There's an invalid channel record in the channels.conf file

Asked by Brian Higgins

Hello, need help with this. As background, I am a linux newb, and somewhat struggling through trying to get something that will work for my tuner card in Hardy Ubuntu. After trying MythTV and failing after hours of config work, now am trying Me-TV. Me-TV actually sounds better in the first place. Anyway, enough history.

Yesterday I started by installing 5.17 using Synaptic. It started up, went through scanning my channels, then hung up with a message about the invalid channel record in channels.conf. After searching around for help in FAQ's and other people's questions, it seemed like maybe the 5.17 version is just too old, so I removed the 5.17 package and set out to figure out how to install 5.31. Well, now that I fought my way through the learning of how to compile and install a program, I am still back to square one. On trying to start Me-TV, I get the following in the Terminal:

brian@brian-desktop:~/me-tv-0.5.31$ me-tv
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Me TV Version: 0.5.31
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Timezone: 25200
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Loading glade file '/usr/local/share/me-tv/glade/'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Creating EPG file at '/home/brian/.me-tv/epg.xml'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - EPG file loaded
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Loaded channel 'KPHO DTV 5.1'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Loaded channel 'KPHO DTV 5.2'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Loaded channel 'TBN'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Loaded channel 'Church Channel'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Loaded channel 'JCTV'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Loaded channel 'Enlace'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Loaded channel 'Smile of a Child'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Loaded channel 'KTVK'
Me TV-Message: Exception message: 'There's an invalid channel record in the channels.conf file'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:16 - Exception in void Application::init(): There's an invalid channel record in the channels.conf file
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 12:48:22 - Terminating application normally

The above channels are not all that I should get in the Phoenix, AZ area. I have searched around for the channels.conf file....can't seem to find that. So I am stuck. Maybe if I could just get it to rescan my channels again? But it seems like channels.conf was generated once when I initially loaded 5.17 and now is blocking the program from launching? Any help or pointers appreciated - would love to learn more on how to troubleshoot this myself.

Thanks, Brian

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English Edit question
Me TV Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Michael Lamothe
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Revision history for this message
Michael Lamothe (lamothe-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Hi Brian,

It was a good move to try 0.5.31 and I thank you for trying that first. Ultimately you would've had to do that anyway to get proper support for EPG over ATSC. Compiling Me TV is not the easiest thing to do for a newb so congratulations on getting that far.

First off, let me answer one question for you. The channels.conf is in the .me-tv directory in your home directory. In case you don't know, any file/folder starting "." is hidden by default. Delete it, start Me TV and it will try to regenerate it. If the issue still occurs then please send me the channels.conf. If you'd like to have a dig around yourself then please read on.

That error message is only displayed when the number of parameters for a channel (in the channels.conf) does not match the number expected (6 for ATSC). If you can open the channels.conf you will see each line contains one channel with the parameters separated by a colon. If you wanted, you could look a the line after "KTVK" to see if it looks ok. Delete just that line if you want and see what happens.

BTW, please don't try the new 0.5.32 on Hardy (just in case you're feeling energetic) ... it's designed for Debian and the next version of Ubuntu

Let me know if you need anything else.



Revision history for this message
Brian Higgins (higgins-brian) said :


Great help - thank you very much. I did still struggle some to find the channels.conf file, as I was making the mistake of looking in the folder that I had placed with the downloaded files for the 0.5.31 version. Tried unhiding files there, but could not find it. After going back and re-reading your message, I suddenly realized that you were telling me to look for it in a hidden folder called ".me-tv", not just a hidden file in the downloaded folder. Once I made the connection, finding the folder and file was easy - right in my home directory as stated. Strangely enough though - and I realize this is a broader Ubuntu question and am not expecting an answer here - but using Places>Search for Files would not turn the channels.conf file up either. Maybe I just did not go far enough in options for my search - will have to play around with that more later though on my own. Figured that I would document my struggle so that the next new person can maybe save themself a few minutes of searching.

Anyway, upon finding it and opening it, there was a channel there just where you said it would be that had written incompletely, and it was the last one in the list. I deleted it, and then ran me-tv, and it no longer hung up at this spot. Deleting the file next, it then caused the program to restart the channel scan process, which apparently completed successfully this time with the 0.5.31 version.

