Linux Problems Need help!!..

Asked by asthor11

Hi! I have i just switch from windows to Linux ubuntu 7.10.. So far i like all settings, and apperance looks great.. but i came with several problems ..
1. The keyboard is totally different i already went to system, preference, and keyboard... i can find were to fix it i already change the keyboard model and does not work.. Anything im doing wrong..?

2. I was on internet , but it seems that colors are to light they look so pale. even on the desktop windows frm the computer are the same.. is my computer graphic card to low for ubuntu settings .. how can i fix this ?.. it looks to bad i can verly see the words that am typing now..

3. I cant play You tube videos .. it ask me to install the flash payer, but i did and still the same ,.. no changes...
how do i know it is install.? when i got to the you tube site it ask me to install it again... i downloaded and when it finish it it tells me that it already install it.. so how do i know about this..

Any one can help me !! ..

Thank you!..

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Solved by:
Dara Adib
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Revision history for this message
Dara Adib (daradib) said :

Sorry about the flash player issue. This is a very recent bug, caused by Adobe's update of Flash 9.0 update 3 ( codename "Moviestar".

 This caused Ubuntu to not install the flash plugin, detecting a change in the flash plugin installer file (via MD5 checksums). See bug 173890. This bug has been fixed in the next release of Ubuntu (Hardy 8.04) and it should soon come as an update to Ubuntu 7.10.

If you want an immediate fix, do the following.

Using Synaptic Package Manager, remove the package flashplugin-nonfree. For more information on how to do this, see the Ubuntu documentation here:

Alternatively, you can run this command in the Terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal): sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree

Then just download this package (32-bit only) and install it (it is identical to the current package in the next release of Ubuntu, Hardy 8.04):

If you have 64-bit Ubuntu (not likely or recommended for a person new to Ubuntu), you currently need to build a binary package from this source package:

Revision history for this message
Dara Adib (daradib) said :

Can you please elaborate on your second question? What kind of monitor do you have- a CRT or an LCD? What graphics card do you have? What is your screen resolution (See System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution)? Thanks.

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Dara Adib (daradib) said :

Regarding the first question, did you change the keyboard layout (right under the keyboard model setting)?

Please also explain what keyboard you have, what keyboard model is selected, and what keyboard layout is displayed.

Revision history for this message
asthor11 (asthor11) said :

Hi... thanks for your help!.. i think i already remove the package flashplugin-nonfree..
i did the alternative way and this what i got .....

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  lib32ncurses5 nspluginwrapper ia32-libs libc6-i386 lib32gcc1 lib32asound2
  lib32z1 lib32stdc++6
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B of archives.
After unpacking 160kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y
(Reading database ... 90394 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing flashplugin-nonfree ...

So far was ok.. but i found out that i have the 64-bit Ubuntu (hope are not bad news !!) when i link to the page were you recomend me ...... to get a binary package.. i have 2 options

Source package release
Download source

    * flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2.tar.gz (22.6 KiB)
    * flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2.dsc (633 bytes)

Which should i choose?

About my second question.... my monitor is an LCD , my graphic card is ATI RADEON XPRESS 200, This is for an pavillion m7334n AMD athlon 64x2 dual core.. dont know if you need this info.. the screen resolution is 1280 x 1024 refresh rate is 60Hz , Rotation Normal .. what i have noted is that everytime i turn on or off the computer it tells me to change setting for monitor to 1280 x 1024 which is alredy setted. dont make sense to me..

About 1st question .. yes i change to the closest i beleved cause... dont know what kind of model is my keyboard , dont know were to find this info.. i look under the keyboard and no info regarding about this.. only what i found was the model number which is 5187 this is for Hp.

Revision history for this message
asthor11 (asthor11) said :

and sorry i forgot to tell you this ....the brad of the monitor is an Hpf1905..
Thanks so much for helping me.. I dont want to got back to XP just for this small problems..
Thank you.. Cyrus..

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Dara Adib (daradib) said :

Regarding your third question: First, did you install the 64-bit version of Ubuntu (a 32-bit OS can be installed on a 64-bit processor). If not, you can quite simply download and install the deb package after removing the older flashplugin-nonfree as seen in Synaptic Package Manager or through the command line instructions.

If you have 64-bit Ubuntu (and have removed the older flashplugin-nonfree as seen in Synaptic Package Manager or through the command line instructions), you would download the tar.gz file. I am giving you instructions via the command line as these are more straightforward (do these in order, one step at a time).

tar -zxvf flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2.tar.gz
cd flashplugin-nonfree-
dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot

The first line downloads the tar.gz file. The second file extracts the downloaded file. The third line changes into the directory created by the extracted file. The fourth line builds a binary package.

Now if you go to Places -> Home you should see a file flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_amd64.deb. Double-click the file and install the package.

If you look at the bug report in Launchpad, you can see the last comment by me which includes a binary 64-bit package. That is the same as what you created using the above instructions. I recommend that you build the packages yourself, however, because you should exercise caution when downloading a random package (the source package is trusted as it is from an included Hardy source package) since that lets anything be executed that the creator of the package made (and possibly malicious).

Revision history for this message
Dara Adib (daradib) said :

Sorry, I did not read that you have 64-bit Ubuntu. Well, then disregard the first paragraph of what I said.

I don't think I know the answer to your first two questions. However, it would be useful to know what graphics card driver you are using. To find out, go to System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers. You could try changing the driver (enabling the ATI accelerated graphics driver if it is not in use or disabling it if it is in use).

I also think I may have interpreted your first question incorrectly. Is the keyboard layout wrong (wrong characters show up when typing) or does it not work at all? Is this a wireless keyboard?

