How to change font sizes

Asked by WindyH

How can I change the font size. My eyes are old and I need a little larger font?

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English Edit question
Gourmet Edit question
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Solved by:
Bernhard Reiter
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Revision history for this message
Bernhard Reiter (ockham-razor) said :

We cover this in item 12 of our in-program help (but I have to admit that I haven't tried it myself):

12. How can I change the font size? On my high resolution display, I can hardly read the text that is being displayed.

Within a Gnome environment, Gourmet respects the desktop-wide preferences. On Windows, you can download a program that lets you tweak GTK+ settings and change the font size. It's called "Change GTK2 Appearance" and can be found at

Revision history for this message
Bernhard Reiter (ockham-razor) said :
Revision history for this message
WindyH (whedding) said :

I forgot to tell you that I use the newest Ubuntu linux. Will this
program load up in ubnutu?
Thanks, Windy

On 7/12/2014 2:26 PM, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Your question #251576 on Gourmet changed:
> Bernhard Reiter posted a new comment:
> ( The download location for that Windows program is
> )

Revision history for this message
Alan Jackson (alan-ajackson) said :

I recently installed it on a new, clean Ubuntu 14.04 and it works just fine.

Revision history for this message
Best Bernhard Reiter (ockham-razor) said :

Oh, sounds like there's been some confusion. I believe WindyH was asking if the "Change GTK2 Appearance" program I had mentioned was available for Ubuntu, while Alan Jackson probably meant Gourmet being available for Ubuntu.

Anyway, as far as I know, changing Gourmet's font size under recent versions of Ubuntu is only possibly by changing the global system font size. This can be done by installing (from the Software Center) and running the "unity-tweak-tool" program, where under "Appearance", there's an item named "Fonts". From there, you can change the default font size (among other things).

This is illustrated at

Revision history for this message
WindyH (whedding) said :

unfortunatly an error message says that I am not authorized to download the program.. thanks anyway.