What is the process to suggest better translation ?

Asked by PerfectCarl


I'm playing with luna in French now (I'm a native speaker) and I can't help to notice less than perfect translations (mostly the labels are way to verbose).

What is the process to improve that, now that I would have to suggest many improvements ?
Should I submit a translation file to launchpad ?
Open a ticket somewhere ? One by application ?


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xapantu (xapantu) said :


You can join this team: https://launchpad.net/~elementary-l10n-fr and
send an email in the mailing list, I think it is the place where you'll
get more answers.

All translatable projects are there:
https://translations.launchpad.net/elementary You can change the
translations, and they will be updated in the OS (a delay is needed, ~ 2
days, a bit more if there is a problem with the project's build).

En tout cas, merci pour l'intérêt que tu portes à ce projet, cela fait
vraiment plaisir de voir que des gens s'intéressent à ces facettes du
système. J'avoue ne pas avoir récemment testé d'image d'eOS en français,
mais je me souviens qu'il y avait effectivement des problèmes de
verbosités trop importante, qui décalaient les menus où les boutons.
Surtout dans Marlin (maintenant Pantheon Files), mais sûrement ailleurs
Il ne faut pas hésiter à s'éloigner un peu du texte en anglais, du
moment que l'information donnée à l'utilisateur est la même.



Revision history for this message
PerfectCarl (name-is-carl) said :

Thanks Lucas for your kind message.

I'm with you with the necessity to stray away from literal translation for the sake of brevity.
And impact.

I came across guidelines somewhere about terms and wording used in Elementary.

Do you if there is a way to compile the translated files directly on my computer so I can proofread the translation and see if that fits UI ?


Revision history for this message
Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff (shnatsel) said :

Probably the best way to do local testing is http://me.abelcheung.org/2007/07/03/how-to-test-gettext-translation/
Or maybe exporting TEXTDOMAINDIR="/$HOME/.local/share/locale/zh_HK:zh_HK" would work better.

Compiling is done with "msgfmt text-file.po > compiled-file.mo"