Where do I start to get this installed on my device?
- Keywords:
This is pasted out of the README.txt file included in the download archive:
# Welcome to ipt-parse a tool to manage log files created
# by custom iptables in tomato firmware.
# Original Author: Mark Vejvoda
# mark_vejvoda@
# www.soft-
# Copyleft: Do whatever you please with this code.
# This package of files contains my first attempt at
# adding support for bandwidth monitoring per IP Address
# in conjuction with the latest tomato firmware.
# There are two approaches to using this bandwidth monitor.
# Type #1 - Logfiles Configuration
# This method simply saves the output of iptables into logfiles
# at the specified interval of time that you choose. The ipt-parse
# program reads these files (parses them) and produces a summary output view.
# Type #2 - SQLITE Configuration
# This method saves the output of iptables into a SQLITE database file
# at the specified interval of time that you choose. The ipt-parse
# program reads this data from this file and produces a summary output view.
# This method has many advantages and allows for a multitude of statistical
# analysis possibilities.
# Special Note: for the two input date parameters you may use the following special
# notations:
# today (meaning use todays date)
# today-4 (meaning use todays date minus 4 days as the date)
# bw_startday=21 (meaning the 21st is the bandwidth monthly start
# date. if today > x then use current month and change day
# of month to x, if today < x use last months month and change
# day of month to x)
# Type #1 - Logfiles Configuration Installation
# Here are the steps required to setup your tomato router
# (or really ANY device or operating system that supports iptables)
# *NOTE: It is assumed that you have enough free space accessible
# to the tomato scripts (like a cifs share) for log files to be archived
# Step #1:
# In Tomato Setup goto Basic / Static DHCP
# and configure a static IP address for each client
# that you wish to monitor bandwidth for.
# Step #2:
# In Tomato Setup goto Administration / Scripts / Firewall
# and enter the following: (repeat the last two lines for each
# static IP address that you configured in the previous step)
# iptables -N traffic_in
# iptables -N traffic_out
# iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j traffic_in
# iptables -I FORWARD 2 -j traffic_out
# iptables -A traffic_in -d
# iptables -A traffic_out -s
# Step #3:
# In Tomato Setup goto Administration / Scheduler / Custom 1
# and enable the custom scheduled script (at a minimum of every hour
# or every minute if you want to ensure you don't lose much data
# if your router loses power or reboots) and select Everyday.
# Enter the following script (which periodically archives bandwidth
# usage statistics:
# cd /cifs1 #change this line to the location accessible to tomato for saving logs
# iptables -L traffic_in -vn > usagelogs/
# iptables -L traffic_out -vn > usagelogs/
# ./ipt-parse 1 today-7 today usagelogs/ traffic_in_ traffic_out_ > weeklybandwidth
# Step #4:
# Copy the attached ipt-parse binary to /cifs1 and ensure it has execute permission
# from within tomato (telnet to tomato and from the shell type: chmod 777 /cifs1/ipt-parse).
# *NOTE: the ipt-parse-ubuntu is the same program compiled
# under Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) and should be able to run from any regular linux distro.
# Now depending on how frequently you told the script to execute it will generate
# and html page in /cifs1/
# for the last 7 days.
# Type #2 - SQLITE Configuration Installation
# Here are the steps required to setup your tomato router
# (or really ANY device or operating system that supports iptables)
# *NOTE: It is assumed that you have enough free space accessible
# to the tomato scripts (like a cifs share) for the SQLITE database file
# to be saved.
# Step #1:
# In Tomato Setup goto Basic / Static DHCP
# and configure a static IP address for each client
# that you wish to monitor bandwidth for.
# Step #2:
# In Tomato Setup goto Administration / Scripts / Firewall
# and enter the following: (repeat the last two lines for each
# static IP address that you configured in the previous step)
# *NOTE: You may ask ipt-parse to create bandwidth rules using IP addresses
# that you have already configured in the Static DHCP page. To do this
# you should NOT manually enter the values'iptables xxx' entries shown below
# but instead add this line to your firewall script (assuming ipt-parse is on cifs1):
# /cifs1/ipt-parse 6
# **NOTE: If you use this way to auto configure the bandwidth monitoring rules
# then for step #3 below do not pass the additional commandline parameters ie:
# ./ipt-parse 2 BANDWIDTH
# should replace the line in step #3 that looks like:
# ./ipt-parse 2 BANDWIDTH "iptables -L traffic_all -vnx" "iptables -Z traffic_all"
# If you did not enter the line above in your firewall script you will need to
# enter the items below.
iptables -N traffic_all
