How can I set up translations for my project
I have a project "Peter's Backup" and two translators that are helping with translations (German and Dutch). I do not think that it merits setting up a translation team. At the moment anybody can update translations and I think that is not a good situation. Can I set translations to "restricted" and add the two people to my project? Is there a better solution? How do I do this? I created a team called "Pbackup Translators" and added one person to the team. I counld not add the other person and I could not figure how to add these people to my project so that they could update translations. Please can you give some advice and assistance.
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Answered
- Assignee:
- Jeroen T. Vermeulen Edit question
- Last query:
- Last reply:
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