How do I install Skype on a LPIA (Atom) based system ?

Created by Fabián Rodríguez
skype mini9 lpia atom

Skype is distributing an i386 build of their program. This is fine for most desktop machines, but for a netbook using Intel Atom and an lpia kernel instead of i386, you will need to install Skype via the command line instead of the graphical interface. This is true of many Debian packages which are not available through the Ubuntu repositories.

To do this, download Skype for Ubuntu to your home directory. Then open a terminal (Application > Accessories > Terminal) and run the following command to install Skype:

sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb

Note: Please make sure that you moved the package to your home directory and that the package name matches.