Can't create neither backups nor a live system on a system installed from a systemback live stick

Asked by Tomtiger

I created a systemback live system under kubuntu 14.04 32-bit. After a failed release-upgrade to 16.04 I need to restore the system from the live system, because I don't created a restore point.
After restoring the system I deleted systemback completely, added the repository and installed the program again via 'apt-get install' to have a clean installation of systemback.
Although having a clean installation systemback doesn't work. After 3% the restore point creation fails showing the following message window:

The restore point creation is aborted!
There has been critical changes in the file system during this operation.

The same happens when I try to create a new live system. Here the message is a little different:

he Live system creation is aborted!
There has been critical changes in the file system during this operation.

What can I do? Whats going wrong?
There is enough space, 97GB free space available only 8% occupied.



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Kendek (nemh) said :

Please try to start the Systemback from a terminal emulator, with the following command:

DBGLEV=3 systemback-sustart

and try to create a new restore point. After the error, please show me the output. Maybe a file is causing the problem.

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Tomtiger (mr-tiger) said :

thank you for the answer.
Here is the output:

music@Music-Live:~$ DBGLEV=3 systemback-sustart


 Version: 1.8.402_05.16.2016_Qt5.2.1_GCC4.8.4_i386
 Compilation date and time: May 16 2016 11:16:57
 Installed files: /etc/xdg/autostart/sbschedule-kde.desktop
 Operating system: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
 Mounted filesystems: /dev/sdb5 / ext4 rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordere
                      d 0 0
 System language: de_DE
 Translation: -

 An error occurred while creating the following directory:


  d rwx------ - 1001 1001 2069 -
  d rwxr-xr-x - 0 0 2069 -
  d rwxr-xr-x - 0 0 2069 -
  d rwxr-xr-x - 0 0 2069 -
  d rwxr-xr-x - 0 0 2069 -

 Errno: 17


Revision history for this message
Best Kendek (nemh) said :

I think the 'music' user (or just the '/home/music' home directory) is doubled in the /etc/passwd file. Please correct the file content, then the Systemback will be fixed.

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Tomtiger (mr-tiger) said :

Hallo Kendek,
Thank you very much, this was the solution. I already deleted the one of the doubled users 'music' inside 'kuser' but obviously this doesn't affected the 'etc/passwd' file itself.
The problem was caused in using the live-system for backup purposes instead of a restore point. The systemback setup seems to keep the userprofile from the live system when it promts you to create a new user for the installation.

Thank you for your assistance and the development of systemback, its a tools I missed long before!


Revision history for this message
Tomtiger (mr-tiger) said :

Thanks Kendek, that solved my question.