Want to combine classic and casual styles

Asked by Abhinav Valada

Hey I was trying to combine the name style and color of the casual into classic. I wanted the name and surname in classic to be the same color as the name and surname in casual. I also wanted a line after the name and address similar to casual. I tried to edit the .sty but didnt work out. Can anyone tell me how I can do this?

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English Edit question
moderncv Edit question
Xavier Danaux Edit question
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Xavier Danaux (xdanaux) said :

Hi Abhinav,

You will need to write a new stylesheet that mixes the 2, using the font definitions from the classic style and the \makestyle definition from the casual style. I would start from the classic style and copy the \maketitle definition from the casual style, then work a little to resolve any issue ;-)

Kind regards,


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