No such file or directory: ...GX_X/results.dat

Asked by Yuan Feng

I ran into a problem when generating events using MG5(v2_9_16) and these are the steps I took:
1.launch MG5:
 set auto_convert_model T
 import model loop_sm_twoscalar
 generate p p > H H H [noborn = QCD]
 output hhh_inclu

2. replace the param_card.dat files as I changed some parameters

3. launch hhh_inclu

WARNING: [Fail 5 times]
 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/afs/'
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 206 [ 39m 27s ]
WARNING: [Fail 5 times]
 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/afs/'
WARNING: [Fail 5 times]
 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/afs/'
INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 208 [ 39m 27s ]
[Fail 5 times]
 [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/afs/'
Cluster Error detected. Do you want to clean the queue? ("c"=continue the run anyway) [y, n, c][60s to answer]
Command "generate_events run_01" interrupted with error:
FileNotFoundError : [Fail 5 times]
  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/afs/'
Please report this bug on
More information is found in '/afs/'.
Please attach this file to your report.

I've submitted this work to condor with different particle mass pair (mH2,mH3) changed in param_card.dat files as batch jobs and for two of them MG5 fails to generate events and reports the error above: GX_X/results.dat doesn't exits, jobs with other (mH2,mH3) parameter successfully generate events (10000 by default). For the failing jobs I tried to run locally but the end up with same errors.
Inside G5.8_1:
 events.lhe ftn25 ftn26 input_app.txt log.txt moffset.dat run1_app.log

Thanks for any help,

run1_app.log content:

 Process in group number 0
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999

       NNPDFDriver version 1.0.3
   Grid: NNPDF23_lo_as_0130_qed_mem0.grid
 New value of alpha_s from PDF nn23lo1: 0.13000000000000000
 Define smin to 140827.57290000000
 * MadGraph/MadEvent *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *
 * *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *

  External Params

 MU_R = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_a12 = 6.8574839999999998E-002
 mdl_a13 = -4.9994490000000003E-002
 mdl_a23 = -0.93472330000000003
 mdl_kap111 = 31.427779999999998
 mdl_kap112 = 4.1527989999999999
 mdl_kap122 = -13.360840000000000
 mdl_kap222 = 406.73950000000002
 mdl_kap133 = -62.635030000000000
 mdl_kap113 = -147.54140000000001
 mdl_kap123 = 188.42050000000000
 mdl_kap333 = -499.54759999999999
 mdl_kap233 = 1742.3209999999999
 mdl_kap223 = -256.65359999999998
 mdl_kap1111 = 4.4031080000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1112 = -1.8934170000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1122 = 2.8935670000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1222 = -2.4114050000000001E-002
 mdl_kap2222 = 0.15418129999999999
 mdl_kap1113 = 3.9021500000000002E-004
 mdl_kap1133 = 9.8064650000000003E-002
 mdl_kap1333 = 9.9421389999999998E-002
 mdl_kap3333 = 0.33329569999999997
 mdl_kap2223 = -0.27945880000000001
 mdl_kap2333 = -0.91679580000000005
 mdl_kap2233 = 1.4433440000000000
 mdl_kap1233 = -0.19838159999999999
 mdl_kap1223 = 0.24256900000000001
 mdl_kap1123 = -0.23386970000000001
 aEWM1 = 132.50700000000001
 mdl_Gf = 1.1663900000000000E-005
 aS = 0.11799999999999999
 mdl_ymb = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_ymt = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_ymtau = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_MT = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_MB = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_MZ = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_MH = 125.09000000000000
 mdl_Meta = 750.00000000000000
 mdl_Weta = 1.1778730000000001E-003
 mdl_Miota = 900.00000000000000
 mdl_Wiota = 3.8034450000000000
 mdl_MTA = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_WT = 1.4915000000000000
 mdl_WZ = 2.4414039999999999
 mdl_WW = 2.0476000000000001
 mdl_WH = 6.4970540000000004E-003
  Internal Params

 mdl_CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_lhv = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM33 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_Ncol = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_CA = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_TF = 0.50000000000000000
 mdl_CF = 1.3333333333333333
 mdl_cos__a13 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_ctheta1 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_ctheta2 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_cos__a23 = 0.59404103620390925
 mdl_ctheta3 = 0.59404103620390925
 mdl_sin__a12 = 6.8521107005483139E-002
 mdl_stheta1 = 6.8521107005483139E-002
 mdl_sin__a13 = -4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_stheta2 = -4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_sin__a23 = -0.80443473775427288
 mdl_stheta3 = -0.80443473775427288
 mdl_R23 = 0.80342962532007967
 mdl_R32 = -0.80139547975169889
 mdl_R22 = 0.59605338957083331
 mdl_R21 = 5.5402553180244896E-004
 mdl_R31 = -8.4770075065204481E-002
 mdl_R11 = 0.99750263269093009
 mdl_R33 = 0.59329880317506667
 mdl_R13 = 4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_R12 = -6.8435492332939080E-002
 mdl_RH1 = 0.99750263269093009
 mdl_RH2 = 5.5402553180244896E-004
 mdl_RH3 = -8.4770075065204481E-002
 mdl_complexi = (0.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)
 mdl_MZ__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_MZ__exp__4 = 69143404.913893804
 mdl_sqrt__2 = 1.4142135623730951
 mdl_MH__exp__2 = 15647.508100000001
 mdl_MH__exp__4 = 244844509.73956564
 mdl_MT__exp__4 = 895745041.00000000
 mdl_MT__exp__2 = 29929.000000000000
 mdl_MH__exp__12 = 1.4678142857850456E+025
 mdl_MH__exp__10 = 9.3804986481205012E+020
 mdl_MH__exp__8 = 59948833949608256.
 mdl_MH__exp__6 = 3831206449390.3818
 mdl_Ncol__exp__2 = 9.0000000000000000
 mdl_MB__exp__2 = 22.090000000000003
 mdl_RH1__exp__2 = 0.99501150222533663
 mdl_RH2__exp__2 = 3.0694428988898640E-007
 mdl_RH3__exp__2 = 7.1859656265604024E-003
 mdl_aEW = 7.5467711139788835E-003
 mdl_MW = 80.419002445756163
 mdl_sqrt__aEW = 8.6872153846781555E-002
 mdl_ee = 0.30795376724436879
 mdl_MW__exp__2 = 6467.2159543705357
 mdl_sw2 = 0.22224648578577766
 mdl_cw = 0.88190334743339216
 mdl_sqrt__sw2 = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_sw = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_g1 = 0.34919219678733299
 mdl_gw = 0.65323293034757990
 mdl_v = 246.21845810181637
 mdl_v__exp__2 = 60623.529110035903
 mdl_lam = 0.12905474433531156
 mdl_yb = 2.6995554250465490E-002
 mdl_yt = 0.99366614581500623
 mdl_ytau = 1.0206617000654717E-002
 mdl_muH = 88.451987258625238
 mdl_ee__exp__2 = 9.4835522759998875E-002
 mdl_MW__exp__12 = 7.3165135181362573E+022
 mdl_MW__exp__10 = 1.1313235200058173E+019
 mdl_MW__exp__8 = 1749320771082757.2
 mdl_MW__exp__6 = 270490545456.51419
 mdl_MW__exp__4 = 41824882.200464800
 mdl_AH = 3.1620516898179206E-005
 mdl_AxialZUp = -0.18517701861793787
 mdl_AxialZDown = 0.18517701861793787
 mdl_VectorZUp = 7.5430507588273299E-002
 mdl_VectorZDown = -0.13030376310310560
 mdl_VectorAUp = 0.20530251149624587
 mdl_VectorADown = -0.10265125574812294
 mdl_VectorWmDxU = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWmDxU = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_VectorWpUxD = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWpUxD = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_I1x33 = (2.69955542504654901E-002,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I2x33 = (0.99366614581500623,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I3x33 = (0.99366614581500623,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I4x33 = (2.69955542504654901E-002,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Vector_tbGp = (-0.96667059156454072,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Axial_tbGp = (-1.0206617000654716,-0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Vector_tbGm = (0.96667059156454072,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Axial_tbGm = (-1.0206617000654716,-0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_gw__exp__2 = 0.42671326129048615
 mdl_cw__exp__2 = 0.77775351421422245
 mdl_sw__exp__2 = 0.22224648578577769
 mdl_yb__exp__2 = 7.2875994928982540E-004
 mdl_yt__exp__2 = 0.98737240933884918
  Internal Params evaluated point by point

 mdl_sqrt__aS = 0.34351128074635334
 mdl_G__exp__4 = 2.1987899468922913
 mdl_G__exp__2 = 1.4828317324943823
 mdl_GWcft_UV_b_1EPS_ = -3.1300472141406080E-003
 mdl_GWcft_UV_t_1EPS_ = -3.1300472141406080E-003
 mdl_bWcft_UV_1EPS_ = -1.8780283284843650E-002
 mdl_tWcft_UV_1EPS_ = -1.8780283284843650E-002
 mdl_G__exp__3 = 1.8056676068262196
 mdl_MU_R__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_GWcft_UV_b_FIN_ = -1.8563438626678915E-002
 mdl_GWcft_UV_t_FIN_ = 4.0087659331150384E-003
 mdl_bWcft_UV_FIN_ = -0.13642100947319838
 mdl_tWcft_UV_FIN_ = -9.8778211443463623E-004
  Couplings of loop_sm_twoscalar

         GC_5 = 0.00000E+00 0.12177E+01
      R2_GGHb = 0.00000E+00 -0.33614E-02
      R2_GGHt = 0.00000E+00 -0.45543E+01
   R2_GGeta0b = 0.00000E+00 -0.18670E-05
   R2_GGeta0t = 0.00000E+00 -0.25295E-02
  R2_GGiota0b = 0.00000E+00 0.28566E-03
  R2_GGiota0t = 0.00000E+00 0.38703E+00
     R2_GGHHb = -0.00000E+00 -0.13618E-04
     R2_GGHHt = -0.00000E+00 -0.18451E-01
  R2_GGHeta0b = -0.00000E+00 -0.75636E-08
  R2_GGHeta0t = -0.00000E+00 -0.10248E-04
 R2_GGHiota0b = 0.00000E+00 0.11573E-05
 R2_GGHiota0t = 0.00000E+00 0.15680E-02
        GC_33 = -0.00000E+00 -0.19041E-01
       GC_933 = -0.00000E+00 -0.10576E-04
       GC_733 = 0.00000E+00 0.16182E-02
        GC_37 = -0.00000E+00 -0.70087E+00
       GC_937 = -0.00000E+00 -0.38927E-03
       GC_737 = 0.00000E+00 0.59562E-01
        GC_30 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18857E+03
    GC_HHeta0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.83056E+01
 GC_Heta0eta0 = 0.00000E+00 0.26722E+02
      GC_HHHH = -0.00000E+00 -0.10567E+01
   GC_HHHeta0 = 0.00000E+00 0.11361E+00
  GC_HHHiota0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.23413E-02
   GC_HHiota0 = 0.00000E+00 0.29508E+03
 GC_Hiota0iota0 0.00000E+00 0.12527E+03
 GC_Hiota0eta0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18842E+03

 Collider parameters:

 Running at P P machine @ 13000.000000000000 GeV
 PDF set = nn23lo1
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 2 loops.
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 2 loops.
 Renormalization scale set on event-by-event basis
 Factorization scale set on event-by-event basis

 getting user params
Enter number of events and max and min iterations:
 Number of events and iterations 666 1 1
Enter desired fractional accuracy:
 Desired fractional accuracy: 2.0000000000000000E-002
Enter 0 for fixed, 2 for adjustable grid:
Suppress amplitude (0 no, 1 yes)?
 Using suppressed amplitude.
Exact helicity sum (0 yes, n = number/event)?
 Monte-Carlo over helicities

