I am not able to find "visit the overview page for the series you're translating, select the Translations tab and then click Settings" for "Exporting translations"..
can any one tel me where should i find the link...
actually i wanted to link my branch with translation
Thanks in advance
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Answered
- Assignee:
- Jeroen T. Vermeulen Edit question
- Last query:
- Last reply:
- Whiteboard:
- 2009-09-04 bac: Assigned to henning for the translation details. 2009-09-09 henninge: Assigned to jtv for translation export exertise.
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#1 |
Hello. Thank you for using Launchpad.
If the instructions you are quoting are valid, then I can at least get you started.
This is the overview page for the Open ERP project's "trunk" series:
If you click on the Translations tab, you will go to this page:
If the instructions you quote are correct, then "Settings" should be on this page, if you have the necessary privileges for this project.
If this does not help, please do write back, and someone with more knowledge of this part of the application can give a more complete reply.
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#2 |
Hello Gary
Thank for the reply, It was my mistake i was not admin of the project so i could not see setting tab before. Now i can see it and i made a export branch link.
But i have few question regarding translation import and export with openerp project .
Can u pls help me.
Which steps we have done (openerp) i tell u:
1. i can see list of languages available on transaltion tab (https:/
2. we have set the Export translations to branch.
3. other settings are also done as per documenation
* Yesterday we have made changes from launchpad transltion on one langauge (fr_FR) for for e.g account module . And we expepted that that file will commit on following path ../account/
** But when i have take bzr up for my branch and i can see LP created a 'addons' module in the branch with all module available with its po files!
Why LP did not commit only that file i have changed ? is there my mistake in setting or anything else? see here with revision: 2288
1. What should be the folder name where our po files resides on module?
name of the folder must be "po" or we can give any name (i18n) ?
2. how to import templates/po files for different modules of our project we have path like this
-> module1/
I think its effiecient to tell u my problem :)
waiting for your reply
Thanks very much again,
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#3 |
Hello again,
I got answer of my two question now :
1. What should be the folder name where our po files resides on module?
name of the folder must be "po" or we can give any name (i18n) ?
Answer : It must be "po"
2. how to import templates/po files for different modules of our project we have path like this
-> module1/
Answer: on your project's translations settings page choose Import template and translation files.
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#4 |
As you know openerp (https:/
We have already imported all the launguges:
And set Export translations to branch:
Now Launchpad commit on branch (https:/
I mean: LP create one new folder name "addons" and push all module available on lp:openobject-addons with it po files.
Structure of the branch:
- module1 (account)
- i18n (folder)
- report (folder)
- wizard (folder)
- some python and xml files
- module2 (sale)
- i18n (folder)
- report (folder)
- wizard (folder)
- some python and xml files
- module3 (purchase)
- i18n (folder)
- report (folder)
- wizard (folder)
- some python and xml files
- module4 (auction)
- i18n (folder)
- report (folder)
- wizard (folder)
- some python and xml files
Now LP add one new folder "addons" with its commit (Launchpad automatic translations update).So after commit from lp structure of the addons will be:
- addons
- module1 (account)
- i18n (folder)
- module2 (sale)
- i18n (folder)
- module3 (purchase)
- i18n (folder)
- module4 (auction)
- i18n (folder)
- module1 (account)
- i18n (folder)
- report (folder)
- wizard (folder)
- some python and xml files
- module2 (sale)
- i18n (folder)
- report (folder)
- wizard (folder)
- some python and xml files
- module3 (purchase)
- i18n (folder)
- report (folder)
- wizard (folder)
- some python and xml files
- module4 (auction)
- i18n (folder)
- report (folder)
- wizard (folder)
- some python and xml files
Now you can understand LP should commit on oringinal modules. But it commits by adding new module name:addons which contains other modules and its i18n folder..
can you please tell me what is the problem to make wrong commit ? We want LP will commit in original module (for e.g module1->i18n).
Can you please help us to solve this problem ?
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#5 |
The "addons" part is definitely in the template paths as Launchpad knows them, e.g. addons/
I think what went wrong here is the transition to automatic importing from the source tree. The translation tarballs that were being uploaded previously may have had a slightly different directory structure. I recall the project moved all this into or out of a top-level directory last year, at least as seen in the translation tarballs, and this caused some trouble at the time.
Now, this _shouldn't_ cause any problems because the template paths get updated when we import templates from bzr. (Translations are exported to whatever directory their template is in). We'll need to do some more digging to find out what's going on here.
Where exactly are the templates in the bzr tree?
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#6 |
Templates files are in same folder where po files resides.
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#8 |
can any one have idea?
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#9 |
Hello jeroen,
How can i change directory structure of already uploaded on launchpad? Do you have any solution for my question?
i see bug related with my question:
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#10 |
Hi mra,
That bug is sort of related, but we deliberately avoided the problem for the bzr exports by always using the templates' paths. In this case it's possible that the templates were simply never re-imported after their paths had changed. It may be a bug where we need to update template paths in the database when template paths change in the branch, even if the template files themselves are not updated.
