Timestamps besides %date%?

Asked by HansBKK

I'd like to be able to automate the insertion of timestamps, ideally via a hotkey, or if necessary using a %string%, and ideally configurable using the same Python tokens as the %date% variable used by CTRL-D and in the templates.

Since I have no need to insert dates themselves, I'm currently using %date% for just the time as a workaround, but obviously that wouldn't be ideal for all.

So the question is - can this be done? And if the answer is "no", then consider this an enhancement request.

Hope you don't mind my piggybacking another question here, feel free to separate it out if that's useful for others. Is there any documentation on what subset of txt2tags RedNotebook supports, for example a list of those features it *doesn't*? I believe that's the case for example for the ==================== "strong" divider as opposed to the regular ------------------- one, as well as the %!include external file syntax - that's all I've had time for so far, been putting a global cheatsheet together. . .

BTW this project is just so excellent, perfect use of future-proof data storage principles especially using YAML and txt2tags rather than inventing yet another markup. Great front-end UI, simplicity, just excellent all 'round. And it happens to fit perfectly into my current evolution of a personal productivity/development toolchain. Thanks so much for a tremendous contribution to open-source and keep up the good work, hope I can help out down the road somehow. . .

Finally, as a PS, re your request for a Unison tutorial - I've been working with Unison for years to do N-way sync'ing of filesystems on Linux and Windows back to '98, both desktop to desktop and via servers as the hub, usually using SSH as the transport. There really isn't a need for a cookbook-style howto on this as the command-line help and the developer-created documentation are clear and comprehensive for Unison itself. The only "gotcha" I can think of is that things are more certain to "just work" if both sides have close to the same version, ideally exactly the same - but this only applies in the server situation where the other side is running Unison as well. It also works fine like rsync if just one side is running, just a bit slower to do the hash comparison over the filesystem. Setting up SSH on Windows can be a bit tricky, but there are tons of detailed howto's out there already on that - I personally recommend using stock Cygwin, as that gives you both SSH client and server setup out of the box, and has a Unison binary as well.

Hope this is helpful and if you think it is for others, feel free to post the above wherever you like.

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Jendrik Seipp (jendrikseipp) said :

First off thanks for the help in getting RedNotebook questions answered! This is really helpful and let's me focus on the development parts more.

timestamp: I would say that one button and hotkey is enough for this functionality. Some users might want the date, others might want the time. The hotkey and options provide both, so we should be good.

For the txt2tags markup, I answered here: https://answers.launchpad.net/rednotebook/+question/179420/

Horizontal lines: https://bugs.launchpad.net/rednotebook/+bug/892733

Thanks for the Unison info. It's good to know that it works, I guess someone who opts for using it will already know how to do it. Everyone else will use dropbox ;)

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HansBKK (hansbkk) said :

You're welcome all 'round, replied in the other threads. . .

>Everyone else will use dropbox ;)

I **hate** depending on cloud services.
 - relying on Internet connections to get routine work done
 - crippleware restrictions/limitations and/or cost and/or they go away (del.icio.us)
 - privacy/security

Unison really is the bee's knees, and isn't difficult to set up, compared to say any VCS I've ever tried. . .

I have some filesystems that are many 100's of GB that get regularly sync'd via cron jobs, I only check them manually once in a while for any conflict issues and usually a quick diff resolves them.

I only rely on traditional backups for historical version archives, ALL my working data sets are sync'd to multiple locations (including off-site) all day long as part of my normal work flow, including when necessary to a thumb drive from Internet cafe's.