how to play mp3 in Kubuntu Hardy libxine-ffmpeg not working in Amarok (kubuntu hardy)

Asked by K-neo

i m new in Linux . using Kubuntu 8.04 hardy heron (final edition) i386 [DVD] with KDE 3.5.9 with out internet. when i try to play mp3 AmaroK/ kaffeine says cant play coz no plug-in or driver found, then AmaroK giving option to install the plug-ins/ driver . then a error msg opend say cant install plug-ins . after few googleing . i tried to install kubuntu-restricted-extras from using the os DVD and Adept manager. but mp3 still not playing . so i manually trying to install libxine1-ffmpeg cant able to find/locate it on DVD or hard disk using Adept manager . so i download the libxine1-ffmpeg from , then copy it into pen drive and past in my KDE desktop . when i trying to install it (thru Adept manage or double click) its says " error dependency is not satisfiable:libavcodecld: "

after wasting one full day on just try to play mp3 files gets nothing except frustation. i m extremely dis-satisfied.

plz could i get any advice how to solve it .

  fm K-neo
PS: on 2nd thought i may be installed Gnome version of libxine1-ffmpeg thats why its not working in KDE . but i m unable to find Kubuntu hardy version of libxine1-ffmpeg

plz tell me other way , how to play MP3 in Kubuntu 8.04 hardy heron

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douglas_smith (hamsterzombie-deactivatedaccount) said :

douglas_smith suggests this article as an answer to your question:
FAQ #3: “Restricted Formats”.

Revision history for this message
K-neo (kneo11) said :

hi douglas_smith
 many many thnx for posting reply so extreme fast ( with in 3 minutes)

but ur Link FAQ # 3 does not work for me at al

Keywords: dvd restricted mp3 audio movie wmv wma flash quicktime

For multimedia issues, this page has useful inf
See also

But please use free formats if you can:

i cant use free format as al my music is in mp3 format which is the most popular format . i wonder why Kubuntu dont make it by default ?????!!!!!! .

Restricted format : as i already told it i already installed Kubuntu-restricted-extras but nothing happend (plz read my earlier post carefully)

common tasks: its says only about ubuntu 6.06 using Gnome's RhthymBox . and i m using Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5.9 . so this comontask tips is useless for me .

what ever very thnx for early repling . i but proble is not solved yet

- K-neo

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douglas_smith (hamsterzombie-deactivatedaccount) said :

Did you enable the universe, multiverse and medibuntu repos?
the gstreamer plugins (good bad and ugly) and win32 codecs, along with libdvdcss2 packages are really all you'll need, maybe some of the xine and libdvdread packages too.
And I agree, Rythmbox bites...
Can't go wrong with Amarok and Kaffeine.

You need to go to the medibuntu site for instruction.
There's also a nice walkthrough at even though it's Gnome-oriented, it should help you.

PS- I did read your post carefully the first time and had you used google at all your question would have been unnecessary.


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K-neo (kneo11) said :

yes i enable universe, multiverse but did not find any options for medibuntu repos.

is not GStreamer is a Gnome software ??? but i use KDE (kubuntu hardy) . is ther is no way to play MP3 in KDE using KDE's Software ( not the Gnome)

Plz i request u dont give me any Gnome advice . i m very spifically want KDE based answers as i dont use ubuntu or Gnome , i use only Kubuntu with KDE.

plz tell me more about medibuntu, win32 codec and libdvdcss2 packages how could i download ( i mean from where) and how do i install it . as i m new user of linux i m hav very little Knowledge about config about it

i dont hav internet on my linux PC so i cant get any help using Kubuntu Auto update . i will downloading any packages by manully using my Broadband windows pc then will copy it in kubuntu

plz tell me from which site i will able to download requerd packages

thnx in advance

- K-neo

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Nicolas DERIVE (kalon33) said :

Hello K-neo,

Yes, gstreamer is essentially gnome software. Do you tried to play mp3 after installing kubuntu-restricted-extras package ? It will install all the common restricted packages you need to enjoy widely used but restricted content like mp3, java, flash codec...

Hope that it helps you. Don't hesitate to ask further questions.


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K-neo (kneo11) said :

thnx Nicolas it was very kind of u . but plz just read only my 1st msg carefully i said it very clearly that i install kubuntu-restricted-extras package and Obviously !!! i tried to play mp3 after nstalling kubuntu-restricted-extras package unless why would i request for help in here .

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K-neo (kneo11) said :

1> i install kubuntu-restricted-extras package (but mp3 did not play yet)

2> i tried to install libxine-ffmpeg manually (using Adept - but its loading and mp3 did not play yet)

i did not enable medibuntu yet . can anybody tell me how to install medibuntu in Kubuntu hardy (kde 3.5.9) . i dont have internet in my Linux PC so Auto update will not work for me.

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Best douglas_smith (hamsterzombie-deactivatedaccount) said :

Before you do anything, you must get your internet working... How did you "install" any additional packages without a working connection in the first place?
I think you may have just enabled the universe and multiverse repos...

There are instructions for medibuntu repositiory access at their site...
To be even more clear, this is where you'll get the actual instruction...

To quote a response I gave earlier on the matter, "You need to go to the medibuntu site for instruction."
Perhaps I should have just given you the URL.
Seems you're quick to tell us to read your question more carefully, but you are not so careful in reading the answers...

Did you check out the walkthrough I gave you yet?

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douglas_smith (hamsterzombie-deactivatedaccount) said :

Bug filed on this, huh?
Just follow the directions here or use to properly use google.

Done dealing with this issue.

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K-neo (kneo11) said :

 How did i "install" any additional packages without a working connection in the first place?

well in my Windows Laptop has internet. i download packages from . then transfer it in pen drive . then again copy past in my Kubuntu PC. thats how i install package without internet,

medibuntu site is very helpful thnx for it . i was earlier check carefully site and i check very very carefully again (if i missed something earlier thats why ) but sorry i did not find any help tips about kubuntu hardy or KDE . thats was only one article about kde and its how to install KDE in Ubuntu 7.10 . so very sorry to says but is not helpfull for me at all . as i only trying to find only Kubuntu and KDE related help
. medibuntu link is good . let me see it could help me. thnx for for ur help but issue not yet done

u said "Before you do anything, you must get your internet working." How do i config my ADSL Broadband modem ( model type UT-300R2U) in kubuntu hardy with KDE 3.5.9) so i can dowload MP3 support files.

plz no ubuntu or Gnome related advice only give Kunbuntu and KDE related advice

thnx in advance

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K-neo (kneo11) said :

i says what i feel . if i m offended u douglas_smith then i m extremly sorry for that . plz forgive me

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K-neo (kneo11) said :

hi after enableing Internet it download codec and now Mp3 is playing

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K-neo (kneo11) said :

Thanks douglas_smith, that solved my question.

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K-neo (kneo11) said :

douglas_smith and Nicolas DERIVE thnx for ur Help . i m spacially gr8 full to douglas_smith for quick reply :)