 * You are using the DiscreteSampler module *
 * part of the MG5_aMC framework *
 * Author: Valentin Hirschi *

Enter Configuration Number:
Running Configuration Number: 5
 Using dconfig= 8
 BW Setting 2 2 0
 Attempting mappinvarients 1 5
 Determine nb_t
 T-channel found: 0
 Completed mapping 5
 about to integrate 7 666 1 1 7 1
 Using unknown grid deformation: -2
  7 dimensions 666 events 7 invarients 1 iterations 1 config(s), (0.99)
 Using h-tuple random number sequence.
 Error opening grid
 Using Uniform Grid! 20
 Using uniform alpha 1.0000000000000000
 Grid defined OK
 Masses: 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.125E+03 0.125E+03 0.125E+03
 Set CM energy to 13000.00
 Mapping Graph 5 to config 5
 Determine nb_t
 T-channel found: 0
Setting grid 1 0.37036E-03 1
Setting grid 2 0.83330E-03 1
 Transforming s_hat 1/s 6 8.3329924792899419E-004 140827.57290000000 168999999.99999997
 Got moffset 1
Using random seed offsets 5 : 1
  with seed 24
 Ranmar initialization seeds 31063 12555
  Particle 3 4 5
      Et > 0.0 0.0 0.0
       E > 0.0 0.0 0.0
     Eta < -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
   xqcut: 0.0 0.0 0.0
d R # 3 > -0.0 0.0 0.0
d R # 4 > -0.0 -0.0 0.0
s min # 3> 0.0 62590.0 0.0
s min # 4> 0.0 0.0 0.0
xqcutij # 3> 0.0 0.0 0.0
xqcutij # 4> 0.0 0.0 0.0
 Excluding BW -1 1
 Excluding BW -2 2
 alpha_s for scale 447.83544093642763 is 0.10283694868338547
 { }
 {   }
 {  ,,  }
 { `7MMM. ,MMF' `7MM `7MMF'  }
 {  MMMb dPMM MM MM  }
 {  M YM ,M MM ,6"Yb. ,M""bMM MM ,pW"Wq. ,pW"Wq.`7MMpdMAo.  }
 {  M Mb M' MM 8) MM ,AP MM MM 6W' `Wb 6W' `Wb MM `Wb  }
 {  M YM.P' MM ,pm9MM 8MI MM MM , 8M M8 8M M8 MM M8  }
 {  M `YM' MM 8M MM `Mb MM MM ,M YA. ,A9 YA. ,A9 MM ,AP  }
 { .JML. `' .JMML.`Moo9^Yo.`Wbmd"MML..JMMmmmmMMM `Ybmd9' `Ybmd9' MMbmmd'  }
 {  MM  }
 {  .JMML.  }
 { v2.9.16 (2023-07-26), Ref: arXiv:1103.0621v2, arXiv:1405.0301  }
 {   }
 { }
 INFO: MadLoop read these parameters from ../MadLoop5_resources/MadLoopParams.dat
  > MLReductionLib = 6|7|1
  > CTModeRun = -1
  > MLStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-004
  > NRotations_DP = 1
  > NRotations_QP = 0
  > CTStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-002
  > CTLoopLibrary = 2
  > CTModeInit = 1
  > CheckCycle = 4
  > MaxAttempts = 10
  > UseLoopFilter = F
  > HelicityFilterLevel = 1
  > ImprovePSPoint = 2
  > DoubleCheckHelicityFilter = F
  > LoopInitStartOver = F
  > HelInitStartOver = F
  > ZeroThres = 1.0000000000000001E-009
  > OSThres = 1.0000000000000000E-013
  > WriteOutFilters = F
  > UseQPIntegrandForNinja = T
  > UseQPIntegrandForCutTools = T
  > COLLIERMode = 1
  > COLLIERRequiredAccuracy = 1.0000000000000000E-008
  > COLLIERCanOutput = F
  > COLLIERComputeUVpoles = T
  > COLLIERComputeIRpoles = T
  > COLLIERGlobalCache = -1
  > COLLIERUseCacheForPoles = F
  > COLLIERUseInternalStabilityTest = T
 ##INFO: For loop-induced processes it is preferable to always set the parameter LoopInitStartOver to True, so it is hard-set here to True.
 ##INFO: For loop-induced processes it is preferable to always set the parameter HelInitStartOver to True, so it is hard-set here to True.
 ##INFO: Due to the dynamic setting of the reference scale for contributions comparisons, it is preferable to set the parameter CheckCycle to a value larger than 4, so it is hard-set here to 5.

| You are using CutTools - Version 1.9.3 |

  | |
  | Ninja - version 1.1.0 |
  | |
  | Author: Tiziano Peraro |
  | |
  | Based on: |
  | |
  | P. Mastrolia, E. Mirabella and T. Peraro, |
  | "Integrand reduction of one-loop scattering amplitudes |
  | through Laurent series expansion," |
  | JHEP 1206 (2012) 095 [arXiv:1203.0291 [hep-ph]]. |
  | |
  | T. Peraro, |
  | "Ninja: Automated Integrand Reduction via Laurent |
  | Expansion for One-Loop Amplitudes," |
  | Comput.Phys.Commun. 185 (2014) [arXiv:1403.1229 [hep-ph]] |
  | |

| Authors: G. Ossola, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau |
| Published in JHEP 0803:042,2008 |
| |
| |
| Compiler with 34 significant digits detetected |

# #
# You are using OneLOop-3.6 #
# #
# for the evaluation of 1-loop scalar 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-point functions #
# #
# author: Andreas van Hameren <email address hidden> #
# date: 18-02-2015 #
# #
# Please cite #
# A. van Hameren, #
# Comput.Phys.Commun. 182 (2011) 2427-2438, arXiv:1007.4716 #
# A. van Hameren, C.G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau, #
# JHEP 0909:106,2009, arXiv:0903.4665 #
# in publications with results obtained with the help of this program. #
# #
# #
# You are using OneLOop-3.6 #
# #
# for the evaluation of 1-loop scalar 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-point functions #
# #
# author: Andreas van Hameren <email address hidden> #
# date: 18-02-2015 #
# #
# Please cite #
# A. van Hameren, #
# Comput.Phys.Commun. 182 (2011) 2427-2438, arXiv:1007.4716 #
# A. van Hameren, C.G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau, #
# JHEP 0909:106,2009, arXiv:0903.4665 #
# in publications with results obtained with the help of this program. #
# #

         * C O L L I E R *
         * *
         * Complex One-Loop Library *
         * In Extended Regularizations *
         * *
         * by A.Denner, S.Dittmaier, L.Hofer *
         * *
         * version 1.2.8 *
         * *

 Iteration 1 Mean: 0.1149E-07 Abs mean: 0.1149E-07 Fluctuation: 0.110E-07 0.731E-05 99.7%
  1 0.1149E-07 0.1149E-07 +- 0.1099E-07 24.67
 Writing out events 1.7306315565610588E-011 24.673776405604112
 Relative summed weights:
  0.5562E-02 0.0000E+00
  0.5611E-02 0.0000E+00
  0.9888E+00 0.0000E+00
 Relative number of events:
  0.3407E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3496E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3096E+00 0.0000E+00
         230 0
         236 0
         209 0
 Accuracy: 0.000 0.020 0.956 0.000
 Finished due to accuracy 0.0000000000000000 2.0000000000000000E-002

 Accumulated results: Integral = 0.1149E-07
                        Std dev = 0.1099E-07
                       Cross sec = 0.1149E-07
             Chi**2 per DoF. = 0.0000
 Results Last 1 iters: Integral = 0.1149E-07
                     Abs integral = 0.1149E-07
                          Std dev = 0.1099E-07
                  Chi**2 per DoF. = 0.0000
 Status 2.0000000000000000E-002 2 1

ls status:
 Process in group number 0
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999

       NNPDFDriver version 1.0.3
   Grid: NNPDF23_lo_as_0130_qed_mem0.grid
 New value of alpha_s from PDF nn23lo1: 0.13000000000000000
 Define smin to 140827.57290000000
 * MadGraph/MadEvent *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *
 * *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *

  External Params

 MU_R = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_a12 = 6.8574839999999998E-002
 mdl_a13 = -4.9994490000000003E-002
 mdl_a23 = -0.93472330000000003
 mdl_kap111 = 31.427779999999998
 mdl_kap112 = 4.1527989999999999
 mdl_kap122 = -13.360840000000000
 mdl_kap222 = 406.73950000000002
 mdl_kap133 = -62.635030000000000
 mdl_kap113 = -147.54140000000001
 mdl_kap123 = 188.42050000000000
 mdl_kap333 = -499.54759999999999
 mdl_kap233 = 1742.3209999999999
 mdl_kap223 = -256.65359999999998
 mdl_kap1111 = 4.4031080000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1112 = -1.8934170000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1122 = 2.8935670000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1222 = -2.4114050000000001E-002
 mdl_kap2222 = 0.15418129999999999
 mdl_kap1113 = 3.9021500000000002E-004
 mdl_kap1133 = 9.8064650000000003E-002
 mdl_kap1333 = 9.9421389999999998E-002
 mdl_kap3333 = 0.33329569999999997
 mdl_kap2223 = -0.27945880000000001
 mdl_kap2333 = -0.91679580000000005
 mdl_kap2233 = 1.4433440000000000
 mdl_kap1233 = -0.19838159999999999
 mdl_kap1223 = 0.24256900000000001
 mdl_kap1123 = -0.23386970000000001
 aEWM1 = 132.50700000000001
 mdl_Gf = 1.1663900000000000E-005
 aS = 0.11799999999999999
 mdl_ymb = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_ymt = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_ymtau = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_MT = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_MB = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_MZ = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_MH = 125.09000000000000
 mdl_Meta = 750.00000000000000
 mdl_Weta = 1.1778730000000001E-003
 mdl_Miota = 900.00000000000000
 mdl_Wiota = 3.8034450000000000
 mdl_MTA = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_WT = 1.4915000000000000
 mdl_WZ = 2.4414039999999999
 mdl_WW = 2.0476000000000001
 mdl_WH = 6.4970540000000004E-003
  Internal Params