So, now I have a new problem. Upon trying to launch the program, it still gets hung up and never fully opens. I tried searching through the info here and googling for "Failed to initialise video driver" errors, but found nothing pertinent, and there is little else to go on. Anywhere you can point me on this one?


brian@brian-desktop:~$ me-tv
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Me TV Version: 0.5.31
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Timezone: 25200
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loading glade file '/usr/local/share/me-tv/glade/'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Creating EPG file at '/home/brian/.me-tv/epg.xml'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - EPG file loaded
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KPHO DTV 5.1'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KPHO DTV 5.2'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'TBN'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'Church Channel'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'JCTV'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'Enlace'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'Smile of a Child'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KTVK'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KUTP DT\u0008\u0010'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'My Net TV'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'AZTV DT\u0008\u0010'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'AZTV 2'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'EIGHTHD'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'Create'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'World'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KBAQ'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'EIGHT'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel '[000b]'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel '[000c]'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KSAZ DT\u0008\u0010'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KTVW DT\u0008\u0010'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'Telefutura'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KPNX-DT'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'Weather\u0008'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KASW'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KASW #1'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel '[0006]'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel '[0005]'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel '[0004]'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel '[0003]'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KNXV HDTV'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Loaded channel 'KNXV Digital television'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Channel file loaded
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Using 'xine' engine
Me TV-Message: Exception message: 'Failed to initialise video driver'
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:20 - Exception in void Application::init(): Failed to initialise video driver
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:23 - Purging remaining EPG events
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:23 - EPG events purged
Me TV-Message: 07/19/2008 20:54:23 - Terminating application normally

Revision history for this message
Michael Lamothe (lamothe-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Hi Brian,

It seems that the xine library can't initialise the "auto" video driver. What video card do you have and what video drivers have you installed, if any? Have you used the Restricted Driver Manager in Ubuntu? See Administration->Hardware Drivers.



Revision history for this message
Brian Higgins (higgins-brian) said :

I have a nVidia GeForce 6600, and yes I am using the restricted driver for it. It is labeled "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards)".

Revision history for this message
Michael Lamothe (lamothe-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Hmmm ... time to get dirty. Please open ~/.me-tv/me-tv.config with your favourite editor and look for this text,

    add key="xine.video_driver" value="auto"

and replace it with this text,

    add key="xine.video_driver" value="xshm"

This will tell the xine library to use a different video output mechanism. Do xine (xine-ui package) or totem-xine work for you?



Revision history for this message
Brian Higgins (higgins-brian) said :


Getting closer every step. Changing the value from "auto" to "xshm" did nothing - identical response from the program. I left it at "xshm" and moved on.

I then went out and looked for xine-ui in synaptic - found it and installed it along with three other packages that it auto-selected:

libxine1 (
libxine1-ffmpeg (
libxine1-x (
xine-ui (0.99.5+cvs20070914-2)

I opened xine and tried it - unfortunately the DVD's that I tried running with it did not work (copy protection issue is my guess based on the error message), but xine did at least show the interpol warning at the beginning, which tells me the video works.

Next went back and opened me-tv again....and it opened!!! But, instantly started getting an error message that would cycle back every second or two after clearing it that appears to be related to the EPG. Terminal output is below. In between clearing the error message, I was able to hit the Auto Surf button on the toolbar, and saw some live TV on the screen from one of my local stations. Any advice on clearing the EPG error? I haven't looked it up yet and won't have time to do so for another 24 hours or so, will gladly look it up on my own and fix if it is something common.

I also did go back and put the original value in the config file back to "auto". Restarted me-tv and it still works just the same as with it on "xshm", so my theory is that one of the libraries that xine installed was needed to get past the video driver issue.

Thanks for all the help,

Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Me TV Version: 0.5.31
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Timezone: 25200
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loading glade file '/usr/local/share/me-tv/glade/'

(me-tv:12780): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_new_valist: object class `GThemedIcon' has no property named `names'

(me-tv:12780): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_themed_icon_constructed: assertion `themed->names != NULL && themed->names[0] != NULL' failed

