Questions for The GNU Project

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 556898 Ubuntu 16.04 error binding socket 2017-03-12 23:19:07 UTC Jim Genovese GnuPG Solved
Answered 129638 Downloaded Ubuntu alongside Windows Vista 2010-10-15 16:51:14 UTC David Palermo grub Answered
Solved 118701 which device was grub originally installed to (on a lemur) 2010-07-23 10:27:29 UTC Marlon Nelson grub Solved
Solved 92949 Kernel panic - Grub is not loading kernel 2009-12-05 18:21:17 UTC glavkos grub Solved
Solved 92158 The skinny on how to merge photos in GIMP 2009-11-29 16:57:51 UTC Georges Rodier The Gimp Solved
Answered 85524 Why does my grub automatically go into "Rescue mode"? 2009-10-12 01:40:14 UTC Hans L grub Answered
Solved 81649 How to get to the GRUB2 menu 2009-09-01 23:20:16 UTC komputes grub Solved
Solved 78217 GPG spams output using "--no-verbose --quiet --batch" when decrypting email with Mutt 2009-07-26 22:26:04 UTC Ricardo GnuPG Solved
Solved 76051 bc has a bug i think ?! 2009-07-04 02:04:16 UTC Habib Tamala bc Solved
Solved 74959 How do I install Gimp brushes? 2009-06-22 05:30:26 UTC Schingiuire The Gimp Solved
Solved 72698 How do I get the delete key to work in nano? 2009-05-30 02:45:58 UTC lw nano Solved
Solved 60190 Trouble installing gnumed in ubuntu intrepid 2009-02-07 08:09:35 UTC OrthoDoc GNUmed Solved
Solved 47585 %42 appears on place of %s 2008-10-09 23:16:26 UTC dinar qurbanov gettext Solved
Answered 46567 grub ignores esc, boots windows immediately 2008-09-28 13:46:37 UTC rekado grub Answered
Solved 34667 Gimp stops loading with xsane 2008-05-30 05:45:35 UTC Victor Wedge The Gimp Solved
Solved 26065 How do I restore grub? 2008-03-01 21:36:42 UTC bp grub Solved
Solved 24095 GRUB bug tracker should be linked to Savannah 2008-02-07 12:22:36 UTC Hendy Irawan grub Solved
Solved 19057 nanorc color limitations 2007-11-30 21:04:46 UTC Tiago Silva nano Solved
Solved 11349 Grub Fails to Install to /Target/ 2007-08-11 18:38:12 UTC 0graham0 grub Solved
Solved 5309 what is /proc/kcore file for? 2007-04-21 05:34:54 UTC SebastianIvan coreutils Solved
Solved 4937 Have the default options in grep changed in Feisty Fawn? 2007-04-12 17:44:59 UTC David Bott grep Solved
121 of 21 results