Account wrongly deactivated?

Asked by Matthew Revell

The owner of the account ~simonebrunozzi has asked why this account has been deactivated. Could you please take a look at why it was deactivated?

The account was previously affected by the bug that prevented people from changing the password on an account.

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Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

Without looking at the database (which I cannot) I cannot say why the account is deactivated. The problems were either the account had the wrong status, or the primary email address is not valid.

I believe using the reset password link from the login page will fix the account. The user can use his same password during the reset.

Revision history for this message
Andrea Corbellini (andrea.corbellini) said :

Curtis, thanks for your feedback.

Trying that doesn't help: +forgottenpassword says "We have sent you an email with instructions to reset your password.", but the mail isn't sent.

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Andrea Corbellini (andrea.corbellini) said :

Any news? :-)

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Steve McInerney (spm) said :


2 options here as I see it:

1. the email is going to an (obvious from uid) gmail address. check there?

2. failing 1; is it worthwhile considering that account defunct, for now.
So get the original account owner to create a new account, any name. Then place a merge request to merge the deactivated account into the new one. Such that the name of the new one inherits the old "~simonebrunozzi" name.
We get a few of these, so isn't a major problem per-se.

If that fails, we can then pull out the big sledgehammers and sql the account into shape. If necessary.

Sound workable?

- Steve

Revision history for this message
Andrea Corbellini (andrea.corbellini) said :

Steve, thanks for your feedback.

I've already tried to merge the account using a newly created one a few months ago, but no mails were sent from Launchpad to the Simone's gmail account. The account that I've used is: ~simone.brunozzi (with the dot).

Do you need any other information?

Revision history for this message
Steve McInerney (spm) said :

re-opening so I don't forget/miss it again... :-(

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Steve McInerney (spm) said :

Hey Andrea,

oki. is merged and renamed.
ie account is ~simonebrunozzi

One minor question, I note that the simone.brunozzi account was created using what appears to be an email address under your control. I'm assuming that Simone's will be re-instated and yours dropped at some point? Can you please confirm?

My assumption is that it's all very benign, but it just looks a tad suspicious to a paranoid sysadmin. ;-)

- Steve

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Andrea Corbellini (andrea.corbellini) said :

Thanks, great work!

Yes, I've registered ~simone.brunozzi so the mail it's mine. Simone is really busy so he didn't have the time to do all the work, although simple, because he has never used Launchpad before.
By the end of the week I'll remove my e-mail from his account, but I think I won't be able to do that before tomorrow because we have a lot of work to do. Thank you for your attention, I'll ping you as soon as I remove my address.

I think that this question can now be closed.

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