Как в DC++ исключить одного пользователя из поиска по нику?

Asked by Lebedev

Сегодня nestlesux админ с perfection в приказном порядке сказал, чтобы с него не скачивались списки файлов. Как я могу настроить ваше программное обеспечение так, чтобы человека с ником nestlesux ваша программа при поиске файлов обходила стороной. (У nestlesux 3 хаба, на одном у него список файлов в 2 терабайта, на другом в 189 байт. И ваш поисковик постоянно скачивает у nestlesux список файлов с perfection где у него 189 байт и не видит списка на THE CAPS PALACE).

Просьба пояснить как настроить чтобы поисковик в DC++ игнорировал nestlesux или объяснить nestlesux, что тут моей вины нету т.к. я только пользователь вашего программного обеспечения, а не разработчик.

Версия программы DC++ 0.791

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eMTee (realprogger) said :

eMTee suggests this article as an answer to your question:
FAQ #68: “Only ask questions in English!”.

Revision history for this message
Lebedev (lebedev-alek) said :

That is, you are against the people of the Russian Federation?

Since the such a transfer you do not understand:

Today nestlesux admin to perfection in an order said to him to not download file lists. How can I configure your software so that the man with the nickname nestlesux your program when searching for files to get round. (V 3 nestlesux hub, one for a list of files to 2 terabytes, the other in 189 bytes. And your search engine continually download a list of files with nestlesux perfection where he has 189 bytes and can not see the list on THE CAPS PALACE).

Please explain how to customize the search engine to a DC + + nestlesux ignored or explained nestlesux, what's my fault because no I'm just a user of your software, not the developer.

Version of the program DC + + 0.791

Revision history for this message
Lebedev (lebedev-alek) said :

[15:32] <nestlesux> stop download my filelist from Perfection. I have nothing shared there.
[15:32] <nestlesux> you keep downloading it over and over, stop it.
[15:33] <Lebedev30> Version 0.971 does not see your list on THE CAPS PALACE
[15:33] <Lebedev30> 0.791
[15:33] <nestlesux> stop it or I will kick you from Perfextion
[15:37] <Lebedev30> try to do something. Here wines DC + + developer.
[15:38] <nestlesux> I will do something. I will boot you.
[15:39] <Lebedev30> In search of how to resolve this issue.
[15:40] <Lebedev30> or even to search for perfection can not be used.
[15:41] <Lebedev30> or return to an older version of DC + +.



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Launchpad Janitor (janitor) said :

This question was expired because it remained in the 'Open' state without activity for the last 15 days.