 mdl_CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_lhv = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM33 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_Ncol = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_CA = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_TF = 0.50000000000000000
 mdl_CF = 1.3333333333333333
 mdl_cos__a13 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_ctheta1 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_ctheta2 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_cos__a23 = 0.59404103620390925
 mdl_ctheta3 = 0.59404103620390925
 mdl_sin__a12 = 6.8521107005483139E-002
 mdl_stheta1 = 6.8521107005483139E-002
 mdl_sin__a13 = -4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_stheta2 = -4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_sin__a23 = -0.80443473775427288
 mdl_stheta3 = -0.80443473775427288
 mdl_R23 = 0.80342962532007967
 mdl_R32 = -0.80139547975169889
 mdl_R22 = 0.59605338957083331
 mdl_R21 = 5.5402553180244896E-004
 mdl_R31 = -8.4770075065204481E-002
 mdl_R11 = 0.99750263269093009
 mdl_R33 = 0.59329880317506667
 mdl_R13 = 4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_R12 = -6.8435492332939080E-002
 mdl_RH1 = 0.99750263269093009
 mdl_RH2 = 5.5402553180244896E-004
 mdl_RH3 = -8.4770075065204481E-002
 mdl_complexi = (0.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)
 mdl_MZ__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_MZ__exp__4 = 69143404.913893804
 mdl_sqrt__2 = 1.4142135623730951
 mdl_MH__exp__2 = 15647.508100000001
 mdl_MH__exp__4 = 244844509.73956564
 mdl_MT__exp__4 = 895745041.00000000
 mdl_MT__exp__2 = 29929.000000000000
 mdl_MH__exp__12 = 1.4678142857850456E+025
 mdl_MH__exp__10 = 9.3804986481205012E+020
 mdl_MH__exp__8 = 59948833949608256.
 mdl_MH__exp__6 = 3831206449390.3818
 mdl_Ncol__exp__2 = 9.0000000000000000
 mdl_MB__exp__2 = 22.090000000000003
 mdl_RH1__exp__2 = 0.99501150222533663
 mdl_RH2__exp__2 = 3.0694428988898640E-007
 mdl_RH3__exp__2 = 7.1859656265604024E-003
 mdl_aEW = 7.5467711139788835E-003
 mdl_MW = 80.419002445756163
 mdl_sqrt__aEW = 8.6872153846781555E-002
 mdl_ee = 0.30795376724436879
 mdl_MW__exp__2 = 6467.2159543705357
 mdl_sw2 = 0.22224648578577766
 mdl_cw = 0.88190334743339216
 mdl_sqrt__sw2 = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_sw = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_g1 = 0.34919219678733299
 mdl_gw = 0.65323293034757990
 mdl_v = 246.21845810181637
 mdl_v__exp__2 = 60623.529110035903
 mdl_lam = 0.12905474433531156
 mdl_yb = 2.6995554250465490E-002
 mdl_yt = 0.99366614581500623
 mdl_ytau = 1.0206617000654717E-002
 mdl_muH = 88.451987258625238
 mdl_ee__exp__2 = 9.4835522759998875E-002
 mdl_MW__exp__12 = 7.3165135181362573E+022
 mdl_MW__exp__10 = 1.1313235200058173E+019
 mdl_MW__exp__8 = 1749320771082757.2
 mdl_MW__exp__6 = 270490545456.51419
 mdl_MW__exp__4 = 41824882.200464800
 mdl_AH = 3.1620516898179206E-005
 mdl_AxialZUp = -0.18517701861793787
 mdl_AxialZDown = 0.18517701861793787
 mdl_VectorZUp = 7.5430507588273299E-002
 mdl_VectorZDown = -0.13030376310310560
 mdl_VectorAUp = 0.20530251149624587
 mdl_VectorADown = -0.10265125574812294
 mdl_VectorWmDxU = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWmDxU = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_VectorWpUxD = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWpUxD = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_I1x33 = (2.69955542504654901E-002,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I2x33 = (0.99366614581500623,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I3x33 = (0.99366614581500623,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I4x33 = (2.69955542504654901E-002,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Vector_tbGp = (-0.96667059156454072,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Axial_tbGp = (-1.0206617000654716,-0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Vector_tbGm = (0.96667059156454072,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Axial_tbGm = (-1.0206617000654716,-0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_gw__exp__2 = 0.42671326129048615
 mdl_cw__exp__2 = 0.77775351421422245
 mdl_sw__exp__2 = 0.22224648578577769
 mdl_yb__exp__2 = 7.2875994928982540E-004
 mdl_yt__exp__2 = 0.98737240933884918
  Internal Params evaluated point by point

 mdl_sqrt__aS = 0.34351128074635334
 mdl_G__exp__4 = 2.1987899468922913
 mdl_G__exp__2 = 1.4828317324943823
 mdl_GWcft_UV_b_1EPS_ = -3.1300472141406080E-003
 mdl_GWcft_UV_t_1EPS_ = -3.1300472141406080E-003
 mdl_bWcft_UV_1EPS_ = -1.8780283284843650E-002
 mdl_tWcft_UV_1EPS_ = -1.8780283284843650E-002
 mdl_G__exp__3 = 1.8056676068262196
 mdl_MU_R__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_GWcft_UV_b_FIN_ = -1.8563438626678915E-002
 mdl_GWcft_UV_t_FIN_ = 4.0087659331150384E-003
 mdl_bWcft_UV_FIN_ = -0.13642100947319838
 mdl_tWcft_UV_FIN_ = -9.8778211443463623E-004
  Couplings of loop_sm_twoscalar

         GC_5 = 0.00000E+00 0.12177E+01
      R2_GGHb = 0.00000E+00 -0.33614E-02
      R2_GGHt = 0.00000E+00 -0.45543E+01
   R2_GGeta0b = 0.00000E+00 -0.18670E-05
   R2_GGeta0t = 0.00000E+00 -0.25295E-02
  R2_GGiota0b = 0.00000E+00 0.28566E-03
  R2_GGiota0t = 0.00000E+00 0.38703E+00
     R2_GGHHb = -0.00000E+00 -0.13618E-04
     R2_GGHHt = -0.00000E+00 -0.18451E-01
  R2_GGHeta0b = -0.00000E+00 -0.75636E-08
  R2_GGHeta0t = -0.00000E+00 -0.10248E-04
 R2_GGHiota0b = 0.00000E+00 0.11573E-05
 R2_GGHiota0t = 0.00000E+00 0.15680E-02
        GC_33 = -0.00000E+00 -0.19041E-01
       GC_933 = -0.00000E+00 -0.10576E-04
       GC_733 = 0.00000E+00 0.16182E-02
        GC_37 = -0.00000E+00 -0.70087E+00
       GC_937 = -0.00000E+00 -0.38927E-03
       GC_737 = 0.00000E+00 0.59562E-01
        GC_30 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18857E+03
    GC_HHeta0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.83056E+01
 GC_Heta0eta0 = 0.00000E+00 0.26722E+02
      GC_HHHH = -0.00000E+00 -0.10567E+01
   GC_HHHeta0 = 0.00000E+00 0.11361E+00
  GC_HHHiota0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.23413E-02
   GC_HHiota0 = 0.00000E+00 0.29508E+03
 GC_Hiota0iota0 0.00000E+00 0.12527E+03
 GC_Hiota0eta0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18842E+03

 Collider parameters:

 Running at P P machine @ 13000.000000000000 GeV
 PDF set = nn23lo1
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 2 loops.
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 2 loops.
 Renormalization scale set on event-by-event basis
 Factorization scale set on event-by-event basis

 getting user params
Enter number of events and max and min iterations:
 Number of events and iterations 1333 1 1
Enter desired fractional accuracy:
 Desired fractional accuracy: 2.0000000000000000E-002
Enter 0 for fixed, 2 for adjustable grid:
Suppress amplitude (0 no, 1 yes)?
 Using suppressed amplitude.
Exact helicity sum (0 yes, n = number/event)?
 Monte-Carlo over helicities

 * You are using the DiscreteSampler module *
 * part of the MG5_aMC framework *
 * Author: Valentin Hirschi *

Enter Configuration Number:
Running Configuration Number: 5
 Using dconfig= 8
 BW Setting 2 2 0
 Attempting mappinvarients 1 5
 Determine nb_t
 T-channel found: 0
 Completed mapping 5
 about to integrate 7 1333 1 1 7 1
 Using unknown grid deformation: -2
  7 dimensions 1333 events 7 invarients 1 iterations 1 config(s), (0.99)
 Using h-tuple random number sequence.
 Grid read from file
 Grid defined OK
 Masses: 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.125E+03 0.125E+03 0.125E+03
 Set CM energy to 13000.00
 Mapping Graph 5 to config 5
 Determine nb_t
 T-channel found: 0
 No modification is setgrid, grid read from file
 No modification is setgrid, grid read from file
 Transforming s_hat 1/s 6 8.3329924792899419E-004 140827.57290000000 168999999.99999997
 Got moffset 7
Using random seed offsets 5 : 1
  with seed 24
 Ranmar initialization seeds 31063 1416
  Particle 3 4 5
      Et > 0.0 0.0 0.0
       E > 0.0 0.0 0.0
     Eta < -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
   xqcut: 0.0 0.0 0.0
d R # 3 > -0.0 0.0 0.0
d R # 4 > -0.0 -0.0 0.0
s min # 3> 0.0 62590.0 0.0
s min # 4> 0.0 0.0 0.0
xqcutij # 3> 0.0 0.0 0.0
xqcutij # 4> 0.0 0.0 0.0
 Excluding BW -1 1
 Excluding BW -2 2
 alpha_s for scale 700.27046986561390 is 9.7167696007541590E-002
 { }
 {   }
 {  ,,  }
 { `7MMM. ,MMF' `7MM `7MMF'  }
 {  MMMb dPMM MM MM  }
 {  M YM ,M MM ,6"Yb. ,M""bMM MM ,pW"Wq. ,pW"Wq.`7MMpdMAo.  }
 {  M Mb M' MM 8) MM ,AP MM MM 6W' `Wb 6W' `Wb MM `Wb  }
 {  M YM.P' MM ,pm9MM 8MI MM MM , 8M M8 8M M8 MM M8  }
 {  M `YM' MM 8M MM `Mb MM MM ,M YA. ,A9 YA. ,A9 MM ,AP  }
 { .JML. `' .JMML.`Moo9^Yo.`Wbmd"MML..JMMmmmmMMM `Ybmd9' `Ybmd9' MMbmmd'  }
 {  MM  }
 {  .JMML.  }
 { v2.9.16 (2023-07-26), Ref: arXiv:1103.0621v2, arXiv:1405.0301  }
 {   }
 { }
 INFO: MadLoop read these parameters from ../MadLoop5_resources/MadLoopParams.dat
  > MLReductionLib = 6|7|1
  > CTModeRun = -1
  > MLStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-004
  > NRotations_DP = 1
  > NRotations_QP = 0
  > CTStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-002
  > CTLoopLibrary = 2
  > CTModeInit = 1
  > CheckCycle = 4
  > MaxAttempts = 10
  > UseLoopFilter = F
  > HelicityFilterLevel = 1
  > ImprovePSPoint = 2
  > DoubleCheckHelicityFilter = F
  > LoopInitStartOver = F
  > HelInitStartOver = F
  > ZeroThres = 1.0000000000000001E-009
  > OSThres = 1.0000000000000000E-013
  > WriteOutFilters = F
  > UseQPIntegrandForNinja = T
  > UseQPIntegrandForCutTools = T
  > COLLIERMode = 1
  > COLLIERRequiredAccuracy = 1.0000000000000000E-008
  > COLLIERCanOutput = F
  > COLLIERComputeUVpoles = T
  > COLLIERComputeIRpoles = T
  > COLLIERGlobalCache = -1
  > COLLIERUseCacheForPoles = F
  > COLLIERUseInternalStabilityTest = T
 ##INFO: For loop-induced processes it is preferable to always set the parameter LoopInitStartOver to True, so it is hard-set here to True.
 ##INFO: For loop-induced processes it is preferable to always set the parameter HelInitStartOver to True, so it is hard-set here to True.
 ##INFO: Due to the dynamic setting of the reference scale for contributions comparisons, it is preferable to set the parameter CheckCycle to a value larger than 4, so it is hard-set here to 5.

