Rename astronaut to astronaut-vista-server

Asked by ivaldes1

Hi, I have put in for renaming of astronaut to astronaut-vista-server so that the group astronaut can be created for the multiple projects associated with astronaut. It has been pending for many days now. Is there an Estimated Time of Arrival?

-- IV

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Revision history for this message
Leonard Richardson (leonardr) said :

What's the original question you used to file your request? I can't find any other questions on Launchpad that mention astronaut-vista-server. If I can't find your request, it's very likely that the people who fulfil these requests can't find it either.

To answer your question, these requests are batched up and fulfilled every few days. I'm designating this question as the question for the rename itself, since I can't find the original question.

Revision history for this message
Leonard Richardson (leonardr) said :

Once the astronaut project is renamed you should be able to create an 'astronaut' group yourself.

Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

The admins think someone answered the question because it was not left in open state.

Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

Only registry admins such as myself can create project groups. The admins will assign this question to me after the rename and I will create the project group.

Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

Force status to answered so that only one request to rename astronaut is visible to admins.

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ivaldes1 (ivaldes-hal-pc) said :

Great, but when can I expect the rename to occur? -- IV

Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

I cannot say, Th admins check the listing every few days.

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