where apache locates localhost?

Asked by pdo100

I just installed Apache server, and I would like to know in which folder apache server defines its localhost? Where can I find it and may I change the location?
Also as far as I know if its in File System I will not be able to change location for localhost as I have no permission, so how can I do it? I am the only user...

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marcobra (Marco Braida)
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Gerry (gerrydm) said :

Apache 2.x uses the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default to serve a default page if no other configuration takes precedence. You are probably referring to this behavior.

The default location for the Apache root is in /var/www/. You may have to become root in order to edit/add/delete files and directories in that directory.

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pdo100 (piotrdomowicz) said :

I have tried to log in as root, but I think I must use only terminal as it doesn't allow me to log in with GUI- and there is a problem... I have many files and while developing dynamic web site I must test it quite often so this solution with terminal only is no good for me... is there a way to log in as root with GUI?

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Best marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Why do you want login as root...? You can easily change the permission or owner to related file and/or directory.
To change the owner of files from a terminal in a "test environment" type:
sudo chown your_username -R /var/www/apache2-default

But in a TEST environment i think is better:

1) - create a www subdir into your home_directory

sudo mkdir ~/www
sudo chown -R your_username ~/www

2) - and than edit the 000-default
sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default

and change your DocumentRoot as the line as below
        DocumentRoot /home/your_username/www/

3) Write a default.html file into your www diretory

4) Restart apache2
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

5) Open it into a browser

For more deep info in a terminal type:
man chmod
man chown
man apache2

and for apache2 related question:


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pdo100 (piotrdomowicz) said :

Thanks elart.it, that solved my question.