Problems when running versions of Ubuntu that are not certified with a specific system

Created by Jeff Lane 
certified bug hardware version

"I have a problem with my system while running Ubuntu XX.XX"

This can sometimes happen. A system is only certified for specific releases. However, we understand that users may wish to run the latest version of Ubuntu on their systems.

The best course of action when you have a certified system with a DIFFERENT version of Ubuntu than what was originally certified is to file a bug against the appropriate package and be sure to provide as much detail as you possibly can in that bug.

For example, you have problems where a system certified for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS but now no longer functions properly with Ubuntu 12.10. With 12.04 your system could successfully suspend and resume, but with 12.10, it now freezes on resume or otherwise fails to either suspend or resume successfully.

You'd file a kernel bug using:

#ubuntu-bug linux

and provide info INCLUDING information or evidence that this did work fine on the previous version of Ubuntu.

Here is a link to the Ubuntu wiki with information on filing bugs: