The project ubuntu-small-business-server aims to ease the use of ubuntu at the SME-market. To do this we point out good techniques for the target market and do packaging to accomplish this goal. This means that a lot of work is done in other "new" projects like backportopenerp, openerpsweden and bots etc.
I believe that ubuntu-small-business-server as a project group with some of these projects as sub projects would be a better project structure that makes it easy for more people to contribute. As today a lot of work are done within the group but not on launchpad which is a waste.
a) ubuntu-small-business-server are made project group (prefered solution)
b) a new project group with the name ubuntu-small-business-server are made and the old project are renamed and put as a project in the group (not so good if users has to rejoin and there is a risk that we lost contact in the group)