SNN Alter Subject and Audience after article creation?

Asked by mallow

This was a question I asked inside of another answer but I see why not to do that so I will ask it again in it's own section

When you first create a Silva article (or agenda) you get the option of choosing subjects and audiences (predefined by the administrator of the ZMI interface). I have yet to find a way to change these selections once the article has been created, I've looked everywhere and to my knowledge such a feature does not exist.

Kit Blake suggested to me on 2007-07-20:
"The author needs to edit the document (make a new version) again, and then the subjects can be changed."

Do you mean that the author would create a new article with a new id and then redo those selections and copy and paste the article again?
If so, isn't that counterintuitive given that the editor might not approve of the sections the author categorized his article?
Silva by default has the ability to create new versions of articles within that article to prevent having multiple references to the same updated article?

I do have the tendency to have a hard time to see what is right in front my nose so if there is a button that has this feature it would be great, but if the latter is true then is this a feature currently underdevelopment?

Thanks for all your help Kit I appreciate your patience with me.... you have been a great help. :-)

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English Edit question
Silva Edit question
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Solved by:
Kit Blake
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Revision history for this message
Best Kit Blake (kitblake) said :

I think you''ve found a bug with SNN running in Silva 2.0. The subjects and target audiences *should* show up in a Kupu toolbox. At the top, before the link toolbox. So you can also change them after creation. But we haven't had time to test or fix this. It'll happen but I'm not sure when.

Revision history for this message
mallow (princemallow) said :

Thanks Kit Blake, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
mallow (princemallow) said :

Is there anything I can do to help?

Revision history for this message
Kit Blake (kitblake) said :

Thanks, but you would have to dive into Kupu's javascript. Hopefully it's not hard to fix for someone who already knows it.

Revision history for this message
Andy Altepeter (aaltepet) said :

I've fixed this in a branch of SilvaNews, which is yet to be merged with the SilvaNews trunk, here:

I recall I also needed to adjust kupu itself a bit, which is now in the Silva trunk, here:

I don't know infraes plans for releasing the new SNN, that will include my major overhaul. It probably won't be until Silva 2.1, since there are major changes to Silva as well.

If you want, I can track down the fix (it was rather easy), and prepare an SNN release for you...

Revision history for this message
mallow (princemallow) said :

yeah that would be great, I don't know how to get things off of the trunk
and back into their respected places. Help in that department will be
greatly appreciated.

On 9/24/07, Andy Altepeter <email address hidden> wrote:
> Your question #10516 on Silva changed:
> Andy Altepeter posted a new comment:
> I've fixed this in a branch of SilvaNews, which is yet to be merged with
> the SilvaNews trunk, here:
> I recall I also needed to adjust kupu itself a bit, which is now in the
> Silva trunk, here:
> I don't know infraes plans for releasing the new SNN, that will include
> my major overhaul. It probably won't be until Silva 2.1, since there
> are major changes to Silva as well.
> If you want, I can track down the fix (it was rather easy), and prepare
> an SNN release for you...
> --
> You received this question notification because you are a direct
> subscriber of the question.


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to address children... but because I wish to write this kind of story and no
other." -J.R.R. Tolkien

"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't
want, to impress people they don't like." -Will Smith

Revision history for this message
Andy Altepeter (aaltepet) said :

After speaking with thisfred, I think I'll do an official release of SNN for Silva 2.0 that addresses a number of issues related to Silva 2.0 / Zope 2.10. I've fixed all that I've found, now I just need to find those bugfixes and do a release. So, I hope soon (next week or shortly thereafter) to have that finished.