I use MPL-2.0 as the license on my project, but only MPL-1.1 is only selectable in the license chooser. is it still valid?

Asked by Andrei Jiroh Halili

My personal dotfiles project (https://launchpad.net/ajhalili2006-dotfiles in general, especially the one mirrored from https://git.sr.ht/~ajhalili2006/dotfiles-modern) uses both MIT and MPL-2.0, but the MPL on the license selector only links to the older version 1.1. Is it fine to note it on "Other Open Source" and link the license's legalese text?

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Jürgen Gmach
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Jürgen Gmach (jugmac00) said :

> but the MPL on the license selector only links to the older version 1.1.

Where do you see this? Can you provide a screenshot?

When I try to create a new project, I can only select MPL in general without a version number.

Revision history for this message
Andrei Jiroh Halili (ajhalili2006) said :

On the link to the license information itself (below is the HTML representation via View Source):

<!-- trimmed for brevity -->
<input class="checkboxType" id="field.licenses.18" name="field.licenses" type="checkbox" value="MPL">&nbsp;Mozilla Public Licence&nbsp;<a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php" class="sprite external-link action-icon">view licence</a>

I guess this needs a version-specific selector to avoid confusion, although projects that do use an older version of MPL below than 2.0 probably need to note it on the project description.

Revision history for this message
Best Jürgen Gmach (jugmac00) said :

Ah, you refer to the little earth icon - now I you got you.

I agree we should have a version aware selection.

Could you please click on "Create a bug report" on this page?

And about your workaround, I think it is ok. Likewise it would be ok to select the MPL license, as apart from the icon, which you can only see during the creation of the project, it just says "MPL" on your project page.

Revision history for this message
Andrei Jiroh Halili (ajhalili2006) said :

While the linked Launchpad bug is in the backlog, I'll mark this question as resolved to declutter the queue.