| You are using CutTools - Version 1.9.3 |

  | |
  | Ninja - version 1.1.0 |
  | |
  | Author: Tiziano Peraro |
  | |
  | Based on: |
  | |
  | P. Mastrolia, E. Mirabella and T. Peraro, |
  | "Integrand reduction of one-loop scattering amplitudes |
  | through Laurent series expansion," |
  | JHEP 1206 (2012) 095 [arXiv:1203.0291 [hep-ph]]. |
  | |
  | T. Peraro, |
  | "Ninja: Automated Integrand Reduction via Laurent |
  | Expansion for One-Loop Amplitudes," |
  | Comput.Phys.Commun. 185 (2014) [arXiv:1403.1229 [hep-ph]] |
  | |

| Authors: G. Ossola, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau |
| Published in JHEP 0803:042,2008 |
| |
| |
| Compiler with 34 significant digits detetected |

# #
# You are using OneLOop-3.6 #
# #
# for the evaluation of 1-loop scalar 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-point functions #
# #
# author: Andreas van Hameren <email address hidden> #
# date: 18-02-2015 #
# #
# Please cite #
# A. van Hameren, #
# Comput.Phys.Commun. 182 (2011) 2427-2438, arXiv:1007.4716 #
# A. van Hameren, C.G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau, #
# JHEP 0909:106,2009, arXiv:0903.4665 #
# in publications with results obtained with the help of this program. #
# #
# #
# You are using OneLOop-3.6 #
# #
# for the evaluation of 1-loop scalar 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-point functions #
# #
# author: Andreas van Hameren <email address hidden> #
# date: 18-02-2015 #
# #
# Please cite #
# A. van Hameren, #
# Comput.Phys.Commun. 182 (2011) 2427-2438, arXiv:1007.4716 #
# A. van Hameren, C.G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau, #
# JHEP 0909:106,2009, arXiv:0903.4665 #
# in publications with results obtained with the help of this program. #
# #

         * C O L L I E R *
         * *
         * Complex One-Loop Library *
         * In Extended Regularizations *
         * *
         * by A.Denner, S.Dittmaier, L.Hofer *
         * *
         * version 1.2.8 *
         * *

 Iteration 1 Mean: 0.5369E-07 Abs mean: 0.5369E-07 Fluctuation: 0.268E-07 0.349E-04 99.8%
  1 0.5369E-07 0.5369E-07 +- 0.2683E-07 18.25
 Relative summed weights:
  0.2327E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.1838E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.5835E+00 0.0000E+00
 Relative number of events:
  0.3481E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3166E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3353E+00 0.0000E+00
         464 0
         422 0
         447 0
 Accuracy: 0.000 0.020 0.500 0.000
 Finished due to accuracy 0.0000000000000000 2.0000000000000000E-002

 Accumulated results: Integral = 0.5369E-07
                        Std dev = 0.2683E-07
                       Cross sec = 0.5369E-07
             Chi**2 per DoF. = 0.0000
 Found 121 events.
 Wrote 2 events.
 Events wgts > 1: 0
 % Cross section > 1: 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
 Results Last 1 iters: Integral = 0.5369E-07
                     Abs integral = 0.5369E-07
                          Std dev = 0.2683E-07
                  Chi**2 per DoF. = 0.0000
 Status 2.0000000000000000E-002 2 1

ls status:
 Process in group number 0
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999

       NNPDFDriver version 1.0.3
   Grid: NNPDF23_lo_as_0130_qed_mem0.grid
 New value of alpha_s from PDF nn23lo1: 0.13000000000000000
 Define smin to 140827.57290000000
 * MadGraph/MadEvent *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *
 * *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *

  External Params

 MU_R = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_a12 = 6.8574839999999998E-002
 mdl_a13 = -4.9994490000000003E-002
 mdl_a23 = -0.93472330000000003
 mdl_kap111 = 31.427779999999998
 mdl_kap112 = 4.1527989999999999
 mdl_kap122 = -13.360840000000000
 mdl_kap222 = 406.73950000000002
 mdl_kap133 = -62.635030000000000
 mdl_kap113 = -147.54140000000001
 mdl_kap123 = 188.42050000000000
 mdl_kap333 = -499.54759999999999
 mdl_kap233 = 1742.3209999999999
 mdl_kap223 = -256.65359999999998
 mdl_kap1111 = 4.4031080000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1112 = -1.8934170000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1122 = 2.8935670000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1222 = -2.4114050000000001E-002
 mdl_kap2222 = 0.15418129999999999
 mdl_kap1113 = 3.9021500000000002E-004
 mdl_kap1133 = 9.8064650000000003E-002
 mdl_kap1333 = 9.9421389999999998E-002
 mdl_kap3333 = 0.33329569999999997
 mdl_kap2223 = -0.27945880000000001
 mdl_kap2333 = -0.91679580000000005
 mdl_kap2233 = 1.4433440000000000
 mdl_kap1233 = -0.19838159999999999
 mdl_kap1223 = 0.24256900000000001
 mdl_kap1123 = -0.23386970000000001
 aEWM1 = 132.50700000000001
 mdl_Gf = 1.1663900000000000E-005
 aS = 0.11799999999999999
 mdl_ymb = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_ymt = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_ymtau = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_MT = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_MB = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_MZ = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_MH = 125.09000000000000
 mdl_Meta = 750.00000000000000
 mdl_Weta = 1.1778730000000001E-003
 mdl_Miota = 900.00000000000000
 mdl_Wiota = 3.8034450000000000
 mdl_MTA = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_WT = 1.4915000000000000
 mdl_WZ = 2.4414039999999999
 mdl_WW = 2.0476000000000001
 mdl_WH = 6.4970540000000004E-003
  Internal Params

 mdl_CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_lhv = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM33 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_Ncol = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_CA = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_TF = 0.50000000000000000
 mdl_CF = 1.3333333333333333
 mdl_cos__a13 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_ctheta1 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_ctheta2 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_cos__a23 = 0.59404103620390925
 mdl_ctheta3 = 0.59404103620390925
 mdl_sin__a12 = 6.8521107005483139E-002
 mdl_stheta1 = 6.8521107005483139E-002
 mdl_sin__a13 = -4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_stheta2 = -4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_sin__a23 = -0.80443473775427288
 mdl_stheta3 = -0.80443473775427288
 mdl_R23 = 0.80342962532007967
 mdl_R32 = -0.80139547975169889
 mdl_R22 = 0.59605338957083331
 mdl_R21 = 5.5402553180244896E-004
 mdl_R31 = -8.4770075065204481E-002
 mdl_R11 = 0.99750263269093009
 mdl_R33 = 0.59329880317506667
 mdl_R13 = 4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_R12 = -6.8435492332939080E-002
 mdl_RH1 = 0.99750263269093009
 mdl_RH2 = 5.5402553180244896E-004
 mdl_RH3 = -8.4770075065204481E-002
 mdl_complexi = (0.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)
 mdl_MZ__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_MZ__exp__4 = 69143404.913893804
 mdl_sqrt__2 = 1.4142135623730951
 mdl_MH__exp__2 = 15647.508100000001
 mdl_MH__exp__4 = 244844509.73956564
 mdl_MT__exp__4 = 895745041.00000000
 mdl_MT__exp__2 = 29929.000000000000
 mdl_MH__exp__12 = 1.4678142857850456E+025
 mdl_MH__exp__10 = 9.3804986481205012E+020
 mdl_MH__exp__8 = 59948833949608256.
 mdl_MH__exp__6 = 3831206449390.3818
 mdl_Ncol__exp__2 = 9.0000000000000000
 mdl_MB__exp__2 = 22.090000000000003
 mdl_RH1__exp__2 = 0.99501150222533663
 mdl_RH2__exp__2 = 3.0694428988898640E-007
 mdl_RH3__exp__2 = 7.1859656265604024E-003
 mdl_aEW = 7.5467711139788835E-003
 mdl_MW = 80.419002445756163
 mdl_sqrt__aEW = 8.6872153846781555E-002
 mdl_ee = 0.30795376724436879
 mdl_MW__exp__2 = 6467.2159543705357
 mdl_sw2 = 0.22224648578577766
 mdl_cw = 0.88190334743339216
 mdl_sqrt__sw2 = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_sw = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_g1 = 0.34919219678733299
 mdl_gw = 0.65323293034757990
 mdl_v = 246.21845810181637
 mdl_v__exp__2 = 60623.529110035903
 mdl_lam = 0.12905474433531156
 mdl_yb = 2.6995554250465490E-002
 mdl_yt = 0.99366614581500623
 mdl_ytau = 1.0206617000654717E-002
 mdl_muH = 88.451987258625238
 mdl_ee__exp__2 = 9.4835522759998875E-002
 mdl_MW__exp__12 = 7.3165135181362573E+022
 mdl_MW__exp__10 = 1.1313235200058173E+019
 mdl_MW__exp__8 = 1749320771082757.2
 mdl_MW__exp__6 = 270490545456.51419
 mdl_MW__exp__4 = 41824882.200464800
 mdl_AH = 3.1620516898179206E-005
 mdl_AxialZUp = -0.18517701861793787
 mdl_AxialZDown = 0.18517701861793787
 mdl_VectorZUp = 7.5430507588273299E-002
 mdl_VectorZDown = -0.13030376310310560
 mdl_VectorAUp = 0.20530251149624587
 mdl_VectorADown = -0.10265125574812294
 mdl_VectorWmDxU = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWmDxU = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_VectorWpUxD = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWpUxD = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_I1x33 = (2.69955542504654901E-002,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I2x33 = (0.99366614581500623,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I3x33 = (0.99366614581500623,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I4x33 = (2.69955542504654901E-002,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Vector_tbGp = (-0.96667059156454072,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Axial_tbGp = (-1.0206617000654716,-0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Vector_tbGm = (0.96667059156454072,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Axial_tbGm = (-1.0206617000654716,-0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_gw__exp__2 = 0.42671326129048615
 mdl_cw__exp__2 = 0.77775351421422245
 mdl_sw__exp__2 = 0.22224648578577769
 mdl_yb__exp__2 = 7.2875994928982540E-004
 mdl_yt__exp__2 = 0.98737240933884918
  Internal Params evaluated point by point

 mdl_sqrt__aS = 0.34351128074635334
 mdl_G__exp__4 = 2.1987899468922913
 mdl_G__exp__2 = 1.4828317324943823
 mdl_GWcft_UV_b_1EPS_ = -3.1300472141406080E-003
 mdl_GWcft_UV_t_1EPS_ = -3.1300472141406080E-003
 mdl_bWcft_UV_1EPS_ = -1.8780283284843650E-002
 mdl_tWcft_UV_1EPS_ = -1.8780283284843650E-002
 mdl_G__exp__3 = 1.8056676068262196
 mdl_MU_R__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_GWcft_UV_b_FIN_ = -1.8563438626678915E-002
 mdl_GWcft_UV_t_FIN_ = 4.0087659331150384E-003
 mdl_bWcft_UV_FIN_ = -0.13642100947319838
 mdl_tWcft_UV_FIN_ = -9.8778211443463623E-004
  Couplings of loop_sm_twoscalar

