How to install Mai App

Created by Wouter Bulten
install mai app

Automated installation:

The best way to install Mai App is through Mai Manager. This php-script is located in /manager/mai-manager. To run Mai Manager go to your command line and run inside the manager directory:

> php mai-manager

To install Mai, just follow the instructions on screen.

Manual installation:

To install Mai manually you must create the databases and tables yourself. This can be done through Doctrine Command Line Interface located in: /doctrine/scripts/doctrine-cli

You also have to change/create the config file in /application/config/config.ini

Example config file:

;Config file created by Mai installer.

db_user.dbtype = mysql
db_user.connection_name = mai_userdb_connection = localhost
db_user.dbname = mai_user
db_user.username = mai_user
db_user.password = password
db_base.dbtype = mysql
db_base.connection_name = mai_basedb_connection = localhost
db_base.dbname = mai_base
db_base.username = mai_base
db_base.password = password

application.development = 1
application.allow_raw_output = 1

cache.basewords.path = /cache/db
cache.basewords.filename = BaseWords
cache.basewords.varname = cache_BaseWords

cache.csv.path = /cache/csv
cache.csv.filename = csvCache
cache.csv.varname = cache_Csv