Own Page similar to about:* pages

Asked by sylwke3100

I have idea for extension but i don't know how define own page/pages similar to all about pages. How create this page in code ?

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Midori Web Browser Edit question
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André Stösel (ivaldi) said :

The "api" for about pages isn't merged yet, but you could use this branch: lp:~ivaldi/midori/about-content-signal


private class Test : Midori.Extension {
    private bool handle_about_content (Midori.View view, string uri) {
        if (uri == "about:foo") {
            view.web_view.load_html_string ("<h1>Foo :D</h1>", "about:foo");
            return true;
        return false;

    private void tab_added (Midori.Browser browser, Midori.View view) {
        view.about_content.connect (this.handle_about_content);

    private void tab_removed (Midori.Browser browser, Midori.View view) {
        view.about_content.disconnect (this.handle_about_content);

    private void browser_added (Midori.Browser browser) {
        foreach (Midori.View tab in browser.get_tabs ())
            this.tab_added (browser, tab);
        browser.add_tab.connect (this.tab_added);
        browser.remove_tab.connect (this.tab_removed);

    private void browser_removed (Midori.Browser browser) {
        foreach (Midori.View tab in browser.get_tabs ())
            this.tab_removed (browser, tab);
        browser.add_tab.disconnect (this.tab_added);
        browser.remove_tab.disconnect (this.tab_removed);

    private void activated (Midori.App app) {
        foreach (Midori.Browser browser in app.get_browsers ())
            this.browser_added (browser);
        app.add_browser.connect (this.browser_added);
        app.remove_browser.connect (this.browser_removed);

    private void deactivated () {
        Midori.App app = this.get_app ();
        foreach (Midori.Browser browser in app.get_browsers ())
            this.browser_removed (browser);
        app.add_browser.disconnect (this.browser_added);
        app.remove_browser.disconnect (this.browser_removed);

    internal Test () {
        GLib.Object (name: _("Test Extension"),
                     description: _("...."),
                     version: "0.1",
                     authors: "...");

        this.activate.connect (this.activated);
        this.deactivate.connect (this.deactivated);

public Midori.Extension extension_init () {
    return new Test ();

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