how to open a message when i click on the messahe in the notification area

Asked by kkharinarayanan

i wanted to know if we can click a particular email in the notification area and then taht particular email is displayed in a browser window (Gmail)

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Pa_trick17 (trick17) said :

Hi kkharinarayanan,

short: No. - I'm sorry.



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Ralf Hersel (ralf.hersel) said :

Hi kkharinarayanan,

long: Popper reacts to a click on a single email in the indicator menu if you specify a user script in Popper-Configurator for the event "Click on an email in the indicator menu". This event will start your user script. It is up to you what you do in that user script. Information about the clicked email is passed to the user script. Therefore you can try to open Gmail in your browser and do something meaningful.


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kkharinarayanan (kkharinarayanan) said :

RALF thanks for the reply.
how ever i already know that i can run a script.
and i am already using it to open the inbox.
but what should i put in that script to open the specific mail. that is my question.

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Best Pa_trick17 (trick17) said :

Hi kkharinarayanan,

> but what should i put in that script to open the specific mail. that is my question.

And that's why I told you that it isn't possible. You can't open
> that particular email
in a browser window afaik. What i can offer you is a command to open firefox with googlemail in a new tab, if firefox is already open, or in a new firefox window:

firefox -new-tab ""



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kkharinarayanan (kkharinarayanan) said :

Thanks Pa_trick17, that solved my question.

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kkharinarayanan (kkharinarayanan) said :

Thanks ,