         GC_5 = 0.00000E+00 0.12177E+01
      R2_GGHb = 0.00000E+00 -0.33614E-02
      R2_GGHt = 0.00000E+00 -0.45543E+01
   R2_GGeta0b = 0.00000E+00 -0.18670E-05
   R2_GGeta0t = 0.00000E+00 -0.25295E-02
  R2_GGiota0b = 0.00000E+00 0.28566E-03
  R2_GGiota0t = 0.00000E+00 0.38703E+00
     R2_GGHHb = -0.00000E+00 -0.13618E-04
     R2_GGHHt = -0.00000E+00 -0.18451E-01
  R2_GGHeta0b = -0.00000E+00 -0.75636E-08
  R2_GGHeta0t = -0.00000E+00 -0.10248E-04
 R2_GGHiota0b = 0.00000E+00 0.11573E-05
 R2_GGHiota0t = 0.00000E+00 0.15680E-02
        GC_33 = -0.00000E+00 -0.19041E-01
       GC_933 = -0.00000E+00 -0.10576E-04
       GC_733 = 0.00000E+00 0.16182E-02
        GC_37 = -0.00000E+00 -0.70087E+00
       GC_937 = -0.00000E+00 -0.38927E-03
       GC_737 = 0.00000E+00 0.59562E-01
        GC_30 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18857E+03
    GC_HHeta0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.83056E+01
 GC_Heta0eta0 = 0.00000E+00 0.26722E+02
      GC_HHHH = -0.00000E+00 -0.10567E+01
   GC_HHHeta0 = 0.00000E+00 0.11361E+00
  GC_HHHiota0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.23413E-02
   GC_HHiota0 = 0.00000E+00 0.29508E+03
 GC_Hiota0iota0 0.00000E+00 0.12527E+03
 GC_Hiota0eta0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18842E+03

 Collider parameters:

 Running at P P machine @ 13000.000000000000 GeV
 PDF set = nn23lo1
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 2 loops.
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 2 loops.
 Renormalization scale set on event-by-event basis
 Factorization scale set on event-by-event basis

 getting user params
Enter number of events and max and min iterations:
 Number of events and iterations 2666 1 1
Enter desired fractional accuracy:
 Desired fractional accuracy: 2.0000000000000000E-002
Enter 0 for fixed, 2 for adjustable grid:
Suppress amplitude (0 no, 1 yes)?
 Using suppressed amplitude.
Exact helicity sum (0 yes, n = number/event)?
 Monte-Carlo over helicities

 * You are using the DiscreteSampler module *
 * part of the MG5_aMC framework *
 * Author: Valentin Hirschi *

Enter Configuration Number:
Running Configuration Number: 5
 Using dconfig= 8
 BW Setting 2 2 0
 Attempting mappinvarients 1 5
 Determine nb_t
 T-channel found: 0
 Completed mapping 5
 about to integrate 7 2666 1 1 7 1
 Using unknown grid deformation: -2
  7 dimensions 2666 events 7 invarients 1 iterations 1 config(s), (0.99)
 Using h-tuple random number sequence.
 Grid read from file
 Grid defined OK
 Masses: 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.125E+03 0.125E+03 0.125E+03
 Set CM energy to 13000.00
 Mapping Graph 5 to config 5
 Determine nb_t
 T-channel found: 0
 No modification is setgrid, grid read from file
 No modification is setgrid, grid read from file
 Transforming s_hat 1/s 6 8.3329924792899419E-004 140827.57290000000 168999999.99999997
 Got moffset 10
Using random seed offsets 5 : 1
  with seed 24
 Ranmar initialization seeds 31063 10887
  Particle 3 4 5
      Et > 0.0 0.0 0.0
       E > 0.0 0.0 0.0
     Eta < -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
   xqcut: 0.0 0.0 0.0
d R # 3 > -0.0 0.0 0.0
d R # 4 > -0.0 -0.0 0.0
s min # 3> 0.0 62590.0 0.0
s min # 4> 0.0 0.0 0.0
xqcutij # 3> 0.0 0.0 0.0
xqcutij # 4> 0.0 0.0 0.0
 Excluding BW -1 1
 Excluding BW -2 2
 alpha_s for scale 619.31647164972071 is 9.8661213876036699E-002
 { }
 {   }
 {  ,,  }
 { `7MMM. ,MMF' `7MM `7MMF'  }
 {  MMMb dPMM MM MM  }
 {  M YM ,M MM ,6"Yb. ,M""bMM MM ,pW"Wq. ,pW"Wq.`7MMpdMAo.  }
 {  M Mb M' MM 8) MM ,AP MM MM 6W' `Wb 6W' `Wb MM `Wb  }
 {  M YM.P' MM ,pm9MM 8MI MM MM , 8M M8 8M M8 MM M8  }
 {  M `YM' MM 8M MM `Mb MM MM ,M YA. ,A9 YA. ,A9 MM ,AP  }
 { .JML. `' .JMML.`Moo9^Yo.`Wbmd"MML..JMMmmmmMMM `Ybmd9' `Ybmd9' MMbmmd'  }
 {  MM  }
 {  .JMML.  }
 { v2.9.16 (2023-07-26), Ref: arXiv:1103.0621v2, arXiv:1405.0301  }
 {   }
 { }
 INFO: MadLoop read these parameters from ../MadLoop5_resources/MadLoopParams.dat
  > MLReductionLib = 6|7|1
  > CTModeRun = -1
  > MLStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-004
  > NRotations_DP = 1
  > NRotations_QP = 0
  > CTStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-002
  > CTLoopLibrary = 2
  > CTModeInit = 1
  > CheckCycle = 4
  > MaxAttempts = 10
  > UseLoopFilter = F
  > HelicityFilterLevel = 1
  > ImprovePSPoint = 2
  > DoubleCheckHelicityFilter = F
  > LoopInitStartOver = F
  > HelInitStartOver = F
  > ZeroThres = 1.0000000000000001E-009
  > OSThres = 1.0000000000000000E-013
  > WriteOutFilters = F
  > UseQPIntegrandForNinja = T
  > UseQPIntegrandForCutTools = T
  > COLLIERMode = 1
  > COLLIERRequiredAccuracy = 1.0000000000000000E-008
  > COLLIERCanOutput = F
  > COLLIERComputeUVpoles = T
  > COLLIERComputeIRpoles = T
  > COLLIERGlobalCache = -1
  > COLLIERUseCacheForPoles = F
  > COLLIERUseInternalStabilityTest = T
 ##INFO: For loop-induced processes it is preferable to always set the parameter LoopInitStartOver to True, so it is hard-set here to True.
 ##INFO: For loop-induced processes it is preferable to always set the parameter HelInitStartOver to True, so it is hard-set here to True.
 ##INFO: Due to the dynamic setting of the reference scale for contributions comparisons, it is preferable to set the parameter CheckCycle to a value larger than 4, so it is hard-set here to 5.

| You are using CutTools - Version 1.9.3 |

  | |
  | Ninja - version 1.1.0 |
  | |
  | Author: Tiziano Peraro |
  | |
  | Based on: |
  | |
  | P. Mastrolia, E. Mirabella and T. Peraro, |
  | "Integrand reduction of one-loop scattering amplitudes |
  | through Laurent series expansion," |
  | JHEP 1206 (2012) 095 [arXiv:1203.0291 [hep-ph]]. |
  | |
  | T. Peraro, |
  | "Ninja: Automated Integrand Reduction via Laurent |
  | Expansion for One-Loop Amplitudes," |
  | Comput.Phys.Commun. 185 (2014) [arXiv:1403.1229 [hep-ph]] |
  | |

| Authors: G. Ossola, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau |
| Published in JHEP 0803:042,2008 |
| |
| |
| Compiler with 34 significant digits detetected |

# #
# You are using OneLOop-3.6 #
# #
# for the evaluation of 1-loop scalar 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-point functions #
# #
# author: Andreas van Hameren <email address hidden> #
# date: 18-02-2015 #
# #
# Please cite #
# A. van Hameren, #
# Comput.Phys.Commun. 182 (2011) 2427-2438, arXiv:1007.4716 #
# A. van Hameren, C.G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau, #
# JHEP 0909:106,2009, arXiv:0903.4665 #
# in publications with results obtained with the help of this program. #
# #
# #
# You are using OneLOop-3.6 #
# #
# for the evaluation of 1-loop scalar 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-point functions #
# #
# author: Andreas van Hameren <email address hidden> #
# date: 18-02-2015 #
# #
# Please cite #
# A. van Hameren, #
# Comput.Phys.Commun. 182 (2011) 2427-2438, arXiv:1007.4716 #
# A. van Hameren, C.G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau, #
# JHEP 0909:106,2009, arXiv:0903.4665 #
# in publications with results obtained with the help of this program. #
# #

         * C O L L I E R *
         * *
         * Complex One-Loop Library *
         * In Extended Regularizations *
         * *
         * by A.Denner, S.Dittmaier, L.Hofer *
         * *
         * version 1.2.8 *
         * *

 Iteration 1 Mean: 0.6162E-07 Abs mean: 0.6162E-07 Fluctuation: 0.638E-08 0.743E-05 99.9%
  1 0.6162E-07 0.6162E-07 +- 0.6384E-08 5.35
 Relative summed weights:
  0.2855E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3965E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3180E+00 0.0000E+00
 Relative number of events:
  0.3425E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3271E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3305E+00 0.0000E+00
         913 0
         872 0
         881 0
 Accuracy: 0.000 0.020 0.104 0.000
 Finished due to accuracy 0.0000000000000000 2.0000000000000000E-002

 Accumulated results: Integral = 0.6162E-07
                        Std dev = 0.6384E-08
                       Cross sec = 0.6162E-07
             Chi**2 per DoF. = 0.0000
 Found 411 events.
 Wrote 5 events.
 Events wgts > 1: 0
 % Cross section > 1: 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
 Results Last 1 iters: Integral = 0.6162E-07
                     Abs integral = 0.6162E-07
                          Std dev = 0.6384E-08
                  Chi**2 per DoF. = 0.0000
 Status 2.0000000000000000E-002 2 1

ls status:
 Process in group number 0
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999

       NNPDFDriver version 1.0.3
   Grid: NNPDF23_lo_as_0130_qed_mem0.grid
 New value of alpha_s from PDF nn23lo1: 0.13000000000000000
 Define smin to 140827.57290000000
 * MadGraph/MadEvent *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *
 * *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *

  External Params

 MU_R = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_a12 = 6.8574839999999998E-002
 mdl_a13 = -4.9994490000000003E-002
 mdl_a23 = -0.93472330000000003
 mdl_kap111 = 31.427779999999998
 mdl_kap112 = 4.1527989999999999
 mdl_kap122 = -13.360840000000000
 mdl_kap222 = 406.73950000000002
 mdl_kap133 = -62.635030000000000
 mdl_kap113 = -147.54140000000001
 mdl_kap123 = 188.42050000000000
 mdl_kap333 = -499.54759999999999
 mdl_kap233 = 1742.3209999999999
 mdl_kap223 = -256.65359999999998
 mdl_kap1111 = 4.4031080000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1112 = -1.8934170000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1122 = 2.8935670000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1222 = -2.4114050000000001E-002
 mdl_kap2222 = 0.15418129999999999
 mdl_kap1113 = 3.9021500000000002E-004
 mdl_kap1133 = 9.8064650000000003E-002
 mdl_kap1333 = 9.9421389999999998E-002
 mdl_kap3333 = 0.33329569999999997
 mdl_kap2223 = -0.27945880000000001
 mdl_kap2333 = -0.91679580000000005
 mdl_kap2233 = 1.4433440000000000
 mdl_kap1233 = -0.19838159999999999
 mdl_kap1223 = 0.24256900000000001
 mdl_kap1123 = -0.23386970000000001
 aEWM1 = 132.50700000000001
 mdl_Gf = 1.1663900000000000E-005
 aS = 0.11799999999999999
 mdl_ymb = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_ymt = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_ymtau = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_MT = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_MB = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_MZ = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_MH = 125.09000000000000
 mdl_Meta = 750.00000000000000
 mdl_Weta = 1.1778730000000001E-003
 mdl_Miota = 900.00000000000000
 mdl_Wiota = 3.8034450000000000
 mdl_MTA = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_WT = 1.4915000000000000
 mdl_WZ = 2.4414039999999999
 mdl_WW = 2.0476000000000001
 mdl_WH = 6.4970540000000004E-003
  Internal Params

