execuse me ,I found a file named /home/prod-launchpad-vbuilders/scripts/rebuild-images.sh in https://launchpad-buildd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/how-to/developing.html. but I dont know where is it .can you help me .where is it?thanks

Asked by uniasc

execuse me ,I found a file named /home/prod-launchpad-vbuilders/scripts/rebuild-images.sh in https://launchpad-buildd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/how-to/developing.html. but I dont know where is it .can you help me .where is it?thanks

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Colin Watson
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Simone Pelosi (pelpsi) said :


To see that file you should be logged on one of our environments:

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Colin Watson (cjwatson) said :

This is only relevant or useful to Canonical staff. You don't need it.

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uniasc (uniasc) said (last edit ):

I logged into the environment you mentioned with my account, I can only see a page that shows the names of many builder machines, but I don’t know how to see this rebuild-images.sh script

lxc launch --vm ubuntu:20.04 test failed all the time in our country now.Always cut off halfway, I hope it is a temporary network problem. for the above reasons;So I planned to build an image for my own buildd for research and learning.
So after a period of web searching and research I found the script rebuild-images.sh. If there is no such script available, how can I build my own buildd image? Please help give pointers, thank you.

my email: <email address hidden>

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Best Colin Watson (cjwatson) said :

You do not have access to any relevant environment, so you can't possibly have logged into it. The script you're asking about will not be useful to you.

Our buildd image building scripts aren't currently public, but you can approximate them by taking a standard Ubuntu cloud image, adding the https://launchpad.net/~launchpad/+archive/ubuntu/buildd PPA, installing the launchpad-buildd package, and writing `RUN_NETWORK_REQUESTS_AS_ROOT=yes` to `/etc/default/launchpad-buildd`. (Definitely do this in a VM rather than on a system you care about, though.)

Revision history for this message
uniasc (uniasc) said :

OK,thank you very much.I'll try what you said.