Are the latched and locked states themable?

Asked by Lee Hyde

I'm in the process of devising an Onboard theme, colour scheme and layout that will fit better with elementaryOS and was wonder whether the latched (grey key background) and locked (red key background) states are themable at all (I think a shade of blue would be more fitting for the locked state of a elementary/pantheon inspired Onboard theme/colour scheme).

Also, in the even that the latched and locked states are not themable (e.g. are hard coded), would the developers be amenable to me filling a bug report or blueprint (I'm never quite sure which to use w.r.t. such a small S feature request) requesting the implementation of themable states?

Kind Regards,


P.S.: Thanks for implementing word prediction! It works a charm. :-D

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English Edit question
Onboard Edit question
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Lee Hyde
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Revision history for this message
marmuta (marmuta) said :

Hi, thanks for you interest in Onboard.
Yes, both latched and locked colors can be controlled by color schemes. You can override them with something like
   <color element="fill" rgb="#ff0000" opacity="1.0" locked="true"/>
   <color element="fill" rgb="#808080" opacity="1.0" active="true"/>
   <color element="fill" rgb="#e5d8b2" opacity="1.0"/>

Those rules are evaluated top to bottom, the first matching one wins. "active" implies both latched and locked states, locked here means the locked state alone. Have a look at "Classic Onboard.colors". I made it a habit to include redundant rules there as examples.

> P.S.: Thanks for implementing word prediction! It works a charm. :-D
Great, you're welcome. Good to hear it works for you. It's still fresh and we haven't had a lot of feedback yet. Are you using an English locale?

Revision history for this message
Lee Hyde (anubeon) said :

Thanks for getting back to me so swiftly!

> Have a look at "Classic Onboard.colors". I made it a habit to include redundant rules there as examples.

Smart move. I shall have a peruse of the classic colour theme then. I noticed reference to gradients in the Onboard UI, how, if at all, are gradient 'stop' colours defined and are they limited to two stops (i.e. a simple two colour gradient)? I doubt I shall even use gradients, much less a three stop/colour gradient, but it'd be nice to know.

Also, at present, I've set the keyboard window/background to an opacity of 0 (i.e. total transparency), which works fine under normal circumstances, but upon applying my theme and colour scheme to the xEmbedded instance of Onboard in the logon/lock screen (under LightDM) the opacity is set to 1.0 (i.e. total opacity). Do you happen to know, Is this a limitation in Onboard, it's xEmbed mode or LightDM?

> Great, you're welcome. Good to hear it works for you. It's still fresh and we haven't had a lot of feedback yet.

Am actually rather amazed at how good it is at predicting MYtext input, it's clearly not a simple matter of dictionary auto-completion. A great time saver, especially for those of us too lazy to get off the sofa/bed to type something. ;-)

> Are you using an English locale?

I'm using English (GB), at least as far as I'm aware. I haven't noticed whether word prediction has been offering up the 'right' spellings (e.g. legalise instead of legalize, sulphur instead of sulfur *shudders* etc), but if I notice anything awry I'll be sure to file a friendly bug report. ;-)

Revision history for this message
Lee Hyde (anubeon) said :

P.S. If I should finish this Elementary/Pantheon inspired theme, and should it pass muster, would you be amenable to shipping it with Onboard proper? If so, how would I go about that? Just thought I'd ask. :-)

Revision history for this message
marmuta (marmuta) said :

> I noticed reference to gradients in the Onboard UI, how, if at all, are
> gradient 'stop' colours defined and are they limited to two stops
> (i.e. a simple two colour gradient)?
The gradient key isn't that flexible. It's more meant to simulate a kind of shading than to allow for arbitrary color gradients. There are two color stops and the colors are variations in luminosity of the single fill color. The base fill color comes from the color scheme and the luminosity difference of the gradient colors is controlled by key_fill_gradient of the active theme, that's mostly it.

> upon applying my theme and colour scheme to the
> xEmbedded instance of Onboard in the logon/lock screen
>(under LightDM) the opacity is set to 1.0 (i.e. total opacity). Do
> you happen to know, Is this a limitation in Onboard, it's xEmbed
> mode or LightDM?
This is most likely a limitation of the lightdm environment. The rgba visual required for transparency is probably not supported there. Even if it was, you'd only see the window of the XEmbed socket below, which has some light gray color, not the pretty background picture of the greeter. Both issues can only be changed from the lightdm/unity-greeter side.

> Am actually rather amazed at how good it is at predicting MYtext
> input, it's clearly not a simple matter of dictionary auto-completion.
Yes it's predicting stuff based on context, frequency and recency of use. Initially there are only completions currently, but whatever it picks up from typing should then be available as predictions later.

> I'm using English (GB), at least as far as I'm aware. I haven't noticed
> whether word prediction has been offering up the 'right' spellings
>(e.g. legalise instead of legalize, sulphur instead of sulfur
> *shudders* etc),
It would pick the British English language model and spell checker then. For more control, you can enable the unfinished language switcher with (for example)
$ gsettings set org.onboard.typing-assistance active-language en_GB

I've checked, sulphur is there, but hunspell thinks legalize is valid GB spelling. Not sure what that is about.
$ echo legalize | hunspell -d en_GB

> but if I notice anything awry I'll be sure to file a friendly bug
> report. ;-)
Yes, please :)

Revision history for this message
marmuta (marmuta) said :

To have your theme or layout included with Onboard, best file a bug report and attach the files. If the team is fine with it, it might just happen. I'm sure the existing themes leave lots of room for improvement anyway.