Extremely long commit times

Asked by TheCraiggers

I've been using Bazaar to keep roughly 300 megs of text and binary files in sync across some computers. I chose bazaar because I have some non-techie friends that I'm distributing this to and it was easy to script some batch files for them to use. I'm using FTP to upload and download, and I usually get 800KBs down / 100KBs up on my connection.

Anyway, after a few commits, I've noticed the time to commit rising exponentially. The first load took a few minutes, which is understandable. The next few were short. Now, on revision 5, it's taking hours to commit a couple megabytes worth of adds. And/or stalling. I tried to retry it this morning (using the GUI) before leaving for work, and left it going all day. When I returned 8 hours later, it was sitting at 80%, and I saw zero network traffic in Task Manager.

I did do some uncommits the other day, and I worry that might have borked something up between the uncommits and the few times I killed the process and broke locks thinking it was dead.

I attempted to do a local commit, and it is done within a couple seconds. I was hoping this would speed up the remote commit to my webserver, but it doesn't seem to.

I'm just wondering if this is extremely unusual behavior because of the amount of data I'm working with, or if I have a corrupted index or something that actually is stopping my commit.

Thanks in advance for your help or advice.

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Solved by:
John A Meinel
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Revision history for this message
TheCraiggers (bungree) said :

EDIT: I've been watching it go for a couple hours now on the command line while monitoring the network usage. It was downloading *something* for about 2 hours, and now it has started to upload. I'm not sure what it was downloading, as it seems that the data can't be that large, and I didn't notice the .bzr directory increasing in size.

The status on the command line hasn't changed for quite some time.

Is it just that I don't know how Bazaar operates?

Revision history for this message
TheCraiggers (bungree) said :

OK, sorry for the multiple posts on this issue.

It uploaded for maybe 5 minutes tops after the downloading I mentioned above stopped. And just a few seconds ago all network activity from bzr.exe has ceased. Still no update on the command line, no activity in the Task manager; it looks like the program has stalled again.

I'm starting to become convinced I'm having a problem and not just having high expectations.

Revision history for this message
Best John A Meinel (jameinel) said :

Hash: SHA1

TheCraiggers wrote:
> Question #98800 on Bazaar changed:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/98800
> TheCraiggers gave more information on the question:
> OK, sorry for the multiple posts on this issue.
> It uploaded for maybe 5 minutes tops after the downloading I mentioned
> above stopped. And just a few seconds ago all network activity from
> bzr.exe has ceased. Still no update on the command line, no activity in
> the Task manager; it looks like the program has stalled again.
> I'm starting to become convinced I'm having a problem and not just
> having high expectations.

I'd mention that bzr over ftp is pretty inefficient. We don't support
partial reads of a file, which means that when you have a 100M file and
want to get just 1M of it, we will read the whole 100MB.

If you can use sftp, or even bzr+ssh, I think you'll see much better


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Revision history for this message
TheCraiggers (bungree) said :

Thanks John A Meinel, that solved my question.