Sharing confidential bugs and branches with teams

Created by Curtis Hovey
private proprietary branches bugs trusted teams sharing
Last updated by:
Curtis Hovey

Project maintainers can use the "Sharing" link on their project's front page to manage who can see confidential information. They can share one or more types of information with people to ensure a trusted group can see confidential bugs and branches.

Project's with a commercial subscription can configure the bug and branch sharing policies which include support for proprietary branches and control which information types bugs and branches can be changed to later. Non-commercial projects use the Public policy , branches or bugs are public unless they contain sensitive information.

The sharing table lists the people that the project shares with and types of information that is shared. Users that are directly subscribed to bug or branches will say that they can see "Some" kinds of an information. The "View details" link will list the specific bugs and branches that the user is subscribed too. You (or the project maintainer) can remove a user from the table (or bug/branch on the details page) to revoke all access.

We recommend that projects share all information types with their developer teams. Sharing with your organisation team will also ensure your co-workers are informed and can do their job. Avoid sharing with users because they leave projects and organisations; if a user needs access to confidential information either add the user a team that is already shared with or subscribe the user to just the bugs and branches then need to work with.