Request addition of "Ubuntu Santali Translators" to Ubuntu Translators translation group

Asked by Prasanta Hembram

I request Ubuntu Santali Translator group to be added to Ubuntu Translators translation group.

Link to the Group:

with best regards
Prasanta Hembram

Question information

English Edit question
Ubuntu Translations Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Colin Watson (cjwatson) said :

I'm moving this question to ubuntu-translations, per Launchpad staff happen to have access to Ubuntu translation groups, but we aren't really supposed to use it unless the usual coordinators are unavailable.

Glancing through the checklist, I may have missed some other things, but could you please make your team's subscription policy be either Moderated or Restricted?

Revision history for this message
Gunnar Hjalmarsson (gunnarhj) said :

Hi Prasanta,

I agree with Colin about the subscription policy for the team. I also notice that the sat_IN locale exists in glibc, and that Santali is a registered language at Launchpad.

Besides those 'technical' aspects, I'd like to elaborate a bit about what Ubuntu translation really is about.

Ubuntu is a Linux based OS, and establishing a new language can't be limited to Ubuntu, but is rather about translating free software. Translations should be made upstream as far as possible, and Launchpad is upstream only for a minor part of the translatable strings in an Ubuntu installation.

So for a language to achieve a decent translation coverage, translation needs to be done at several places. Two examples:



It looks like Santali is not yet registered at those services.

If we add your team to the Ubuntu Translators group as you requested, you'll get access to a Launchpad interface for translation of packages in Ubuntu's "main", i.e. the core packages in the standard Ubuntu desktop or server. However, for most of those packages translation ideally happens elsewhere. When a package is translated upstream, the translations will be made available automatically in connection with package updates. So the Launchpad interface should ideally be used

* when Launchpad is upstream for a package, and

* for supplementary translation of translatable strings provided by Ubuntu specific patches.

It's *possible* to use Launchpad as the principal place for translation, but if you do, the translations won't be made available to other Linux systems but Ubuntu. So it's suboptimal.

In any case, establishing a new language is a huge undertaking. So before approving your team, I want you to consider whether you believe that there will be a sufficient number of Santali translators to achieve a decent translation coverage. It's not my intention to discourage you; I just want to make sure that you are aware of the size of the project.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

Revision history for this message
Prasanta Hembram (hembram734) said (last edit ):

I'm apologize for haphazardly putting my request in wrong place Colin. I have updated my team subscription to Moderate level.

Revision history for this message
Prasanta Hembram (hembram734) said :

I want to thank Hjalmarsson for a best clear explanation. Now I'm able to understand where is the root. I shall request Santali langauge there too. ex. * and * .

Also yes, it's very easy to involve in any translation project with a big team rather than working alone which is tough. I shell be inviting more translators for Santali language. I know Santali is a language which is spoken for so many years, orally. Now people are moving towards writing and as a native speaker i love to see my language in Open-Source platform. As, there are enough technical resources and i can manage my time for long term translation. So, I'm confident enough to translate for this project. I take my whole project as a mission. Indian Government had provided many resources for supporting Technical translations (ex,. Translating Openoffice, Firefox, Tux paint) and I'm currently updating old translations. Those translation projects which i was handlig are near to completion (stable enough to move to other project). So, I think it's time to take next big step to translate some more challenging tasks. I joined launchpad 2 years back but thought not to request my language here because there were so many translation project. But, seeing plenty of leisure time i thought take it.
I know the project is very big but not impossible to complete. I shall be inviting many other people join this team and keep our group active.

with best regards
Prasanta Hembram

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Best Gunnar Hjalmarsson (gunnarhj) said :

Thanks Prasanta, it was something along those lines I wanted to hear. :) I just added your team.

One more thing: If you haven't already, please subscribe to the ubuntu-translators mailing list:

It's a list for translating related announcements as well as an opportunity to ask for guidance.

Good luck with your efforts to make Santali a supported language in the Linux world!


Revision history for this message
Prasanta Hembram (hembram734) said :

Thanks Gunnar Hjalmarsson, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Prasanta Hembram (hembram734) said (last edit ):

Thanks Hjalmarsson, for adding our team and thanks for welcoming 🤩🤩 will start to add people to this team after creating guidelines. I have already subscribed to Ubuntu-translators before creating my team, will share anything to my group if announced something. Also, guidelines are underway, will be completed by tommorow.

Revision history for this message
Prasanta Hembram (hembram734) said :

Hi Hjalmarsson, i have one confusion. I and my team shall be contributing for Santali language in Ol Chiki script only. WIll it not create any confusion for someone if they will contribute in other script. Is it possible to create script specific locale like sat_IN_olck where olck is the name of the script Ol Chiki. I don't know/in touch with any contributor who contributes translation for Santali language beside Ol Chiki script. I fear if any other contributor team may want to contribute in other script (though chances are less, as Santali is primarily written in Ol Chiki script) than what needs to be done as all script shall be mixed.

Revision history for this message
Gunnar Hjalmarsson (gunnarhj) said :

My understanding is that Ol Chiki is the official script, so I wouldn't see your plan as a reason for confusion.

Instead, if an interest would arise in contributing to Santali in some other script, a new locale could be created for that purpose, e.g. sat_IN@assamese.

Revision history for this message
Prasanta Hembram (hembram734) said :

Thanks Hjalmarsson, for the clarification.