Run Schooltool in Eclipse

Asked by missthom

Dear all,

I just study about Schooltool, I download sources code from and add project in Eclipse. But now I cant run Schooltool from Eclipse. If you run Schooltool from Eclipse or other IDE, please, help me now.

Dear Ignas.mikalajunas, can you help me?

Thanks and the best regards

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Ignas Mikalajūnas (ignas) said :

Using omelette should work I think, you can read about it here:

maybe schooltool developers will include it in the default buildout.cfg when they'll have the time.

Revision history for this message
missthom (thompt) said :

Hi all,

I use Eclipse to view and edit schooltool sources code. I have install pydev for eclipse and create new Pydev project "SchoolTool_update" and then add folder "src" in schooltool-1.3.0.tgz in there. When I build SchoolTool_update 100 errors and 2048 warnings. Most of errors are no libs.

What are libs, which schooltool dependence?

Who can run schooltool.tgz successfully, please help me?


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Tom Hoffman (tom-hoffman) said :

My guess is that it is extremely unlikely you'll get SchoolTool to work in Eclipse. I'm sure it is possible, but... the most likely result is just making you pull your hair out. Our developers all use vi or emacs. In particular, they've got some helpful macros for vi if you're interested.

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Justas Sadzevičius (justas.sadzevicius) said :

I suggest disabling pylint (and maybe pydev?) error checking, and do not use Eclipse as the build / run tool. You can use it as a *text editor* for the source files, but you'll still need to use console commands like:
~/schooltool$ make run
for running the server. Maybe that can also be configured in Eclipse, but I'm not familiar with the editor enough to help you.

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missthom (thompt) said :

Thanks Hoffman and Justas

 Eemacs IDE is the my expected answer.