L'imprimante Color Laserjet n'imprime pas convenablement
I think, I set up correctly.
I check the parallel port (ECP mode)
The best I got is some pages with bizarr characters out of my printer.
Please find hereunder the log file (hp-check -t)
Thank's in advance for help.
Je pense avoir suivi convenablement l'installation de HPLIP.
J'ai vérifié le port parallèle dans le bios (mode ECP).
Mais au final, je n'arrive pas à imprimer avec mon imprimante HP Color Laserjet 4500.
Au "mieux", l'imprimante a imprimé des feuilles avec n'importe quoi dessus.
Voici le log du hp-check -t
Merci d'avance pour un support.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
Initializing. Please wait...
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Release: 7.10
l’ordonnanceur tourne
Linux dev 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :---------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| SYSTEM INFO |
hp-check[6417]: info: :---------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Basic system information:
hp-check[6417]: info: :Linux dev 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Distribution:
hp-check[6417]: info: :ubuntu 7.10
hp-check[6417]: info: :
HPOJ running?
hp-check[6417]: info: :No, HPOJ is not running (OK).
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking Python version...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, version 2.5.1 installed
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking PyQt version...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, version 3.17 installed.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking SIP version...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, Version 4.7 installed
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for CUPS...
hp-check[6417]: info: :Status: l’ordonnanceur tourne
hp-check[6417]: info: :Version: 1.3.2
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for Reportlab...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, version >= 2.0
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :----------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| DEPENDENCIES |
hp-check[6417]: info: :----------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: cups - Common Unix Printing System...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: cups-devel- Common Unix Printing System development files...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: gcc - GNU Project C and C++ Compiler...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: GhostScript - PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptographic library...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libjpeg - JPEG library...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libnetsnmp-devel - SNMP networking library development files...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libpthread - POSIX threads library...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libtool - Library building support services...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libusb - USB library...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: PIL - Python Imaging Library (required for commandline scanning with hp-scan)...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: ppdev - Parallel port support kernel module....
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: PyQt - Qt interface for Python...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: python-devel - Python development files...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: Python 2.3 or greater - Required for fax functionality...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: Python 2.2 or greater - Python programming language...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: Reportlab - PDF library for Python...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: SANE - Scanning library...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: SANE - Scanning library development files...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: scanimage - Shell scanning program...
warning: NOT FOUND! This is an OPTIONAL dependency. Some HPLIP functionality may not function properly.
hp-check[6417]: info: :To install this dependency, execute this command:
hp-check[6417]: info: :sudo apt-get install --yes --force-yes libsane
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: xsane - Graphical scanner frontend for SANE...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| HPLIP INSTALLATION |
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Currently installed HPLIP version...
hp-check[6417]: info: :HPLIP 2.7.10 currently installed in '/usr/[
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Current contents of '/etc/hp/
hp-check[6417]: info: :# hplip.conf. Generated from hplip.conf.in by configure.
# Note: hpssd does not support dynamic ports
# Port 2207 is the IANA assigned port for hpssd
# Following values are determined at configure time and cannot be changed.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| INSTALLED PRINTERS |
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
warning: No queues found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| SANE CONFIGURATION |
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :'hpaio' in '/etc/sane.
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found. SANE backend 'hpaio' is properly set up.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking output of 'scanimage -L'...
error: scanimage not found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| PYTHON EXTENSIONS |
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking 'cupsext' CUPS extension...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking 'pcardext' Photocard extension...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking 'hpmudext' I/O extension.
Initializing. Please wait...
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Release: 7.10
l’ordonnanceur tourne
Linux dev 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :---------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| SYSTEM INFO |
hp-check[6417]: info: :---------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Basic system information:
hp-check[6417]: info: :Linux dev 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Distribution:
hp-check[6417]: info: :ubuntu 7.10
hp-check[6417]: info: :
HPOJ running?
hp-check[6417]: info: :No, HPOJ is not running (OK).
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking Python version...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, version 2.5.1 installed
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking PyQt version...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, version 3.17 installed.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking SIP version...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, Version 4.7 installed
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for CUPS...
hp-check[6417]: info: :Status: l’ordonnanceur tourne
hp-check[6417]: info: :Version: 1.3.2
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for Reportlab...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, version >= 2.0
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :----------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| DEPENDENCIES |
hp-check[6417]: info: :----------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: cups - Common Unix Printing System...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: cups-devel- Common Unix Printing System development files...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: gcc - GNU Project C and C++ Compiler...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: GhostScript - PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptographic library...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libjpeg - JPEG library...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libnetsnmp-devel - SNMP networking library development files...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libpthread - POSIX threads library...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libtool - Library building support services...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: libusb - USB library...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: PIL - Python Imaging Library (required for commandline scanning with hp-scan)...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: ppdev - Parallel port support kernel module....
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: PyQt - Qt interface for Python...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: python-devel - Python development files...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: Python 2.3 or greater - Required for fax functionality...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: Python 2.2 or greater - Python programming language...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: Reportlab - PDF library for Python...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: SANE - Scanning library...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: SANE - Scanning library development files...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: scanimage - Shell scanning program...
warning: NOT FOUND! This is an OPTIONAL dependency. Some HPLIP functionality may not function properly.
hp-check[6417]: info: :To install this dependency, execute this command:
hp-check[6417]: info: :sudo apt-get install --yes --force-yes libsane
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for dependency: xsane - Graphical scanner frontend for SANE...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| HPLIP INSTALLATION |
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Currently installed HPLIP version...
hp-check[6417]: info: :HPLIP 2.7.10 currently installed in '/usr/[
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Current contents of '/etc/hp/
hp-check[6417]: info: :# hplip.conf. Generated from hplip.conf.in by configure.
# Note: hpssd does not support dynamic ports
# Port 2207 is the IANA assigned port for hpssd
# Following values are determined at configure time and cannot be changed.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| INSTALLED PRINTERS |
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
warning: No queues found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| SANE CONFIGURATION |
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :'hpaio' in '/etc/sane.
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found. SANE backend 'hpaio' is properly set up.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking output of 'scanimage -L'...
error: scanimage not found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| PYTHON EXTENSIONS |
hp-check[6417]: info: :------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking 'cupsext' CUPS extension...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking 'pcardext' Photocard extension...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking 'hpmudext' I/O extension...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking 'scanext' SANE scanning extension...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :-----------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| USB I/O SETUP |
hp-check[6417]: info: :-----------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for permissions of USB attached printers...
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :-----------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| SUMMARY |
hp-check[6417]: info: :-----------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
error: 1 error or warning.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Summary of needed commands to run to satisfy missing dependencies:
hp-check[6417]: info: :sudo apt-get install --yes --force-yes libsane
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Please refer to the installation instructions at:
hp-check[6417]: info: :http://
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking 'scanext' SANE scanning extension...
hp-check[6417]: info: :OK, found.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :-----------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| USB I/O SETUP |
hp-check[6417]: info: :-----------------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Checking for permissions of USB attached printers...
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :-----------
hp-check[6417]: info: :| SUMMARY |
hp-check[6417]: info: :-----------
hp-check[6417]: info: :
error: 1 error or warning.
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Summary of needed commands to run to satisfy missing dependencies:
hp-check[6417]: info: :sudo apt-get install --yes --force-yes libsane
hp-check[6417]: info: :
hp-check[6417]: info: :Please refer to the installation instructions at:
hp-check[6417]: info: :http://
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Answered
- For:
- HPLIP Edit question
- Assignee:
- No assignee Edit question
- Last query:
- Last reply:
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