Question about warning related to partial width lower than QCD scale

Asked by Seulgi Kim

Hi, I’d like to ask you about warning related to small partial width.
We have a mediator called x1 in our own model, and it couples with down type quarks and top quark.
The cross section is strongly related to the coupling constants (lambda1: x1 & down type quarks, lambda2 x1 & top quark), and we are trying to limit our model depending on those two constants.
Since we could exclude our model with a specific mass of x1 where lambdas > 0.1, we tried to generate samples with small lambdas, and at some level we got the above warning message.


define bot = b b~
generate p p > x1 bot, (x1 > n t, (t > w+ b, w+ > l+ vl))

Example of warning message:

  partial width of particle x1 lower than QCD scale:0.0994718394324. Set it to zero. ([-3, -5])

  partial width of particle x1 lower than QCD scale:0.0994718394324. Set it to zero. ([-1, -5])

In those cases, the problematic partial width is automatically set to 0, so we couldn’t see consistency in cross-sections.
 By giving partial width manually from the theoretical calculation, it was able to generate samples which gave us consistent cross-sections. However, we are not sure if forcing to put values in the param_card.dat is meaningful because we know mg5 rejected those cases because it considers them as the cases which don't follow the perturbative QCD theory.
On the other hand, that value doesn't look very small, so we want to listen to the experts' opinion.
Can we use that modified param_card.dat using the calculated width or it makes more sense that we say we can exclude our model in the region of the mg5 limitation?

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MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
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Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :


I'm not really expert here, my best two point of comparison is the b quark and the tau lepton.
For the b quark, we typically keep his width to zero and let the hadronization model handling it.
For the tau, we do decay it, but never use the BR that is calculated from the standard model, but effective BR where the tau decay directly to pion/hadron (and typically to three of them which I would not be able to explain by looking at the BR computed within the perturbative theory).

>By giving partial width manually from the theoretical calculation, it was able to generate samples which gave us consistent cross-sections. However, we are not sure if forcing to put values in the param_card.dat is meaningful because we know mg5 rejected those cases because it considers them as the cases which don't follow the perturbative QCD theory.

I guess it depends of what you mean by meaningfull. If you are sensitive to the fact that MG5 set those BR to zero then they are probably a lot of part of the simulation where you need to check the hyppothesis made and check if you do not have any issue.
In particular in the fit of the PDF and the fit of the hadronization model.

Now they are no problem per say to simply fix the width within the param_card, this is the point to have that as a free parameter such that one can use either the experimental value, the LO value, the most theoretical prediction or ... zero.

> Can we use that modified param_card.dat using the calculated width or it makes more sense that we say we can exclude our model in the region of the mg5 limitation?

This is likely a question that I do not have the answer, I can only recommend to be careful in the hypothesis made before doing any statement for such type of benchmark.



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