text on path

Asked by Calbocano

I am a long time Corel User and am trying to change to Ubuntu Linux 7.10 . Every thing that I have tried fit to a Path it looks about the same as corel where you select the text then the object, both a circle and a S line, but no success. I have tried selecting the text then the object a circle. then I have selected the corcle then the text. No good eather way. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong. I tried Shift control C , but that has no effect also.

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Solved by:
Bryce Harrington
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Best Bryce Harrington (bryce) said :

Hi Calbocano,

I may not be understanding the question, but here's how I do it:

1. Draw circle, and create a text object
2. Select both
3. Text -> Put on Path

I am doing this with the development version of Inkscape, which will be released as 0.46. I don't remember if it works exactly this way on 0.45.1, though. Possibly you need to convert the Circle to a Path object first, via Path -> Object to Path, but I don't think so.

However, it sounds like you've already done all of these, so perhaps I don't understand what the issue you're encountering is - could you explain in more detail?

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Calbocano (mgeradg) said :

The problem was that in Corel you select one then the other. Here you select both! Wonderfully simple! moving the text is a factor of using the triangles in the menue area and the corners of the selected text. Great help When I sent the question it was late and to find out it was so simple gives me much joy.

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LuM (lumurphy15) said :

How do you select both? I have used Corel so maybe that's what's confusing me.

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darmom (dmomrow) said :

One problem I ran into was that I clicked on Path -> Object to Path, which converted my text into a path. Once this was done I could not use the Text -> Put on Path command because I no longer had text.