xp enter key

Asked by o.k

I am a first time user of ubuntu because i am tiered of xp and all its virus and stuff so i downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 so when it is done i then open the file and then it says enter the registration key i was not given one, please Help I want Ubuntu to apear right away help pleae

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Jim Hutchinson
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Jim Hutchinson (jphutch) said :

There is no registration key. Where did you download from? If it wasn't from ubuntu.com then download again. Also, you don't open the file. You need to burn it to a CD using a tool that can burn an iso image. Windows can't do this. You need something like Nero or a free tool like Infra Recorder.

For more info on installing see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation.

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o.k (omarkhan006) said :

thanks but can some one give me simply instruction for installing it on xp like very simple instruction frome step one to step z because i want all my colleges to use Linux instead of windows and if they cant see what Ubuntu looks or feels like they will just stick to there virus infected windows.

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Jim Hutchinson (jphutch) said :

You don't (and can't) install Ubuntu on XP. Ubuntu is an operating system like XP. You can run one or the other. You can't run one ON the other (well, I'm ignoring virtualization for now). You have to burn the downloaded ISO file to a CD, boot from the CD and then install Ubuntu. You can install Ubuntu along side XP but when you boot the computer you have select either Ubuntu or XP. Follow the 4 step under "standard installation" in the like I gave above. That is as simple as it gets.

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Jim Hutchinson (jphutch) said :

Oh, one more thing. When you boot the live CD you will be able to experience the Ubuntu operating system. It will be slow as it runs off the CD and only in memory but it gives you a good trial run without having to change anything.

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o.k (omarkhan006) said :

Thanks i knew you have to chose Xp or Ubuntu has your main OS. So i have to burn my Ubuntu download to a cd first wile on xp, then i have to reboot it and pic Ubuntu this will give me feel for Ubuntu but will still run slow and if i like it hopefully and want is has my main OS then what should i do mind my dumbness sorry.

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Jim Hutchinson (jphutch) said :

Make sure you burn it correctly (and slowly). Use the link above for info and even the software you can freely download and use in windows to burn the CD (if you need such software). Once you boot from the CD and play around a bit you can double click the install icon on the desktop. From there it's pretty explanatory. There is a very nice walk through of the install process here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall. And if you want to dual boot (meaning keeping windows and Ubuntu on the same computer) you can find information on that here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot. Back up important stuff because if you make mistakes and wipe something out it's pretty much gone.

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o.k (omarkhan006) said :

One last question before i make the switches i have a Acer AMD turion 64 mobile 448 ram so when i went to Ubuntu i clicked on the amd Down load also what is BERYL

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Jim Hutchinson (jphutch) said :

That system may be capable of running the 64 bit version but to be honest, I'd suggest sticking with the standard 32 bit. The download site doesn't make it real clear but "standard" is the 32 version that runs on basically everything and the 64 bit option is if you want to run a 64 bit OS and have a compatible 64 bit CPU. 32 bit is less troublesome so stick with that. However, 64 bit is coming along so you may not have too many issues.

Beryl is basically eye candy (i.e. fancy effects) for your desktop. However, it is a dead project. Beryl joined with another project called Compiz and it's Compiz that is available now. You can search You Tube for some videos that show what they do. Without knowing what graphics card you have, I'd say don't worry about it right now. Get it installed first and see what sort of issues you have, if any, and deal with them first. If that's a laptop you may have wifi issues that will be more pressing (depending on your wifi chipset).

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o.k (omarkhan006) said :

thanks alot for your help but some issues the biggest one is the security it said that security was not found when it was installing it also when i go in fire fox it says your info can be viewed by 3 party scary stuff man how can i get the security also how do you uninstall xp if these issues are solved last the cube effect was not working and i have a good graphics card if all these problems are solved i will delete xp for good if i knew hot to spicily the security one

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Best Jim Hutchinson (jphutch) said :

The security issue when installing is probably due to the lack of an active internet connection during install. If you configure your internet while running the live CD and then installing you don't get this. All it means is that it could not download and install the latest security patches from the Ubuntu repositories. You can install them later. It's not a big issue but a small hassle.

The firefox warning is just that - a warning. It's the same in any operating system. It just means you are submitting text unencrypted. You get this warning the first time you use firefox and then the default is not to warn you again. You probably saw similar warnings in windows no matter what browser you used but then turned them off. The main thing to be aware of, regardless of OS, is to not send passwords, credit card or other sensitive info over unencrypted connections. Sites that are encrypted have a lock icon and use https (note the s at the end of that).

A default install of Ubuntu is more secure than windows (no open ports) and less prone to virus attack. For normal desktop use there isn't much that needs to be done to have a secure setup. Of course, if you are paranoid you can lock it down more or even encrypt your whole hard drive. Again, for normal desktop users it's probably overkill.

To remove windows just install Ubuntu over it and it will be gone as well as all files you might want so back them up.

For info on fine tuning the desktop effects (called compiz) check http://forlong.blogage.de/article/2007/8/29/How-to-set-up-Compiz-Fusion. There are tons of such sites but this one seems pretty comprehensive.

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o.k (omarkhan006) said :

thanks alot but i accedently duel booted it what should i do and are the security updates ready when i plung in my connection

Duel boot is that when i restart my computer i get a choice of lines (ubuntum) or xp home edition how do i delete xp now

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o.k (omarkhan006) said :

one more thins but thanks alot for your help the version i have for Ubuntu is some thing that starts with k what if i want to get the effects that are the there for gutty gbion forgot the name will i have the same effects has those system

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o.k (omarkhan006) said :

and how do i install the security patches

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o.k (omarkhan006) said :

one more thing sorry should i change the bios Confegeration that i did to install ubuntum like it was hardware first then cd rom then i don't no

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o.k (omarkhan006) said :

I think the main problem is how to delete xp from my labtop because it is using alot of my space

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o.k (omarkhan006) said :

Thanks Jim Hutchinson, that solved my question.