Ubuntu 7.10 freezes on Asus G1 s

Asked by Dines683

I have bought a ASUS G1 S about a month ago.
i installed Ubuntu 7.10 on it.
my problem is that that the system freezes from time to time when i use open office of plays 3-d games, and when it freezes my only option is to press the on/off button.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve the problem?

Would it help to use another ubuntu distribution such as 6.10 or 7.04?

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Dines683 (dines683) said :

It might be added that windows vista works fine on it

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Dines683 (dines683) said :

I suspect the problem to be heat related

The reason for which i suspect the the freezing to be heat related is that when i play games in a cool room (app 18 degrees celcius) it doesn't freeze but when i play games in a room with a more modest temperature (24 degrees celcius) i freezes.

based on this i don't know if my assumption to the freezing problem i correct??

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Dines683 (dines683) said :

I have made another observation. When i play games the fan and CPU scales up, but when i stop playing the scale down. This does not support the idea of over heating

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Dines683 (dines683) said :

I have just monitored the system as i froze.

I used gkrellm to do the monitoring.

apparently the system is not overheating.

when it froze gkrellm where showing the following

CPU0 : 4 %
CPU : 100%

coretemt0: 75 degrees celcius
coretemp1: 80 degrees celcius
nvidia GPU core : 70 degrees celcius

After it froze i could see that the CPU keept going at a 100%

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Dines683 (dines683) said :

I updated my BIOS and installed Ubuntu 7.10(studio) and now it seems to work fine