Hi OpenERP Team
Screen Shot Link: (is the same detail as below)
I have encounters this problems for more or less a month and it still happens. The Error occurs randomly, more or less 4-6 times a day.
Error Details:
Purple display (with list of error code inside the purple layout box)
- Python 2.5.2: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 6.0\Web\openerp-web.exe
<type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
- A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occured.
- C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 6.0\Web\cherrypy\_cprequest.pyo in respond(self=<cherrypy._cprequest.Request object at 0x0294D670>.path_info='/openerp/tree/open')
- C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 6.0\Web\cherrypy\_cpdispatch.pyo in __call__(self=<cherrypy._cpdispatch.LateParamPageHandler objcet at 0x0294D430>)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 6.0\Web\openobject\tools\_expose.pyo in func_wrapper(*args=(<openobject.controllers._root.Root object at 0x01606BF0>, 'openerp', 'tree', 'open'), **kw=('_': '1330988868638', 'context': "{'lang': u'en_US', tz': False, 'section_id',: False, 'client': 'web', 'department_id': 1}",'id': '340', 'model': 'ir.ui.menu'})
- C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 6.0\Web\openobject\controllers\_root.pyo in default(self=<openobject.controllers._root.Root object at 0x01606BF0>, *args=('openerp', 'tree', 'open'), **kw=('_': '1330988868638', 'context': "{'lang': u'en_US', 'tz': False, 'section_id': False, 'client': 'web', 'department_id': 1}", 'id': '340', 'model': 'ir.ui.menu'})
- C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 6.0\Web\cherrypy\_cpdispatch.pyo in __call__(self=<cherrypy._cpdispatch.LateParamPageHandler object at 0x03698550>)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 6.0\Web\addons\openerp\controllers\utils.py in wrapper(*args=(), **kw={'context': "('lang': u'en_US', 'tz': False, 'section_id': False, 'client':'web', 'department_id': 1)", 'id': '340', 'model': 'ir.ui.menu'})
Below Left number is line number
110 # User is logged in; allow access
111 clear_login_fields(kw)
112 return fn(*args, **kw)
113 else:
114 action = kw.get('login_action', '')
C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 6.0\Web\openobject\tools\_expose.pyo in func_wrapper(*args=(<openerp.controllers.tree.Tree object at 0x033B1CD0>,), **kw={'context: "{'lang': u'en_US', 'tz': False, 'section_id': False, 'client': 'web', 'department_id':1 }", 'id': '340', 'model': 'ir.ui.menu'})
C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 6.0\Web\addons\openerp\controllers\tree.py in open(self=<openerp.controllers.tree.Tree object at 0x033B1CD0>, **kw={'context': "{'lang': u'en_US', 'tz': False, 'section_id': False, 'client': 'web', 'department_id': 1}", 'id', '340', 'model': 'ir.ui.menu'})
Below Left number is line number
273 return self.do_action('tree_but_open', datas={
274 '_terp_model': kw.get('model'),
275 '_terp_context': kw.get('context', {}),
276 '_terp_context': kw.get('domain', []),
277 'ids': kw.get('id')})
C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 6.0\Web\addons\openerp\controllers\tree.py in do_action(self=<openerp.controllers.tree.Tree object at 0x033B1CD0>, name="tree_but_open", adds={}, datas={'_terp_context': "{'lang': u'en_US', 'tz': False, 'section_id': False, 'client': 'Web', 'department_id': 1}", '_terp_domain': [], '_terp_model': 'ir.ui.menu', 'ids': '340'})
Below Left number is line number
225 ctx = rpc.session.context.copy()
226 ctx.update(context)
228 if ids:
<type 'exceptions.ValueError'>: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required
args = ('dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required',)
message = 'dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required'