 mdl_CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_lhv = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM33 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_Ncol = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_CA = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_TF = 0.50000000000000000
 mdl_CF = 1.3333333333333333
 mdl_cos__a13 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_ctheta1 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_ctheta2 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_cos__a23 = 0.59404103620390925
 mdl_ctheta3 = 0.59404103620390925
 mdl_sin__a12 = 6.8521107005483139E-002
 mdl_stheta1 = 6.8521107005483139E-002
 mdl_sin__a13 = -4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_stheta2 = -4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_sin__a23 = -0.80443473775427288
 mdl_stheta3 = -0.80443473775427288
 mdl_R23 = 0.80342962532007967
 mdl_R32 = -0.80139547975169889
 mdl_R22 = 0.59605338957083331
 mdl_R21 = 5.5402553180244896E-004
 mdl_R31 = -8.4770075065204481E-002
 mdl_R11 = 0.99750263269093009
 mdl_R33 = 0.59329880317506667
 mdl_R13 = 4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_R12 = -6.8435492332939080E-002
 mdl_RH1 = 0.99750263269093009
 mdl_RH2 = 5.5402553180244896E-004
 mdl_RH3 = -8.4770075065204481E-002
 mdl_complexi = (0.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)
 mdl_MZ__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_MZ__exp__4 = 69143404.913893804
 mdl_sqrt__2 = 1.4142135623730951
 mdl_MH__exp__2 = 15647.508100000001
 mdl_MH__exp__4 = 244844509.73956564
 mdl_MT__exp__4 = 895745041.00000000
 mdl_MT__exp__2 = 29929.000000000000
 mdl_MH__exp__12 = 1.4678142857850456E+025
 mdl_MH__exp__10 = 9.3804986481205012E+020
 mdl_MH__exp__8 = 59948833949608256.
 mdl_MH__exp__6 = 3831206449390.3818
 mdl_Ncol__exp__2 = 9.0000000000000000
 mdl_MB__exp__2 = 22.090000000000003
 mdl_RH1__exp__2 = 0.99501150222533663
 mdl_RH2__exp__2 = 3.0694428988898640E-007
 mdl_RH3__exp__2 = 7.1859656265604024E-003
 mdl_aEW = 7.5467711139788835E-003
 mdl_MW = 80.419002445756163
 mdl_sqrt__aEW = 8.6872153846781555E-002
 mdl_ee = 0.30795376724436879
 mdl_MW__exp__2 = 6467.2159543705357
 mdl_sw2 = 0.22224648578577766
 mdl_cw = 0.88190334743339216
 mdl_sqrt__sw2 = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_sw = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_g1 = 0.34919219678733299
 mdl_gw = 0.65323293034757990
 mdl_v = 246.21845810181637
 mdl_v__exp__2 = 60623.529110035903
 mdl_lam = 0.12905474433531156
 mdl_yb = 2.6995554250465490E-002
 mdl_yt = 0.99366614581500623
 mdl_ytau = 1.0206617000654717E-002
 mdl_muH = 88.451987258625238
 mdl_ee__exp__2 = 9.4835522759998875E-002
 mdl_MW__exp__12 = 7.3165135181362573E+022
 mdl_MW__exp__10 = 1.1313235200058173E+019
 mdl_MW__exp__8 = 1749320771082757.2
 mdl_MW__exp__6 = 270490545456.51419
 mdl_MW__exp__4 = 41824882.200464800
 mdl_AH = 3.1620516898179206E-005
 mdl_AxialZUp = -0.18517701861793787
 mdl_AxialZDown = 0.18517701861793787
 mdl_VectorZUp = 7.5430507588273299E-002
 mdl_VectorZDown = -0.13030376310310560
 mdl_VectorAUp = 0.20530251149624587
 mdl_VectorADown = -0.10265125574812294
 mdl_VectorWmDxU = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWmDxU = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_VectorWpUxD = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWpUxD = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_I1x33 = (2.69955542504654901E-002,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I2x33 = (0.99366614581500623,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I3x33 = (0.99366614581500623,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I4x33 = (2.69955542504654901E-002,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Vector_tbGp = (-0.96667059156454072,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Axial_tbGp = (-1.0206617000654716,-0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Vector_tbGm = (0.96667059156454072,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Axial_tbGm = (-1.0206617000654716,-0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_gw__exp__2 = 0.42671326129048615
 mdl_cw__exp__2 = 0.77775351421422245
 mdl_sw__exp__2 = 0.22224648578577769
 mdl_yb__exp__2 = 7.2875994928982540E-004
 mdl_yt__exp__2 = 0.98737240933884918
  Internal Params evaluated point by point

 mdl_sqrt__aS = 0.34351128074635334
 mdl_G__exp__4 = 2.1987899468922913
 mdl_G__exp__2 = 1.4828317324943823
 mdl_GWcft_UV_b_1EPS_ = -3.1300472141406080E-003
 mdl_GWcft_UV_t_1EPS_ = -3.1300472141406080E-003
 mdl_bWcft_UV_1EPS_ = -1.8780283284843650E-002
 mdl_tWcft_UV_1EPS_ = -1.8780283284843650E-002
 mdl_G__exp__3 = 1.8056676068262196
 mdl_MU_R__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_GWcft_UV_b_FIN_ = -1.8563438626678915E-002
 mdl_GWcft_UV_t_FIN_ = 4.0087659331150384E-003
 mdl_bWcft_UV_FIN_ = -0.13642100947319838
 mdl_tWcft_UV_FIN_ = -9.8778211443463623E-004
  Couplings of loop_sm_twoscalar

         GC_5 = 0.00000E+00 0.12177E+01
      R2_GGHb = 0.00000E+00 -0.33614E-02
      R2_GGHt = 0.00000E+00 -0.45543E+01
   R2_GGeta0b = 0.00000E+00 -0.18670E-05
   R2_GGeta0t = 0.00000E+00 -0.25295E-02
  R2_GGiota0b = 0.00000E+00 0.28566E-03
  R2_GGiota0t = 0.00000E+00 0.38703E+00
     R2_GGHHb = -0.00000E+00 -0.13618E-04
     R2_GGHHt = -0.00000E+00 -0.18451E-01
  R2_GGHeta0b = -0.00000E+00 -0.75636E-08
  R2_GGHeta0t = -0.00000E+00 -0.10248E-04
 R2_GGHiota0b = 0.00000E+00 0.11573E-05
 R2_GGHiota0t = 0.00000E+00 0.15680E-02
        GC_33 = -0.00000E+00 -0.19041E-01
       GC_933 = -0.00000E+00 -0.10576E-04
       GC_733 = 0.00000E+00 0.16182E-02
        GC_37 = -0.00000E+00 -0.70087E+00
       GC_937 = -0.00000E+00 -0.38927E-03
       GC_737 = 0.00000E+00 0.59562E-01
        GC_30 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18857E+03
    GC_HHeta0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.83056E+01
 GC_Heta0eta0 = 0.00000E+00 0.26722E+02
      GC_HHHH = -0.00000E+00 -0.10567E+01
   GC_HHHeta0 = 0.00000E+00 0.11361E+00
  GC_HHHiota0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.23413E-02
   GC_HHiota0 = 0.00000E+00 0.29508E+03
 GC_Hiota0iota0 0.00000E+00 0.12527E+03
 GC_Hiota0eta0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18842E+03

 Collider parameters:

 Running at P P machine @ 13000.000000000000 GeV
 PDF set = nn23lo1
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 2 loops.
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 2 loops.
 Renormalization scale set on event-by-event basis
 Factorization scale set on event-by-event basis

 getting user params
Enter number of events and max and min iterations:
 Number of events and iterations 5333 1 1
Enter desired fractional accuracy:
 Desired fractional accuracy: 2.0000000000000000E-002
Enter 0 for fixed, 2 for adjustable grid:
Suppress amplitude (0 no, 1 yes)?
 Using suppressed amplitude.
Exact helicity sum (0 yes, n = number/event)?
 Monte-Carlo over helicities

 * You are using the DiscreteSampler module *
 * part of the MG5_aMC framework *
 * Author: Valentin Hirschi *

Enter Configuration Number:
Running Configuration Number: 5
 Using dconfig= 8
 BW Setting 2 2 0
 Attempting mappinvarients 1 5
 Determine nb_t
 T-channel found: 0
 Completed mapping 5
 about to integrate 7 5333 1 1 7 1
 Using unknown grid deformation: -2
  7 dimensions 5333 events 7 invarients 1 iterations 1 config(s), (0.99)
 Using h-tuple random number sequence.
 Grid read from file
 Grid defined OK
 Masses: 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.125E+03 0.125E+03 0.125E+03
 Set CM energy to 13000.00
 Mapping Graph 5 to config 5
 Determine nb_t
 T-channel found: 0
 No modification is setgrid, grid read from file
 No modification is setgrid, grid read from file
 Transforming s_hat 1/s 6 8.3329924792899419E-004 140827.57290000000 168999999.99999997
 Got moffset 13
Using random seed offsets 5 : 1
  with seed 24
 Ranmar initialization seeds 31063 20358
  Particle 3 4 5
      Et > 0.0 0.0 0.0
       E > 0.0 0.0 0.0
     Eta < -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
   xqcut: 0.0 0.0 0.0
d R # 3 > -0.0 0.0 0.0
d R # 4 > -0.0 -0.0 0.0
s min # 3> 0.0 62590.0 0.0
s min # 4> 0.0 0.0 0.0
xqcutij # 3> 0.0 0.0 0.0
xqcutij # 4> 0.0 0.0 0.0
 Excluding BW -1 1
 Excluding BW -2 2
 alpha_s for scale 476.55225194889601 is 0.10200870110960654
 { }
 {   }
 {  ,,  }
 { `7MMM. ,MMF' `7MM `7MMF'  }
 {  MMMb dPMM MM MM  }
 {  M YM ,M MM ,6"Yb. ,M""bMM MM ,pW"Wq. ,pW"Wq.`7MMpdMAo.  }
 {  M Mb M' MM 8) MM ,AP MM MM 6W' `Wb 6W' `Wb MM `Wb  }
 {  M YM.P' MM ,pm9MM 8MI MM MM , 8M M8 8M M8 MM M8  }
 {  M `YM' MM 8M MM `Mb MM MM ,M YA. ,A9 YA. ,A9 MM ,AP  }
 { .JML. `' .JMML.`Moo9^Yo.`Wbmd"MML..JMMmmmmMMM `Ybmd9' `Ybmd9' MMbmmd'  }
 {  MM  }
 {  .JMML.  }
 { v2.9.16 (2023-07-26), Ref: arXiv:1103.0621v2, arXiv:1405.0301  }
 {   }
 { }
 INFO: MadLoop read these parameters from ../MadLoop5_resources/MadLoopParams.dat
  > MLReductionLib = 6|7|1
  > CTModeRun = -1
  > MLStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-004
  > NRotations_DP = 1
  > NRotations_QP = 0
  > CTStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-002
  > CTLoopLibrary = 2
  > CTModeInit = 1
  > CheckCycle = 4
  > MaxAttempts = 10
  > UseLoopFilter = F
  > HelicityFilterLevel = 1
  > ImprovePSPoint = 2
  > DoubleCheckHelicityFilter = F
  > LoopInitStartOver = F
  > HelInitStartOver = F
  > ZeroThres = 1.0000000000000001E-009
  > OSThres = 1.0000000000000000E-013
  > WriteOutFilters = F
  > UseQPIntegrandForNinja = T
  > UseQPIntegrandForCutTools = T
  > COLLIERMode = 1
  > COLLIERRequiredAccuracy = 1.0000000000000000E-008
  > COLLIERCanOutput = F
  > COLLIERComputeUVpoles = T
  > COLLIERComputeIRpoles = T
  > COLLIERGlobalCache = -1
  > COLLIERUseCacheForPoles = F
  > COLLIERUseInternalStabilityTest = T
 ##INFO: For loop-induced processes it is preferable to always set the parameter LoopInitStartOver to True, so it is hard-set here to True.
 ##INFO: For loop-induced processes it is preferable to always set the parameter HelInitStartOver to True, so it is hard-set here to True.
 ##INFO: Due to the dynamic setting of the reference scale for contributions comparisons, it is preferable to set the parameter CheckCycle to a value larger than 4, so it is hard-set here to 5.

