Where to put lots of little improvement suggestions for launchpad?

Asked by Tiefflieger

As I pointed out in my previous question, I've just registered a new project on launchpad: http://edge.launchpad.net/cassiopeia . I'm a programmer myself, though I never worked with a development platform as sophisticated as launchpad is.
So I have a fresh, clean view, so to speak ;-) and as one of launchpad's main goals is simplicity, I thought about recording everything that I stumble upon. I.e. something didn't work as expected, something's not clear, something's inconsistent, ...
For example, I'd suggest that the start/ end date of a poll in a team should be editable with a time/date-picker, because the system didn't understand my european date-syntax (and I had absolutely no Idea, what format was expected).

I'm aware that some things are intentionally like they are for a certain reason I don't understand yet. For other things, I'm probably the only one who considers them troublesome. I'm not some kind of a wise guy who knows everything better than the others. Frankly I really believe that launchpad's philosophy is great (just in case you got the wrong idea), otherwise I wouldn't mind for this question right here :-)

So I have many suggestions on my mind, most of them rather small ones, some I would like to illustrate with screenshots. But where to put them?
Should I open for every single little thing that is on and will come to my mind a question / blueprint / launchpad-users-mail? Certainly I could use some kind of free hosted wiki in the web.
But first I wanted to ask, if my effort is wanted at all and if that's the case, if there's a certain way how to do it :-)

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Launchpad itself Edit question
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Solved by:
Celso Providelo
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Revision history for this message
Celso Providelo (cprov) said :

Hi there,

We prefer bugs in Launchpad to filed as so ;) I will try to explain how it works for me and you tell me if it fits what you have in mind.

 1. When I find something clearly wrong for which I'm pretty sure about the way I'd like it to be fixed:

    * I first look for similar bugs already reported in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad or go straight to the guided-bug-reporting interface (https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug);

    * If I find something that fits my request I add a comment with my specific requirements, if not I file a new bug providing the context informations I think are relevant.

  2. Sometimes I'm not sure if it's a bug or a misunderstand on my side. In this case, I open a new question (as you did) asking for guidance. These questions will eventually be transformed in bugs when appropriate.

As you mentioned sometimes we also need community supporting/discussion on specific issues, in this case, I report a question and also send send an email to launchpad-users ML asking for opinions.

That's it. Thanks for bringing this subject up as a question, I'm sure it will help other users as well.

Revision history for this message
Tiefflieger (tiefflieger) said :

Thanks a lot for your patient answer(s)!

I will try to follow your suggestions, I only have one question left: If I'm not sure if it's a bug or a misunderstand on my side, I open a question. But to this question, I can't append any files (e.g. example data or screenshots - as they say "a picture can say more than a thousand words"). Should I upload the files to some server outside of launchpad? Or should I file a bug in this case, no matter if I'm sure if it's really a bug?

Revision history for this message
Best Celso Providelo (cprov) said :

Right, attachments are not yet supported for question. Stay tunned to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-answers/+bug/77123.

I guess you can use external hosting for simple screenshots if it's easy for you, if it doesn't work for you, fine file a bug directly and attach the file.

Revision history for this message
Tiefflieger (tiefflieger) said :

Thanks Celso Providelo, that solved my question.