Build in Windows
- Keywords:
- windows
- Last updated by:
- Maxime Côté
* The windows build of the player only need Qt with mingw32 support integrate.
1- To build, simply open the
2- Compile it with either QtCreator or the console
3- Now to use your new compiled player you will need the dll contained in the bin folder so you just need to copy/past the LMusicPlayer.exe in this folder
* Now if you would like to use other IDE, like Visual Studio or DevC++;
- You will need to recompile taglib and install it in a folder where your IDE can find it
- Put the library files (.lib, .a) in the lib folder and Qt will find them when compiling, if you use the .pro files.
- You will also need to use your own dll from Qt to be able to use the player.
- It is also recommended to compile you own Phonon backend and to put it in the phonon_backend folder
Also feel free to send the files over for I will add them to the windows branch and it may be beneficiary to others, especially the backends