I might not be able to answer the questions, but this information could help someone else better answer your question.

Revision history for this message
asthor11 (asthor11) said :

Yes it work.... i install the flashplugin_nonfree_9.0.1150ubuntu2_amd64.deb and it worked..
Thanks so much.!!

About the keyboard problem .. it works and is not a wireless, it just the characters show up when typing are totally wrong.. i can even find the... @... simbol ... were is the ' simbol is an - and were theres and : theres and Ñ ... totally different.
I alredy look under setting for the key and i havent find nothing that will fix it .. or probably i dont know..

About the Monitor resolution i think you are rigth i just went to Administration -> Restricted Drivers the way you explain .. and i just did the changes hope this way works .. ill let u know on my next message..

Once again thank you so much for help me.. im new on this and i love to learn about new computer staff...
Thank You!..

Revision history for this message
asthor11 (asthor11) said :

Hey!!! My friend ...Cyrus.. Back on the problem with the resolution, It worked !!..
I Went to System ] administration ] Restricted drivers ]

And I did what you suggest me .. and i enable the ATI graphic card...
Now the image is perfect.. Thanks!!..
Two problems solved just one more to go.. Do you think you can still help me whit the keyboard problem?..

Thanks a lot...

I will like to ask you something not related to this problems.. The main reason i get into linux ..
cause i found out that you can change it to beryl and have great desktop features.. its that true?
Do you know anything about this?
Do you know how to change it?..
How it works?

Thank you!

Revision history for this message
asthor11 (asthor11) said :

Thanks Cyrus Jones, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Dara Adib (daradib) said :

I don't know about the keyboard settings. Maybe you can search around on the internet or someone else can help you better.

But about the great desktop features. It's true. The software Beryl merged with Compiz (another software that Beryl is based on) to form Compiz Fusion. Compiz Fusion is installed by default in Ubuntu. For more effects, go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance. Then go to the Visual Effects tab. You can click on Extra for more effects. For advanced configuration of Compiz Fusion, install the package compizconfig-settings-manager through Synaptic or via command line (sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager). Alternatively, you can use the package gnome-compiz-manager for configuration (simpler, less advanced). You can install more Compiz plguins via the package compiz-compcomm-plugins-main. See for more information. You do not need to add a repository for Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy).

Revision history for this message
asthor11 (asthor11) said :

Hi! ... I Just fix everything by reinstalling all the Ubuntu OS.. The Monitor resolution, The You tube videos , and i reinstall the system cause i got on big trouble.. When i try to switch to compiz fusion.. actually i follow the steps from the link you suggest me .. but nothing happend.. so i try to look around and i found some other steps .. the were about the same but i really mess up a lot .. and the system got all crazy ... So I reinstall all of it and im here again..
Starting frm the beganing .. The previous problems i alredy know them so i alredy fix them .. so im stock gain on Compiz fusion installation ...
I already did all steps and nothing again .. I try to go by System> Preference> Advance Desktop >Effects Settings> and i was on the CompizConfig Setting Manager.. Which i think it is good,.. i guess!? i make some changes to see if something happend .. but no difference..
So i tried to make some small changes by going to ... System >Preferences>Appearance .... i got on Appearance Preferences i click on Visual Effects
i try Normal, Extra,Custom.. and none work .. i there something im missing?..

Hope you can help me .. thanks a lot..

Revision history for this message
asthor11 (asthor11) said :

Sorry i dont know if will help but when i click on Visual effects .. the message i get .. its > The composite extension is not available... ..


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Best Dara Adib (daradib) said :

Yes, it was good that you told me the message you said. The problem here is that I am assuming you are using the AMD/ATI proprietary graphics card driver. The proprietary driver just recently got composite extension support (necessary for Compiz Fusion), but is included in the Ubuntu repositories due to possible stability issues as well as the fact that it was released too late.

So if you want to use Compiz Fusion, you have three options.

The first option is to use the free/open source driver. Unfortunately, you happen to be unlucky since the ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 only has 2D support in the free/open source driver (no 3D/OpenGL support). The other problem with this driver is that you will have to find a way to get 1280x1024 resolution. Basically, you will have the same problem as your second question. Therefore, this is not a good option.

The second option is to use the new AMD/ATI 7.11 Catalyst driver. You will have to generate a package yourself, but there are instructions:

The third option is to use the XGL server, which creates a composite environment even if the driver does not support composite extensions. To use this method, install the package xserver-xgl through Synaptic or via the command sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl. The next time you login, you will use XGL, and therefore be able to use Compiz even when your driver does not support composite extensions. This seems like the best option.

My recommendation is to start with the third option, and later go to the second option if there are any problems, issues, or if you feel ready to try out the new driver. The new driver does have many benefits, including huge increases in speed, but you should be ready to fix any problems that do occur.

I hope I explained this well. Don't hesitate to respond if you need more help or clarification. Good luck.

Revision history for this message
asthor11 (asthor11) said :

Thanks a lot my friend .... All that you are telling me is true, It was really hard to make it work but after searching, and searching around a came across with several links , and had to try different ways.. Lucky i didnt mess to much , so i finally got it running but / certain mistakes but it works.. Its so cool my little sister likes it.. We are still messing around trying to understand the tricks.. but its all good.
I will still look around to see how can i fix those small mistakes (like when i go off the limits on certain applications, the desktop start acting like crazy.. hu!) .. but thats ok.. at least i got running...

Ill get in contact with you later..

Thanks you once again!..

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asthor11 (asthor11) said :

Part of previous messge....>
You were right I found out about the Xgl server, and thats how i got it working.. but like i said before i got with certain mistakes...
So im still look around to fix all that..
I write you later..