Right now I think you're probably in a bit of a "feedback loop": the files with the wrong paths, now that they're in the branch, get imported again. Even if the paths in the database were right before, those new imports will override them and so you've got the wrong paths again.
So the first thing to do is to break out of that loop. Temporarily, while we're working on this, I would:
1. Disable the exports to the branch.
2. Disable imports of translations. Template imports are okay; keep those enabled.
Now, go to your branch and fix up the problems:
3. "bzr remove" the translation files with the wrong paths. Commit and push the changes into the LP branch.
4. Make sure there are no Approved or Needs-Review uploads left in the queue for the release series you're working on.
At this point you've basically "reset" the situation. Now we can "restart" the whole process:
5. Edit each of the templates in the bzr branch, setting the POT-Creation-Date in each header to reflect the current time (roughly; doesn't have to be exact). Commit & push the changes.
6. The changed template files should appear as "Needs review" on the import queue, then change status to Approved, and finally—
If the template imports fail, then that may be the real problem. But I'll assume it's not the case. The re-import of the templates will ensure that the paths for the templates as we have them in the database will be updated.
At this point you've got a "clean" starting situation, with all the template paths set correctly in the database. Now you can start importing the translations again; they should have the right paths as well.
7. Re-enable full translation imports from the bzr branch.
Now before you start writing straight to your source branch, let's verify that things are indeed fixed:
8. Create a new branch. It doesn't have to contain the source code or any other translation files; basically an empty branch will do. Set it as the new translations export branch.
9. Wait for the next export to happen. Verify that the paths there are what you want them to be.
10. If things are okay, set your original branch as the translations export branch again and delete your test branch.
If not, of course, let us know!
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#11 |
Hello Jeroen,
Thanks to giving us full detail answer, We will check the above steps soon and let you inform what happen.
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#12 |
Hello jaroen,
After following above steps something goes corect with directory sturcuture, Thank you for that..But the problem is now that launchpad commited new po files with each module like this:
current structure of module:
And launchpad has added new file with same directory stucture:
same for other files also
Launchpad added/commited account/i18n/de.po
same for all files with all modules.
Note: Launchpad has to modify this files (ar_AR.po, de_DE.po...) not to add new file without underscore format (ar.po, de.po). So can you please tell us the reason why launchpad create a new file is there any good solution for it ?
And yes the second problem is that:
If our imported translations contains folder which are not available with exported branch:
imported tranlsation: https:/
Exported branch: http://
So in this case launchpad commited new addons folder on branch like:
Which is not good, So what is the problem, may be addons path of that module template file is not good so it directly commiting with adding addons folder on exported branch.
See this: http://
Can you please tell us why this happen ?
Thank you
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#13 |
The export uses the directory structure as stored with the template in the database, plus the correct language code for the translation. This is necessary because otherwise you'd end up with an irregular potpourri of different naming styles.
The language codes ar, de etc. are the correct ones. Language codes like "de_DE" mean "German but only as spoken in Germany." So e.g. a German speaker in Luxembourg or Austria would not see them. We import these as German instead, and that's how the "de"-style language codes got into it. We've got some very brief guidelines here:
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#14 |
Hello Jeroen,
Can you please help me for this bug of launchpad translation.And can you tell me why this problem happen..
Bug: https:/
We have selected export branch as lp:openobject-addons.
And some people missed their translated terms in untranslated terms..
Please help us to solve this problem!
We are waiting for your reply..
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#15 |
Hello, jeroen
We will check that issue..
Thanks for help
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#16 |
we have https:/
But we want to open "OpenObject Addons 5.0 series" when user click on LP transaltion in default...
can you please tell us how to set that "OpenObject Addons 5.0 series" as default ? we want to open this series not trunk series...
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#17 |
Hi mra,
Could you file separate questions separately? It makes it easier for us to keep track of them, but also for other users to find previous answers when they run into the same problems; and it makes it easier for us to follow up on one issue without "polluting" the page with unrelated matters.
At the moment, Translations directs people to the development branch—so the "translation focus" is the release series that you set as the development focus.
We're working on letting you set the translation focus separately from the development focus; the first of the patches is already in the codebase but I believe the actual code changes are scheduled to be written and released next month. The database patch is tracked as bug 474462; the feature as a whole is bug 422056.
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#18 |
Hello jeroen,
sorry for my mistake, i will take care next time..
actually i have posted same question two here and other with https:/
and thanks for your reply, we will wait you people to improve that translation focus on LP..Because we really need it..
its good that you will make released this problem next month (decemeber) ..
Can you help with this problem?
Provide an answer of your own, or ask Mustufa Rangwala (Open ERP) for more information if necessary.