| You are using CutTools - Version 1.9.3 |

  | |
  | Ninja - version 1.1.0 |
  | |
  | Author: Tiziano Peraro |
  | |
  | Based on: |
  | |
  | P. Mastrolia, E. Mirabella and T. Peraro, |
  | "Integrand reduction of one-loop scattering amplitudes |
  | through Laurent series expansion," |
  | JHEP 1206 (2012) 095 [arXiv:1203.0291 [hep-ph]]. |
  | |
  | T. Peraro, |
  | "Ninja: Automated Integrand Reduction via Laurent |
  | Expansion for One-Loop Amplitudes," |
  | Comput.Phys.Commun. 185 (2014) [arXiv:1403.1229 [hep-ph]] |
  | |

| Authors: G. Ossola, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau |
| Published in JHEP 0803:042,2008 |
| |
| |
| Compiler with 34 significant digits detetected |

# #
# You are using OneLOop-3.6 #
# #
# for the evaluation of 1-loop scalar 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-point functions #
# #
# author: Andreas van Hameren <email address hidden> #
# date: 18-02-2015 #
# #
# Please cite #
# A. van Hameren, #
# Comput.Phys.Commun. 182 (2011) 2427-2438, arXiv:1007.4716 #
# A. van Hameren, C.G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau, #
# JHEP 0909:106,2009, arXiv:0903.4665 #
# in publications with results obtained with the help of this program. #
# #
# #
# You are using OneLOop-3.6 #
# #
# for the evaluation of 1-loop scalar 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-point functions #
# #
# author: Andreas van Hameren <email address hidden> #
# date: 18-02-2015 #
# #
# Please cite #
# A. van Hameren, #
# Comput.Phys.Commun. 182 (2011) 2427-2438, arXiv:1007.4716 #
# A. van Hameren, C.G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau, #
# JHEP 0909:106,2009, arXiv:0903.4665 #
# in publications with results obtained with the help of this program. #
# #

         * C O L L I E R *
         * *
         * Complex One-Loop Library *
         * In Extended Regularizations *
         * *
         * by A.Denner, S.Dittmaier, L.Hofer *
         * *
         * version 1.2.8 *
         * *

 Iteration 1 Mean: 0.6698E-07 Abs mean: 0.6698E-07 Fluctuation: 0.253E-08 0.604E-05 100.0%
  1 0.6698E-07 0.6698E-07 +- 0.2529E-08 2.76
 Relative summed weights:
  0.3507E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3287E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3207E+00 0.0000E+00
 Relative number of events:
  0.3365E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3333E+00 0.0000E+00
  0.3303E+00 0.0000E+00
        1794 0
        1777 0
        1761 0
 Accuracy: 0.000 0.020 0.038 0.000
 Finished due to accuracy 0.0000000000000000 2.0000000000000000E-002

 Accumulated results: Integral = 0.6698E-07
                        Std dev = 0.2529E-08
                       Cross sec = 0.6698E-07
             Chi**2 per DoF. = 0.0000
 Found 1316 events.
 Wrote 12 events.
 Events wgts > 1: 0
 % Cross section > 1: 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
 Results Last 1 iters: Integral = 0.6698E-07
                     Abs integral = 0.6698E-07
                          Std dev = 0.2529E-08
                  Chi**2 per DoF. = 0.0000
 Status 2.0000000000000000E-002 2 1

ls status:
 Process in group number 0
 A PDF is used, so alpha_s(MZ) is going to be modified
 Old value of alpha_s from param_card: 0.11799999999999999

       NNPDFDriver version 1.0.3
   Grid: NNPDF23_lo_as_0130_qed_mem0.grid
 New value of alpha_s from PDF nn23lo1: 0.13000000000000000
 Define smin to 140827.57290000000
 * MadGraph/MadEvent *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *
 * *
 * -------------------------------- *
 * *
 * *

  External Params

 MU_R = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_a12 = 6.8574839999999998E-002
 mdl_a13 = -4.9994490000000003E-002
 mdl_a23 = -0.93472330000000003
 mdl_kap111 = 31.427779999999998
 mdl_kap112 = 4.1527989999999999
 mdl_kap122 = -13.360840000000000
 mdl_kap222 = 406.73950000000002
 mdl_kap133 = -62.635030000000000
 mdl_kap113 = -147.54140000000001
 mdl_kap123 = 188.42050000000000
 mdl_kap333 = -499.54759999999999
 mdl_kap233 = 1742.3209999999999
 mdl_kap223 = -256.65359999999998
 mdl_kap1111 = 4.4031080000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1112 = -1.8934170000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1122 = 2.8935670000000000E-002
 mdl_kap1222 = -2.4114050000000001E-002
 mdl_kap2222 = 0.15418129999999999
 mdl_kap1113 = 3.9021500000000002E-004
 mdl_kap1133 = 9.8064650000000003E-002
 mdl_kap1333 = 9.9421389999999998E-002
 mdl_kap3333 = 0.33329569999999997
 mdl_kap2223 = -0.27945880000000001
 mdl_kap2333 = -0.91679580000000005
 mdl_kap2233 = 1.4433440000000000
 mdl_kap1233 = -0.19838159999999999
 mdl_kap1223 = 0.24256900000000001
 mdl_kap1123 = -0.23386970000000001
 aEWM1 = 132.50700000000001
 mdl_Gf = 1.1663900000000000E-005
 aS = 0.11799999999999999
 mdl_ymb = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_ymt = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_ymtau = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_MT = 173.00000000000000
 mdl_MB = 4.7000000000000002
 mdl_MZ = 91.188000000000002
 mdl_MH = 125.09000000000000
 mdl_Meta = 750.00000000000000
 mdl_Weta = 1.1778730000000001E-003
 mdl_Miota = 900.00000000000000
 mdl_Wiota = 3.8034450000000000
 mdl_MTA = 1.7769999999999999
 mdl_WT = 1.4915000000000000
 mdl_WZ = 2.4414039999999999
 mdl_WW = 2.0476000000000001
 mdl_WH = 6.4970540000000004E-003
  Internal Params

 mdl_CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM3x3 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_lhv = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_CKM33 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_conjg__CKM22 = 1.0000000000000000
 mdl_Ncol = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_CA = 3.0000000000000000
 mdl_TF = 0.50000000000000000
 mdl_CF = 1.3333333333333333
 mdl_cos__a13 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_ctheta1 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_ctheta2 = 0.99875053576502781
 mdl_cos__a23 = 0.59404103620390925
 mdl_ctheta3 = 0.59404103620390925
 mdl_sin__a12 = 6.8521107005483139E-002
 mdl_stheta1 = 6.8521107005483139E-002
 mdl_sin__a13 = -4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_stheta2 = -4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_sin__a23 = -0.80443473775427288
 mdl_stheta3 = -0.80443473775427288
 mdl_R23 = 0.80342962532007967
 mdl_R32 = -0.80139547975169889
 mdl_R22 = 0.59605338957083331
 mdl_R21 = 5.5402553180244896E-004
 mdl_R31 = -8.4770075065204481E-002
 mdl_R11 = 0.99750263269093009
 mdl_R33 = 0.59329880317506667
 mdl_R13 = 4.9973666155984899E-002
 mdl_R12 = -6.8435492332939080E-002
 mdl_RH1 = 0.99750263269093009
 mdl_RH2 = 5.5402553180244896E-004
 mdl_RH3 = -8.4770075065204481E-002
 mdl_complexi = (0.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)
 mdl_MZ__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_MZ__exp__4 = 69143404.913893804
 mdl_sqrt__2 = 1.4142135623730951
 mdl_MH__exp__2 = 15647.508100000001
 mdl_MH__exp__4 = 244844509.73956564
 mdl_MT__exp__4 = 895745041.00000000
 mdl_MT__exp__2 = 29929.000000000000
 mdl_MH__exp__12 = 1.4678142857850456E+025
 mdl_MH__exp__10 = 9.3804986481205012E+020
 mdl_MH__exp__8 = 59948833949608256.
 mdl_MH__exp__6 = 3831206449390.3818
 mdl_Ncol__exp__2 = 9.0000000000000000
 mdl_MB__exp__2 = 22.090000000000003
 mdl_RH1__exp__2 = 0.99501150222533663
 mdl_RH2__exp__2 = 3.0694428988898640E-007
 mdl_RH3__exp__2 = 7.1859656265604024E-003
 mdl_aEW = 7.5467711139788835E-003
 mdl_MW = 80.419002445756163
 mdl_sqrt__aEW = 8.6872153846781555E-002
 mdl_ee = 0.30795376724436879
 mdl_MW__exp__2 = 6467.2159543705357
 mdl_sw2 = 0.22224648578577766
 mdl_cw = 0.88190334743339216
 mdl_sqrt__sw2 = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_sw = 0.47143025548407230
 mdl_g1 = 0.34919219678733299
 mdl_gw = 0.65323293034757990
 mdl_v = 246.21845810181637
 mdl_v__exp__2 = 60623.529110035903
 mdl_lam = 0.12905474433531156
 mdl_yb = 2.6995554250465490E-002
 mdl_yt = 0.99366614581500623
 mdl_ytau = 1.0206617000654717E-002
 mdl_muH = 88.451987258625238
 mdl_ee__exp__2 = 9.4835522759998875E-002
 mdl_MW__exp__12 = 7.3165135181362573E+022
 mdl_MW__exp__10 = 1.1313235200058173E+019
 mdl_MW__exp__8 = 1749320771082757.2
 mdl_MW__exp__6 = 270490545456.51419
 mdl_MW__exp__4 = 41824882.200464800
 mdl_AH = 3.1620516898179206E-005
 mdl_AxialZUp = -0.18517701861793787
 mdl_AxialZDown = 0.18517701861793787
 mdl_VectorZUp = 7.5430507588273299E-002
 mdl_VectorZDown = -0.13030376310310560
 mdl_VectorAUp = 0.20530251149624587
 mdl_VectorADown = -0.10265125574812294
 mdl_VectorWmDxU = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWmDxU = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_VectorWpUxD = 0.23095271737156670
 mdl_AxialWpUxD = -0.23095271737156670
 mdl_I1x33 = (2.69955542504654901E-002,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I2x33 = (0.99366614581500623,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I3x33 = (0.99366614581500623,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_I4x33 = (2.69955542504654901E-002,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Vector_tbGp = (-0.96667059156454072,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Axial_tbGp = (-1.0206617000654716,-0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Vector_tbGm = (0.96667059156454072,0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_Axial_tbGm = (-1.0206617000654716,-0.0000000000000000)
 mdl_gw__exp__2 = 0.42671326129048615
 mdl_cw__exp__2 = 0.77775351421422245
 mdl_sw__exp__2 = 0.22224648578577769
 mdl_yb__exp__2 = 7.2875994928982540E-004
 mdl_yt__exp__2 = 0.98737240933884918
  Internal Params evaluated point by point

 mdl_sqrt__aS = 0.34351128074635334
 mdl_G__exp__4 = 2.1987899468922913
 mdl_G__exp__2 = 1.4828317324943823
 mdl_GWcft_UV_b_1EPS_ = -3.1300472141406080E-003
 mdl_GWcft_UV_t_1EPS_ = -3.1300472141406080E-003
 mdl_bWcft_UV_1EPS_ = -1.8780283284843650E-002
 mdl_tWcft_UV_1EPS_ = -1.8780283284843650E-002
 mdl_G__exp__3 = 1.8056676068262196
 mdl_MU_R__exp__2 = 8315.2513440000002
 mdl_GWcft_UV_b_FIN_ = -1.8563438626678915E-002
 mdl_GWcft_UV_t_FIN_ = 4.0087659331150384E-003
 mdl_bWcft_UV_FIN_ = -0.13642100947319838
 mdl_tWcft_UV_FIN_ = -9.8778211443463623E-004
  Couplings of loop_sm_twoscalar

