Unable to upgrade to Gutsy due to connection issues with medibuntu

Asked by toggle

I can see that a lot of people are having problems upgrading their Feisty installs to Gutsy because of connectivity problems to Medibuntu. I realize its not in the best of taste to complain to people who offer their time and resources for free but can the community of Ubuntu users get some kind of idea of when these problems will be resolved or some kind of workaround that will allow us to upgrade?

This is one area that Ubuntu really falls flat on its face. Its one thing to have high ideals regarding freedom and openess but the fact of the matter is that the available market share Ubuntu is reaching now are primarily Windows users who could not care less and just want their systems to work. These users to not distinguish between the OS (Linux), the distribution (Ubuntu), the UI (Gnome), and the proprietary drivers - all they see is a system that is broken - or as my 15 year old says... Linux sucks.

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apjjr (alex-ourwoods) said :

There is a discussion of this problem on the Ubuntu users list with the subject "Error during distribution upgrade process". It's free, just like the OS.

One suggestion was:
Disable the 3rd party repositories you've added (medibuntu). You can do
that with System -> Administration -> Software sources, or by editing
the /etc/apt/sources.list as root.

by Marius Gedminas

Maybe a simple explanation with some helpful detail would be just the thing ...

Attempting to upgrade to 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon in GUI.
Getting the following errors:
Failed to fetch
http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found
Failed to fetch
http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Found
Failed to fetch
302 Found
Failed to fetch
http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/non-free/source/Sources.gz 302 Found

At least, those are the errors I get.


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apjjr (alex-ourwoods) said :

Oh yeh, you do have the option of buying Windows Vista.


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toggle (bill-vinery) said :

Not sure why you wasted your time responding.

The "its free, what are you complaining about" attitude is exactly the kind of arrogance that prevents this OS from breaking through - but then I suspect you like the feeling of superiority that gives you. Thanks for nothing.

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apjjr (alex-ourwoods) said :

Well, it's working pretty well with help from lots of people. Why don't you try to help. It'll pay off in the long run. What've you got to loose? It's a bunch of people trying to make something good. Give a hand.


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apjjr (alex-ourwoods) said :

I just check the users list for related messages. We are not alone. There are other problems with upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10. Reports of the upgrade borking the system. I'm going to sit back, cool my heels, wait a few days and let the gurus work it out. I'ts not going to hurt me to keep using my working system a little longer. I'll post back here when I get a good install report.


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Best Maxence DUNNEWIND (maxenced) said :


Medibuntu has changed the domain from medibuntu.sos-sts.com to medibuntu.org !

So it's normal if you can't reach repository with this url.

Go to http://www.medibuntu.org and update your configuration, then your repositories will work!


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apjjr (alex-ourwoods) said :

Thanks, Maxence. That worked. Now I'll try the upgrade to 7.10.
In order to prevent this in the future, how would we have been made aware of this change prior to getting an error?

What I did:
  1. Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu
  2. Select from the menu: System -> Administration -> Software Sources
  3. Select the Third Party Software tab.
  4. Select the Medibuntu line
  5. Click the edit button
  6. Change te URI to http://packages.medibuntu.org/
  7. Click Ok
  8. Click Close
  9. On the box that pops up prompting to reload available software information, click close
  10. Add the PGP key with: wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update
  11. Go back to step 2
  12. Fool it into reloading by unchecking and rechecking a checkbox
  13. Click Close
  14. When you are prompted to reload ... click Reload

Maybe there is an easier way to fix this, but this worked for me.
The worst thing is having to read the docs. ;-)
Maybe I could have added the key before updating the source.


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Maxence DUNNEWIND (maxenced) said :


for information, steps 11/12/13/14 aren't needed, as the sudo apt-get update line 10 already reload package list :)

Have fun now :)


Revision history for this message
Maxence DUNNEWIND (maxenced) said :
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apjjr (alex-ourwoods) said :

Ahh! I am enlightened! And, having fun!
These things are not fully understood by me yet, as I don't seem to get enough time from work and home maintenance to study system nuances. But, I'm learning.
Could I have just edited the file /etc/apt/sources.list to change the URI, then run step 10?


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toggle (bill-vinery) said :

Thanks Maxence DUNNEWIND, that solved my question.

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ubundominic (dominic-edmonds) said :

Nice one MD; I discovered all of this at a cost of 2 or 3 hours but didn't have that extra 5 minutes to log it here. Thanks. Dominic