IBM X40 does not have a CD-ROM, so I cannot reinstall Xubuntu.

I really don't hope all my files are deleted, I really need those next week...

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Revision history for this message
Paul (treepata) said :

Oh and before I forget; I'm a noob, so I don't know how to perform complicated tasks without a good explanation of what to do :-)

Thank you in advance for the help!

Revision history for this message
Paul (treepata) said :

More information:

I have been trying out several commands in the Terminal (well just typing in the names I know) and that somewhat restored my Xubuntu 'environment'

- Pressing 'XFCE4-session' (looked that up on the internet) in the Terminal returns me to the Xubuntu session environment, but with the following problems:

> It gives an internal error 'Failed to initialize HAL'
> It does not load 'Network manager' = no internet access
> Cannot run Synaptic Package Manager - gives error 'E: _cache->open() failed, please report.
> Does not load 'Update Manager' or 'Software Sources' because - connection is not allowed to own the service örg.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo"due to security policies in the configuration file"

I can exit and restart as normal, but upon restarting I have to get the Terminal and enter 'XFCE4-session' again.

I guess this is turning into a 'lot of problems issue'...

Revision history for this message
Paul (treepata) said :

Problems are solved! Should anyone have similar issues (now and in the future), here are the steps I followed:

First I googled on the internet for the HAL-issue and the 'E: _cache' error.
Finding some tips and advice, I did the following;

Opening a Terminal and typing;
sudo dpkg --configure -a (> beware that this are two lines before configure!)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Then the Synaptic Package Manager worked again. Opening up the manager, I reinstalled the 'HAL' package.

Now I shut down Xubuntu and upon reboot, everything worked again. And I finally have Xubuntu 8.04 working now.