         GC_5 = 0.00000E+00 0.12177E+01
      R2_GGHb = 0.00000E+00 -0.33614E-02
      R2_GGHt = 0.00000E+00 -0.45543E+01
   R2_GGeta0b = 0.00000E+00 -0.18670E-05
   R2_GGeta0t = 0.00000E+00 -0.25295E-02
  R2_GGiota0b = 0.00000E+00 0.28566E-03
  R2_GGiota0t = 0.00000E+00 0.38703E+00
     R2_GGHHb = -0.00000E+00 -0.13618E-04
     R2_GGHHt = -0.00000E+00 -0.18451E-01
  R2_GGHeta0b = -0.00000E+00 -0.75636E-08
  R2_GGHeta0t = -0.00000E+00 -0.10248E-04
 R2_GGHiota0b = 0.00000E+00 0.11573E-05
 R2_GGHiota0t = 0.00000E+00 0.15680E-02
        GC_33 = -0.00000E+00 -0.19041E-01
       GC_933 = -0.00000E+00 -0.10576E-04
       GC_733 = 0.00000E+00 0.16182E-02
        GC_37 = -0.00000E+00 -0.70087E+00
       GC_937 = -0.00000E+00 -0.38927E-03
       GC_737 = 0.00000E+00 0.59562E-01
        GC_30 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18857E+03
    GC_HHeta0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.83056E+01
 GC_Heta0eta0 = 0.00000E+00 0.26722E+02
      GC_HHHH = -0.00000E+00 -0.10567E+01
   GC_HHHeta0 = 0.00000E+00 0.11361E+00
  GC_HHHiota0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.23413E-02
   GC_HHiota0 = 0.00000E+00 0.29508E+03
 GC_Hiota0iota0 0.00000E+00 0.12527E+03
 GC_Hiota0eta0 = -0.00000E+00 -0.18842E+03

 Collider parameters:

 Running at P P machine @ 13000.000000000000 GeV
 PDF set = nn23lo1
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 2 loops.
 alpha_s(Mz)= 0.1300 running at 2 loops.
 Renormalization scale set on event-by-event basis
 Factorization scale set on event-by-event basis

 getting user params
Enter number of events and max and min iterations:
 Number of events and iterations 10666 1 1
Enter desired fractional accuracy:
 Desired fractional accuracy: 2.0000000000000000E-002
Enter 0 for fixed, 2 for adjustable grid:
Suppress amplitude (0 no, 1 yes)?
 Using suppressed amplitude.
Exact helicity sum (0 yes, n = number/event)?
 Monte-Carlo over helicities

 * You are using the DiscreteSampler module *
 * part of the MG5_aMC framework *
 * Author: Valentin Hirschi *

Enter Configuration Number:
Running Configuration Number: 5
 Using dconfig= 8
 BW Setting 2 2 0
 Attempting mappinvarients 1 5
 Determine nb_t
 T-channel found: 0
 Completed mapping 5
 about to integrate 7 10666 1 1 7 1
 Using unknown grid deformation: -2
  7 dimensions 10666 events 7 invarients 1 iterations 1 config(s), (0.99)
 Using h-tuple random number sequence.
 Grid read from file
 Grid defined OK
 Masses: 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.125E+03 0.125E+03 0.125E+03
 Set CM energy to 13000.00
 Mapping Graph 5 to config 5
 Determine nb_t
 T-channel found: 0
 No modification is setgrid, grid read from file
 No modification is setgrid, grid read from file
 Transforming s_hat 1/s 6 8.3329924792899419E-004 140827.57290000000 168999999.99999997
 Got moffset 16
Using random seed offsets 5 : 1
  with seed 24
 Ranmar initialization seeds 31063 29829
  Particle 3 4 5
      Et > 0.0 0.0 0.0
       E > 0.0 0.0 0.0
     Eta < -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
   xqcut: 0.0 0.0 0.0
d R # 3 > -0.0 0.0 0.0
d R # 4 > -0.0 -0.0 0.0
s min # 3> 0.0 62590.0 0.0
s min # 4> 0.0 0.0 0.0
xqcutij # 3> 0.0 0.0 0.0
xqcutij # 4> 0.0 0.0 0.0
 Excluding BW -1 1
 Excluding BW -2 2
 alpha_s for scale 724.34330911899804 is 9.6764841149047306E-002
 { }
 {   }
 {  ,,  }
 { `7MMM. ,MMF' `7MM `7MMF'  }
 {  MMMb dPMM MM MM  }
 {  M YM ,M MM ,6"Yb. ,M""bMM MM ,pW"Wq. ,pW"Wq.`7MMpdMAo.  }
 {  M Mb M' MM 8) MM ,AP MM MM 6W' `Wb 6W' `Wb MM `Wb  }
 {  M YM.P' MM ,pm9MM 8MI MM MM , 8M M8 8M M8 MM M8  }
 {  M `YM' MM 8M MM `Mb MM MM ,M YA. ,A9 YA. ,A9 MM ,AP  }
 { .JML. `' .JMML.`Moo9^Yo.`Wbmd"MML..JMMmmmmMMM `Ybmd9' `Ybmd9' MMbmmd'  }
 {  MM  }
 {  .JMML.  }
 { v2.9.16 (2023-07-26), Ref: arXiv:1103.0621v2, arXiv:1405.0301  }
 {   }
 { }
 INFO: MadLoop read these parameters from ../MadLoop5_resources/MadLoopParams.dat
  > MLReductionLib = 6|7|1
  > CTModeRun = -1
  > MLStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-004
  > NRotations_DP = 1
  > NRotations_QP = 0
  > CTStabThres = 1.0000000000000000E-002
  > CTLoopLibrary = 2
  > CTModeInit = 1
  > CheckCycle = 4
  > MaxAttempts = 10
  > UseLoopFilter = F
  > HelicityFilterLevel = 1
  > ImprovePSPoint = 2
  > DoubleCheckHelicityFilter = F
  > LoopInitStartOver = F
  > HelInitStartOver = F
  > ZeroThres = 1.0000000000000001E-009
  > OSThres = 1.0000000000000000E-013
  > WriteOutFilters = F
  > UseQPIntegrandForNinja = T
  > UseQPIntegrandForCutTools = T
  > COLLIERMode = 1
  > COLLIERRequiredAccuracy = 1.0000000000000000E-008
  > COLLIERCanOutput = F
  > COLLIERComputeUVpoles = T
  > COLLIERComputeIRpoles = T
  > COLLIERGlobalCache = -1
  > COLLIERUseCacheForPoles = F
  > COLLIERUseInternalStabilityTest = T
 ##INFO: For loop-induced processes it is preferable to always set the parameter LoopInitStartOver to True, so it is hard-set here to True.
 ##INFO: For loop-induced processes it is preferable to always set the parameter HelInitStartOver to True, so it is hard-set here to True.
 ##INFO: Due to the dynamic setting of the reference scale for contributions comparisons, it is preferable to set the parameter CheckCycle to a value larger than 4, so it is hard-set here to 5.

| You are using CutTools - Version 1.9.3 |

  | |
  | Ninja - version 1.1.0 |
  | |
  | Author: Tiziano Peraro |
  | |
  | Based on: |
  | |
  | P. Mastrolia, E. Mirabella and T. Peraro, |
  | "Integrand reduction of one-loop scattering amplitudes |
  | through Laurent series expansion," |
  | JHEP 1206 (2012) 095 [arXiv:1203.0291 [hep-ph]]. |
  | |
  | T. Peraro, |
  | "Ninja: Automated Integrand Reduction via Laurent |
  | Expansion for One-Loop Amplitudes," |
  | Comput.Phys.Commun. 185 (2014) [arXiv:1403.1229 [hep-ph]] |
  | |

Question information

English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

What is the content of the run1_app.log?
This might indictate what the issue is (and if it is fixable or not).



> On 26 Sep 2023, at 05:35, Yuan Feng <email address hidden> wrote:
> New question #708033 on MadGraph5_aMC@NLO:
> Hello,
> I ran into a problem when generating events using MG5(v2_9_16) and these are the steps I took:
> 1.launch MG5:
> set auto_convert_model T
> import model loop_sm_twoscalar
> generate p p > H H H [noborn = QCD]
> output hhh_inclu
> 2. replace the param_card.dat files as I changed some parameters
> 3. launch hhh_inclu
> WARNING: [Fail 5 times]
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/afs/'
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 206 [ 39m 27s ]
> WARNING: [Fail 5 times]
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/afs/'
> WARNING: [Fail 5 times]
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/afs/'
> INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 208 [ 39m 27s ]
> [Fail 5 times]
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/afs/'
> Cluster Error detected. Do you want to clean the queue? ("c"=continue the run anyway) [y, n, c][60s to answer]
>> n
> Command "generate_events run_01" interrupted with error:
> FileNotFoundError : [Fail 5 times]
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/afs/'
> Please report this bug on
> More information is found in '/afs/'.
> Please attach this file to your report.
> I've submitted this work to condor with different particle mass pair (mH2,mH3) changed in param_card.dat files as batch jobs and for two of them MG5 fails to generate events and reports the error above: GX_X/results.dat doesn't exits, jobs with other (mH2,mH3) parameter successfully generate events (10000 by default). For the failing jobs I tried to run locally but the end up with same errors.
> Inside G5.8_1:
> events.lhe ftn25 ftn26 input_app.txt log.txt moffset.dat run1_app.log
> Thanks for any help,
> --
> You received this question notification because you are an answer
> contact for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.

Revision history for this message
Yuan Feng (mfsnxy) said :

Hello Oliver,

I pasted the content of run1_app.log on the description of the question and I didn't see errors reported in this file.



Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

Then I guess we need to do it the hard way
1) could you create a bug report (you can click in the "create bug report" in the webpage of this question such that both will be linked automatically
2) for a bug report you are allowed to add attachment, if you could attach your UFO model (if you have issue to have it public, you can also send it to me to <email address hidden> with a link to the question and/or bug report within your email) and also attach the problematic param_card.dat (and maybe as well the run_card.dat)

I will try to reproduce the error locally and then investigate if I do.



PS: Do not reply by email with attachment, those will be discarded by launchpad automatically

Can you help with this problem?

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