iptables -I FORWARD 3 -j traffic_all
iptables -A traffic_all -d
iptables -A traffic_all -s
# Step #3:
# In Tomato Setup goto Administration / Scheduler / Custom 1
# and enable the custom scheduled script (at a minimum of every hour
# or every minute if you want to ensure you don't lose much data
# if your router loses power or reboots) and select Everyday.
# Enter the following script (which periodically archives bandwidth
# usage statistics, I have mine set to every 5 minutes)
# cd /cifs1 #change this line to the location accessible to tomato for saving logs
# ./ipt-parse 2 BANDWIDTH "iptables -L traffic_all -vnx" "iptables -Z traffic_all"
# ./ipt-parse 4 today today BANDWIDTH > dailybandwidthl
# ./ipt-parse 4 today-7 today BANDWIDTH > weeklybandwidth
# Step #4:
# Copy the attached ipt-parse and BANDWIDTH binaries to /cifs1 and ensure they
# have execute and read/write permission from within tomato (telnet to tomato
# and from the shell type: chmod 777 /cifs1/ipt-parse)
# *NOTE: the ipt-parse-ubuntu is the same program compiled
# under Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) and should be able to run from any regular linux distro.
# Notice that BANDWIDTH is a standard sqlite database that may be queried using
# the standard sqlite3 binary from any platform (we have attached one for
# both tomato and Ubuntu 9.04).
# Now depending on how frequently you told the script to execute it will generate
# and html page in /cifs1/
# for the last 7 days.
# General Notes:
# To query using up to the minute intervals (if you are recording stats that frequently)
# you may pass dates with times to produce a more finite data report like this:
# ./ipt-parse 3 "20090511 22:15" "20090512 01:45" BANDWIDTH
# ***NOTICE: the format MUST be exactly as above, with a space between date and time portion)
# If you have existing iptables logfiles, and it is assumed their values are stored
# in the format:
# iptables -L traffic_out -vn
# then you may import these logfiles into a sqlite database using this commandline:
# ./ipt-parse 0 20090401 20090501 usagelogs/ traffic_in_ traffic_out_ flags=import=
# where all parameters are the same as if you were generating a statistical
# output for a given date range with the addition of the following parameter:
# flags=import=
# where BANDWIDTH is the path and location fo the sqlite database to import into.
# It should be safe to run multiple times (Even for the same date range) because
# there are validations to ensure that the same data does not get imported more than once.
# It is possible to shrink the size of the database IF, and ONLY IF you are willing to
# remove granularity by time for a specific date range (for example for and old
# date range where you really don't care what happened throughout the day)
# To shrink the database for a range of dates (compress intra-day values into
# daily values) use this syntax:
# ./ipt-parse 5 20090301 20090510 ~/Code/
# The commandline above will scan all data between March 1st, 2009 - May 10, 2009
# and summarize ststs daily, then delete old records for that date range and insert
# the new daily summarized values, and resize the database.
# If you want to see additional host information you may add the optional commandline parameter:
# flags=morehostinfo
# For CONSOLE output it will append extra host infomation to the IP Address field,
# while for HTML output it will turn the IP Address fields into links with pop-up hints
# showing the additional host information for each IP Address. For example you
# can generate using a SQLITE database with extra host info as follows:
# ./ipt-parse 4 today today BANDWIDTH flags=morehostinfo > dailybandwidthl
# HOW TO Modify the Tomato UI and add new content:
# Add the following line to the firewall rules, if you want to make use of the
# modified UI attached with this package:
# ./SetupUI.sh > SetupUI.log
# You will need to copy the folder tomato_
# file SetupUI.sh to /cifs1/ and possibly edit the contents to suit your paths etc.
# You'll also need to ensure it has execute access by executing (from tomato shell)
# chmod 777 /cifs1/SetupUI.sh
# Eventually I will look at creating my own firmware mod with these items more fully
# integrated into tomato unless somebody else beats me to it first.