
why does awn use the pidgin helper from docky when docky is running also?

Asked by justme

i have the simple awn pidgin plug-in but it uses the same icon for away, busy or invisible. i noticed that when i have docky running at the same time as awn that my awn pidgin icon uses the docky pidgin helper and so has the different icons for busy etc. this might be so because i changed the pidgin helper script for docky in /usr/share/dockmanager/scripts/ . also with this script running on my awn pidgin i can change the status with a right click on the icon. which i cant with the simple awn plug-in.
now why cant this docky helper work on awn without docky running at the same time? or will you ever change the awm plug-in to work accordingly? i find it much better to be able to change my status with right click on icon and have different icon for busy status. can you help me fix this?

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Awn Edit question
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Solved by:
Michal Hruby
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Best Michal Hruby (mhr3) said :

Both Awn and Docky implement the Dockmanager specification which allows application (or a "helper") to add menu items, labels etc to the icons in the dock. The specification doesn't deal with having multiple Dockmanager-enabled applications running therefore the helpers might switch from one app to the other when multiple are running.

And of course you don't need Docky running to have the helpers available in Awn, just install dockmanager-daemon package and restart Awn. Once it's installed you can enable/disable helpers in "Awn Settings" -> Taskmanager -> Helpers.

Revision history for this message
justme (isa-uni) said :

Thanks Michal Hruby, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
justme (isa-uni) said :

yes, thank you, i dunno why i didnt see the helpers button in the taskmanager menu. this worked just fine.