possible to use 2 instance of hellanzb?

Asked by MacAdam

Is it possible to use one hellanzb with his configuration file in etc/hellanzb.conf and another hellanzb with the conf file managed with lottanzb?

I already have one configuration for hellanzb, i'd like to launch lottanzb with another configuration without touching my 1st conf file.
So when I want to launch one configuration i just run hellanzb in terminal, and another time, when i want to use another configuration i run lottanzb in a terminal.

The 2 doesn't necessary have to be running at the same time.
That way each manage their own conf file without incidence over the other.


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LottaNZB Edit question
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Solved by:
Severin H
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Best Severin H (severinh) said :

It's possible to use multiple configuration files for different purposes.

When running LottaNZB in stand-alone mode, it always tells HellaNZB to use the configuration file managed by LottaNZB (~/.lottanzb/hellanzb.conf).

If you want to use an existing configuration file (/etc/hellanzb.conf for example) you can easily launch hellanzb by typing "hellanzb -D -c /etc/hellanzb.conf". This will launch the HellaNZB daemon, which you can control using LottaNZB's front-end mode (this one doesn't touch the HellaNZB configuration file). Currently it's not possible to switch between these to usage modes without deleting the LottaNZB configuration file ~/.lottanzb/lottanzb.xml first. But you can expect a new function for LottaNZB 0.2 which will allow you to switch between the two usage modes on-the-fly.

Revision history for this message
Severin H (severinh) said :

Here's the corresponding blueprint: http://blueprints.launchpad.net/lottanzb/+spec/ability-to-reconfigure I'm afraid we haven't started working on this yet but stay tuned!

Revision history for this message
MacAdam (sevenmog) said :

Thanks Severin Heiniger, that solved my question.