How do I use Cardapio with only the keyboard?

Created by Thiago Teixeira
Last updated by:
Thiago Teixeira

Typical use-case: Searching

1) Press Super+Space to show Cardapio
2) Type a search query

  a) If the top result is what you were looking for
     i) just press Enter -- this will launch the top result

  b) If the top result is *not* what you were looking for:
     i) Press Tab to select the results pane
     ii) Use the arrow keys
     iii) Press Enter on the result you want to launch

  c) If no result is useful
     i) Press Esc to clear the search query
     ii) go back to step (2)

To hide Cardapio, press Esc again (or Super+Space)


Browsing different Categories

1) Open Cardapio with Super+Space
2) Press the Down arrow key until you reach the category you want
3) Press Enter to select that category


The magical Esc key!

The Esc key is context-sensitive, and so it serves different purposes depending on the state of the widgets in Cardapio:

1) If there is some text in the search box:
   - Esc clears the text

2) If there is no text in the search box, but a category is selected:
   - Esc deselects the category

3) If there is no text in the search box, and no category is selected:
   - Esc hides Cardapio

(Esc also has other uses, such as when browsing subfolders, but advanced features of Cardapio are out of the scope of this page)


See also

Browsing subfolders with Cardapio: