Can't create folders - please help as soon as possible!

Asked by Xurc

I am a total Ubuntu n00b. I have to say I hate it so far, and if I have to write commands, tweak, hack or crack much more now, I will probably put Windows back in.

My current problem is: how do I create folders? I am trying to create a folder in any one of my HDs which is in NTFS format (i think). When I right click, the "create a folder" option is disabled.

Please help me to create a folder.

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Best Alli (alzeih) said :

I found a gui solution for you:

(summary: type "sudo apt-get install ntfs-config" in a konsole and then there should be a tool under Applications > System Tools)

let me know how it works. if it doesnt, I'll talk you through it the console way.

"if I have to write commands, tweak, hack or crack much more ..." - welcome to linux. it's just such a shock as its all so different. Give it a bit of time to decide whether you really like it or not.

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Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :

yes install ntfs-3g by looking into that article... and My question is are you able to read the files on your hd? if so installing ntfs-3g is enough otherwise you have to mount it also.

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Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :
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Xurc (motosuwa) said :

Yes, I am able to read the files on my HD's.

I will try this out when I get home, today or tomorrow.

Thanks for answering.

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Xurc (motosuwa) said :

BTW, why the heck does it not work to write to the HD's (except for the one which got Ubuntu on it) out of the box? Do the developers believe people will stop saving stuff to their HD's, just because they use Ubuntu? Ridicules...

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Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :

hey paste output of gksudo gedit /etc/fstab in a terminal... Ubuntu, by default doesnt save files due to security reasons... (Even if its your own hd..)

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Xurc (motosuwa) said :

output of gksudo... :

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
# /dev/sda1
UUID=48cd3b43-6fa1-4682-8feb-06bb0dfb952a / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
# /dev/sdb1
UUID=0C04943A0494292A /media/sdb1 ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1
# /dev/sdc5
UUID=A20456420456199D /media/sdc5 ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1
# /dev/sda2
UUID=17e020a5-139d-4438-8b50-b64696d4a247 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0

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Xurc (motosuwa) said :

Ok. It worked with two of my internal HD's. But I can't get it to enable write support for my external USB HD also in NTFS format.

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Xurc (motosuwa) said :

Never mind. I rebooted, and it worked on my external HD as well. Thanks.

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Xurc (motosuwa) said :

Thanks alzeih, that solved my question.