Network problem after reinstall: failed applet, lost connection, can't apply settings

Asked by markling

I can't reapply my network settings since they were lost after a re-install. This means I cannot connect to the internet.

This appears to be a problem with a few things:

1. Network application failure after OS reninstall
2. Network settings lost from home folder backup
3. Can't apply new network settings

I reinstalled Ubuntu 9.10 from a USB stick after encountering this error:

I performed a clean install, erasing all data from the hard disk. I then copied a back-up of my home folder (made from before the above-linked error occured) back onto my computer. I expected that this would restore my network settings and allow me to connect to the internet. This did not work. So I tried to manually add the settings. I cannot do this either. There was also a net app error on restart.

I have the following problems:

1. Network application failure after OS reninstall

After install, on reset, the following error appears:

"The panel encountered a problem while loading
OAFIID: GNOME_NetstatusApplet
Do you want to delete the application from your configuration?"

Even if I select <DELETE> the same error reapears on restart.

2. Network settings lost from home folder backup

I copied my backed-up home folder back onto my computer. My network connection settings have not reappered. Bizarely, some old network settings for an ISP I haven't used for six months have been reinstated. (The backup was from a few weeks ago. I had not deleted the old connection. But the new connection was present and correct when I made the backup).

3. Can't apply new network settings

On trying to manually enter the network settings, I find that I cannot select <APPLY> in the dialogue box because the option stays shaded out and unselectable.

The result is that I am unable to connect to the internet.

Should I reinstall the OS again? Or is there a more fundamental problem with a direct solution?

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

from your backed up data did you chown all the data to the new user. This may need doing even if its the same username.

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/$USER

Will make sure all your data belongs to you.

Revision history for this message
markling (markling) said :

Thanks actionparsnip.

I'm afraid this has had no effect on either problem 1, 2 or 3.

There was a problem with the command. It refused to change permissions
for .gvfs. It said permission was denied.

(And I am a little worried that I've done something i shouldn't. Might
there be files in my home director that should not have me as their

Some additional info.

1. Network application failure after OS reninstall

I incorrectly stated that I had selected the <DELETE> option in the
problem notification dialogue. There is no delete option. It asks if i
want to delete the app and then only offers the options to <DON'T
DELETE> or <CANCEL>. I select don't delete.

2. Network settings lost from home folder backup

Other network connection settings were retained. I have a USB modem
and the settings for that were retained. But my wireless connection
settings have vanished.

Revision history for this message
markling (markling) said :

Sorry - re: Network application failure after OS reinstall

The options it gives are <DONT DELETE> and <DELETE>. I've been selecting don't delete because i don't know what it is i'm being prompted to delete.

Revision history for this message
markling (markling) said :

I've cracked it.

And network management is now better than its ever been.

All I had to do was get the network manager applet to appear on my panel (i.e. the button bar across the top of the desktop screen). It now connects automatically to my wireless network.

An important note: The network management applet disappeared from my panel when I upgraded Ubuntu one or two distributions ago. I have had problems with networks ever since. Roaming was so unlikely I thought Ubuntu wasn't capable of it. Network settings disappear whenever I reinstall or upgrade. In short, its been a blooming nightmare.

It turns out that all I had to do to get the network manager back was:

- Right click on the panel (button) bar that runs across the desktop
- Select <Add to panel>
- Type "notification area" in the search box
- Add the notification area application.

And Bingo. I do suspect, with some relief, that i might even now be able to get wireless roaming working without any trouble. I can for the first time ever see all available wireless networks in Ubuntu.

I still have problem 1. Network application failure after OS reinstall. I shall probably post separately about this.

A minor issue identified re. 3. Can't apply new network settings: I was not entering the MAC address correctly - i.e. with colons - e.g. 4F:0B:F5...etc, and this may have been what prevented the <APPLY> button being available in the network connections dialogue box.

Revision history for this message
Tom (tom6) said :

Hi :)

Do you now have a separate /home partition or is your /home in the same partition as the rest of your install?

Regard from
Tom :)