Both "Swedish" and "Swedish (Finland)" listed as languages of Finland

Asked by era

I stumbled into and noticed it has a small expandable sidebar in the lower left -- above "Your browser languages" -- where I can look at "Languages in Finland" (presumably so I can quickly pick the ones I'm the most likely to be interested in, seeing as the main pane on that page is quite ghastly to navigate. Perhaps that particular usability nightmare should be reported too, but another time).

That's friendly and all, but in that particular list, "Swedish" is quite redundant, as you also list the (marginally more correct) "Swedish (Finland)".

Sorry if I'm reporting this against the wrong project, or package, or Launchpad, or whatever.

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Solved by:
Данило Шеган
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Revision history for this message
era (era) said :
Revision history for this message
era (era) said :

> presumably so I can quickly pick the ones I'm the most likely to be interested in

Silly me, there is no such functionality, it's just a static piece of text. But I digress.

Revision history for this message
Данило Шеган (danilo) said :

We usually handle these requests through answer tracker.

Revision history for this message
Best Данило Шеган (danilo) said :

The usability problem you are talking about has already been reported as bug #93637.

I've removed Swedish (Finland) from the list of languages spoken in Finland, but I've left the Swedish in. The reasons for this are as follows.

1. We disallow using unneeded variants like Swedish (Finland) for translation, because a Swedish translation should do just fine for that (which is why I removed it).
2. We don't have a clear policy on what languages should we list for a country, and have so far added any language people have asked for. I don't see any reason to remove Swedish from the list until we devise a policy.
3. There are a lot more other countries that will list many languages which are neither official nor spoken by a majority of people.

Fixing all this is planned, but it's not an urgent issue.

Revision history for this message
era (era) said :

Either of Swedish or Swedish (Finland) is fine, it's just that having them both is redundant (sort of like English and English (USA)).

I'm not committing to working on the language mappings, but I would appreciate a pointer to where I could help with that.


Revision history for this message
era (era) said :

Thanks Данило Шеган, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Christian Reis (kiko) said :

On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 06:01:11PM -0000, era wrote:
> I'm not committing to working on the language mappings, but I would
> appreciate a pointer to where I could help with that.

There's no definitive page that lists them today -- the best I could
come up with is the Languages homepage, which is at

(and not very nice as it has a broken "no title" header :-( )