Hi, I tried to upload with comand dput and I said well but I see nothing on my site. do I need authorization ? Thanks

Asked by yunn

Hi, I tried to upload with comand dput and I said well but I see nothing on my site. do I need authorization ? Thanks

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Revision history for this message
Benji York (benji) said :

I'm afraid I don't completely understand your question. What do you mean by "my site" (please provide a link).

Thank you.

Revision history for this message
yunn (yunnxx) said :

I explain better,

This is the output of comand dput in my pc:

dput ppa:yunnxx/gnome3 /<email address hidden>/gnome-shell-extensions-shutdown_3.2.0-1ubuntu1_source.changes
gpg: Firmado el lun 17 oct 2011 18:27:33 CEST usando clave RSA ID 1491AF3C
gpg: Firma correcta de «yunn Cortes (Mi clave PGP) <email address hidden>»
gpg: Firmado el lun 17 oct 2011 18:27:33 CEST usando clave RSA ID 1491AF3C
gpg: Firma correcta de «yunn Cortes (Mi clave PGP) <email address hidden>»
Checking signature on .changes
Good signature on /<email address hidden>/gnome-shell-extensions-shutdown_3.2.0-1ubuntu1_source.changes.
Checking signature on .dsc
Good signature on /<email address hidden>/gnome-shell-extensions-shutdown_3.2.0-1ubuntu1.dsc.
Uploading to ppa (via ftp to ppa.launchpad.net):
  Uploading gnome-shell-extensions-shutdown_3.2.0-1ubuntu1.dsc: done.
  Uploading gnome-shell-extensions-shutdown_3.2.0-1ubuntu1.diff.gz: done.
  Uploading gnome-shell-extensions-shutdown_3.2.0-1ubuntu1_source.changes: done.
Successfully uploaded packages.

But I'm going a my site (https://launchpad.net/~yunnxx/+archive/gnome3 ) there is nothing

Many thanks benji

Revision history for this message
Raphaël Badin (rvb) said :

See this article “Why has the package I dput-ed into my team's PPA not shown up yet?”. (https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/227)
FAQ #227: “Why has the package I dput-ed into my team's PPA not shown up yet?”.

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