(me-tv:12780): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_strv_length: assertion `str_array != NULL' failed
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Creating EPG file at '/home/brian/.me-tv/epg.xml'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - EPG file loaded
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KPHO DTV 5.1'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KPHO DTV 5.2'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'TBN'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'Church Channel'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'JCTV'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'Enlace'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'Smile of a Child'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KTVK'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KUTP DT\u0008\u0010'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'My Net TV'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'AZTV DT\u0008\u0010'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'AZTV 2'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'EIGHTHD'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'Create'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'World'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KBAQ'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'EIGHT'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel '[000b]'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel '[000c]'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KSAZ DT\u0008\u0010'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KTVW DT\u0008\u0010'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'Telefutura'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KPNX-DT'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'Weather\u0008'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KASW'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KASW #1'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel '[0006]'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel '[0005]'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel '[0004]'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel '[0003]'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KNXV HDTV'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Loaded channel 'KNXV Digital television'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Channel file loaded
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:48 - Using 'xine' engine
XPath error : Unfinished literal
/epg/channel[@name="KUTP D"]/event
XPath error : Invalid expression
/epg/channel[@name="KUTP D"]/event
Me TV-Message: Exception message: 'Failed to evaluate XPath expression: '/epg/channel[@name="KUTP DT\u0008\u0010"]/event''
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:26:50 - Exception in static gboolean Application::on_timer(void*): Failed to evaluate XPath expression: '/epg/channel[@name="KUTP DT\u0008\u0010"]/event'
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:27:07 - Purging remaining EPG events
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:27:07 - EPG events purged
Me TV-Message: 07/20/2008 20:27:07 - Terminating application normally

Revision history for this message
Brian Higgins (higgins-brian) said :

Also, can't help but observe the new messages right at the beginning of the output that begin with (me-tv:12780):

Do these matter?

Revision history for this message
Best Michael Lamothe (lamothe-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

You can ignore that first error (me-tv:12780), you will find that it comes and goes. If you search for it on the web it has been reported in many applications. It's something to do with a GNOME/GTK library call and does not seem to affect the application at all.

Ok, here's the thing ... Me TV's scanner is a hacked version of the scan utility in the dvb-utils package. That scanner has a few issues that Me TV has inherited and I'm not going to fix, so we have to work around the issue. In the next version of Me TV (0.6) I have written a new scanner.

It think that what's happened is that you don't have an adequate signal and the scanner has read some garbled packets resulting in garbage channel names. Basically you have 2 options, fix the reception issue and scan again or fix the channel names in the channels.conf. To fix the names in the channels.conf, open it in an editor and repair the garbled names i.e. "KUTP DT\u0008\u0010" should probably be something like "KUTP DTV". In the log, any character starting with a \u is a bad character, they may be shown differently in another editor.

Which ever option you choose, be sure to delete the ~/.me-tv/epg/xml.



Revision history for this message
Brian Higgins (higgins-brian) said :

Works great now - I went in and cleaned up channels.conf for all the weird looking characters - didn't look like \u in my text editor, more like some small box with writing in it. After doing that, it started right up.

Thanks for all the help -


Revision history for this message
Brian Higgins (higgins-brian) said :

Thanks Michael Lamothe, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
pacific0 (pacific0) said :

I'm getting the same "invalid channel record" error message, however I can't find an line that is obviously incorrect.

Here's my output from me-tv:

root@nw-europa:/# me-tv
Me TV-Message: 09/17/2008 12:36:54 - Me TV Version: 0.5.17
Me TV-Message: 09/17/2008 12:36:54 - Loading glade file '/usr/share/me-tv/glade/'
Me TV-Message: 09/17/2008 12:36:54 - Creating EPG file at '/root/.me-tv/epg.xml'
Me TV-Message: 09/17/2008 12:36:54 - EPG file loaded

(me-tv:8765): Me TV-CRITICAL **: Exception message: 'There's an invalid channel record in the channels.conf file'
Me TV-Message: 09/17/2008 12:36:54 - Exception in void Application::init(): There's an invalid channel record in the channels.conf file

It did a channel scan in-between and the channels.conf file has a lot of channels in it. Here's the contents of that file:


Any ideas?


Revision history for this message
Michael Lamothe (lamothe-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

HI Jeff,

What type of device do you have?



Revision history for this message
pacific0 (pacific0) said :

It's an AverMedia AverTVHD MCE A180.


Revision history for this message
Michael Lamothe (lamothe-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Hi Jeff,

That version did not have official support for ATSC. Please try a newer version.



Revision history for this message
pacific0 (pacific0) said :

A newer version of ME-TV or the card?


Revision history for this message
Michael Lamothe (lamothe-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Me TV ;)